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 Hilchos Tefilla 114 (page 284)
 מסעיף ז עד סעיף ט

Getting Accustomed to an Insertion
When in Doubt About an Insertion - When to Repeat
When in Doubt About an Insertion - When Not to Repeat

Getting accustomed to an insertion
After changes are made in Shemoneh Esrei, such as from morid hageshem to morid hatal, people sometimes question whether or not they said the proper words. Until the passage of thirty days or ninety tefillos, whichever comes first, it is assumed that a person said what they were recently accustomed to saying. Once this time has passed, a person has had a chance to grow accustomed to the new phrasing, and it is assumed ( chazakah) that the correct words were said. Someone who serves as chazan during this time can count the chazan's repetition towards the ninety times. In cases where a person knows that he skipped one tefilla or an entire day's tefillos, or omitted the correct phrase during davening, the poskim discuss whether he must restart the day/ tefilla count or just make up the missing tefilla.
( סעיף ח וס"ק לו-לז; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 38-39)

When in doubt about an insertion - when to repeat
If someone is in doubt about whether he inserted morid hatal or omitted morid hageshem when he was supposed to, he should repeat the tefilla if the span of ninety tefillos since the change has not yet passed. Once he recited ninety tefillos correctly, it is assumed that he davened according to his new habit even if fewer than thirty days have passed. Regarding v'sein tal umatar and v'sein beracha in Birkas Hashanim, it is assumed that a person davened according to his old habit if thirty days have not yet passed.  After thirty days, he is assumed to have become accustomed to the new phrasing, even though fewer than ninety tefillos (because Birkas Hashanim is not recited on Shabbos) were recited.
( סעיף ח וס"ק לה ו־לז; וראה ביה"ל ד"ה עד)
When in doubt about an insertion - when not to repeat
Someone who planned to recite a mandatory insertion (e.g. v'sein tal umatar, ya'aleh v'yavo on Rosh Chodesh day) but is unsure whether he included it does not repeat Shemoneh Esrei unless the question arose during the tefilla or immediately afterwards. If the question arose a while after davening, it is assumed that he recited the proper tefilla and he does not need to repeat it. If a person is doubt as to whether he included a special segment of davening, and a child standing next to him when he davened claims that he heard the man say the correct words, the child can be trusted. Although children are not qualified as witnesses and are generally not trusted, this information is considered a 'revelation' of fact, for which a child's testimony is acceptable.
( ס"ק לח; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 42; וראה שם, 43 ו־46)

  • During the winter months, someone who said morid hatal [with or without the words mashiv haruach] has fulfilled his obligation.
  • Someone who neglected to say morid hageshem or ya'aleh v'yavo and realized the omission after reciting baruch atah Hashem at the conclusion of the beracha (but before completing the beracha) should continue with lamdeini chukecha-and thereby recite a pasuk in Tehillim instead of completing the beracha. He should then return to the omitted words and continue davening from that point.
  • Someone who completed the beracha without the words morid hageshem can insert the missing phrase before beginning Atah Kodosh (preferably within kdei dibbur of mechaye hameisim).


  • Habituating oneself to changes in tefilla

  • Ninety tefillos or ninety repetitions

  • Why atah chonantanu (Havdalah) is recited in Atah Chonein



PLEASE NOTE:  The information in this email is for learning purposes only. Please review the Mishna Berura and Biurim U'Musafim before making a halachic decision. Hebrew words are occasionally transliterated to enable a smoother reading of the text. Common Ashkenazi pronunciation is generally used in these cases.