The Rev. David Lynch; Rector; Episcopal Church of the Resurrection; Blue Springs, MO
From the Rector . . .                         April 8, 2016

Fr. David Lynch _
Fr. David Lynch
As we live into Easter, our namesake parish "Resurrection" says it all. 
When Jesus left the tomb, it marked a new era for the followers of the "Way".  It is no longer a time to live in fear of death or the wages of sin, because it is a time to be reminded that Jesus the Christ came to bring us a new perspective on life.
This new era continues to pervade our Christian culture even greater than two thousand years after the resurrection event.  We do not have a crystal ball for the future, but through our faith we know what Christ has promised to all who believe.  The progress of scientific explanations for life in its origin and after its transformation remains as theoretical as it was from the beginning of reason.   Which means our faith continues to be stronger than reason.
God remains active in us through the power of the Holy Spirit which has been given to us through Jesus Christ.  We celebrate Easter officially for fifty glorious days, but we never stop celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus.
What does our parish name mean to us?  What does our parish represent in the midst of our communities where we serve God?  I hope to challenge us to renew our missions to serve Christ as Resurrection Church.  We are blessed with so much, and how we use what we have been blessed with, becomes our legacy for the church as a whole and the greater communities we serve. 
Consider becoming part of one of our many outreach programs.  Have an idea for other outreach initiatives?  Help us to dream our call to follow Christ by living into his Resurrection.  Have a chat with a vestry member, and certainly have a chat with me about your ideas.
Christ is Risen!  The Lord is Risen indeed!

Fr. David