TTouch for You and Your Horse  
with TTouch Founder 
Linda Tellington-Jones 
Damascus, Maryland

Evening demonstration, May 19, 7:00-9:00pm 
Three-day clinic, May 20 - 22, 2016

These clinics can count towards certification as a practitioner of TTouch for horses (TTEAM). Four three-day clinics are permitted to replace two six-day clinics in the
Practitioner certification program.
NCBTMB members earn CE's.


You'll find still more clinics in the TTouch calendar.  

Tellington TTouch® Training for a Mare Nervous Under Saddle
Tellington TTouch® Training for 
a Mare Nervous Under Saddle

A message from
Linda Tellington-Jones


"I'm often asked how I can be so passionate about teaching after so many years. The answer is simple!  With this work a deep trust and mutual appreciation develops between horse and rider. And it can happen in one session! It's what keeps me an inspired 'Ambassador for Horses'.


"Watch the video to see how Epilogue shifted in a matter of minutes with the influence of our Balance Rein and Promise Wrap. Riders often achieve changes in attitude and rhythm that have eluded them for months with traditional training.


"With the Tellington Method you create your dream horse - with desired behavior, performance and relationship - by holding the image of how you want your horse to be.


"Join me for inspired learning and deep listening to your horse. Learn how to change your mind so you can change your horse.





Evening Demonstr a tion , May 19, 7:00 - 9:00

Great Strides, 26771 Howard Chapel Dr. Damascus, MD 


The demo fee is to be paid directly to Great Strides. Registration link is on the Great Strides Spring Calendar. 

Before April 6, $38.00.
April 7 through May 18, $43.00
May 19 and at the door, $48.00

For full clinic participants the demo on May 19 is free.

TTouch for You and Your Horse

Three-day clinic, May 20-22

This training is appropriate for those wanting skills to work with their own horses, and also for those intending to become TTEAM Practitioners for Horses. Learn more about what to expect at a training.

T uition: $575.00. Early bird $495.00 for full payment before March 25, 2016.
Registration information below.


The clinic venue is 
in Damascus, Maryland.
Great Strides describes itself as "Promoting Emotional Healing and Growth in Partnership with Horses" - a perfect place to work with TTouch, which gives us the opportunity to give something back to these horses who give so much for us. 

The farm is just outside Washington, DCYou might consider making a holiday of it and seeing some of those Washington sights you haven't had the opportunity to visit such as  The Smithsonian Institution . It' s the world's largest museum and research complex and is, as it says of itself, "seriously amazing."


regReserve Your Space Today!

Information concerning  registration, directions, accommodation, etc. about the clinic can be found in the logistics sheet.
If you would like to find out more, or register, please  email the TTouch Office, call 800-854-8326, Mountain Time, or  register for this training .

Questions? Please feel free to contact the TTouch office if you have questions about what Linda will be teaching. Perhaps you have a special request. If this is your first session, you may have questions about what to expect. Do get in touch.

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