A weekly newsletter about letting the workplace speak
Issue 16/Volume 3                www.VisualWorkplace.com                  April 20, 2016
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Visual Thinking Inc.

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Visual Thinking Seminar and Site Assessment
Albuquerque, NM
April 26-27
Registration Closed

Lean Management Journal European Conference
Panel Participant & Keynote Speaker
London, UK  
May 11-12
Visual Thinking Seminar and Site Assessment 
Galway, Ireland 
May 17-18

Visual Thinking Seminar and Site Assessment 
Querétaro, Mexico 
October 20-21 & 24-25 
Product News
Now only $4980 (or $415/mo) get your
Work That Makes Sense
without waiting for corporate authorization.
Thought for the Week
--Visual builds the details of work into the physical environment and thereby improves adherence, enabling people to work precisely with increasing self-regulation.
--Lean defines, extends, accelerates, and controls the flow of work that visual spells out, dramatically reducing lead-time and flow distance.
--Visual imbeds lean gains into the physical workplace and creates self-leadership and alignment on every level of the organization.
--Visual and lean work hand in hand.

from Visual Workplace/Visual Thinking
by Dr. Gwendolyn Galsworth
And the Visual Fail Prize Goes To...
Have you seen a Visual Fail that made you laugh?  Send the image to [email protected],
and we'll put it here and credit you with the funny find! 

Visual Radio: 
Beautiful: A Workplace Fit for Humans 
Listen to Gwendolyn this 
Thursday at 10am (Pacific) on
This Week's Episode
Beautiful: A Workplace Fit for Humans

Do you remember Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs--and its rank order list of six powerful motivators: food/shelter, personal safety, love/friendship, the esteem of others, self-actualization, and (the gold ring) self-transcendence? Maslow did a lot to prove that we humans are not just about one thing. We are about many. This week, Gwendolyn Galsworth adds one more motivator to the list: Beauty. Listen as she describes where and how beauty already exists in our companies--and where it could become even more present. Do you work in a warren of walled-in rooms, surrounded by endless hallways? Bring beauty to them and each hallway becomes a promenade. What about the world of grease and grime at the top of every overhaul & repair stream? Some simple steps can bring beauty in. And is your factory floor merely neat and clean--thanks to 5S--but not yet beautiful? Do something quick to stir the eye and inspire the heart. Beauty, the final frontier. Let the workplace speak!

Feature Article
Managing to See: How Visual Tools and Techniques Help Managers Lead with the Whole Brain 
by Tom Ehrenfeld

An excerpt from a knowledge review of the same name, published by Booz& Co. and written by Tom Ehrenfeld ([email protected]), a freelance writer based in Cambridge, Mass--formerly a writer and editor with Harvard Business Review and Inc. magazine, and author of The Startup Garden: How Growing a Business Grows You (McGraw-Hill). 

Visual management has become an essential discipline for managers today. The practice involves communicating with images, organizing and directing work through visual solutions, and creating clear graphic depictions of complex ideas--for example, to enable workers to see how their work fits into a value stream flowing directly to customers.
Never have such skills been more important. Our global economy values images as the new lingua franca. Workers raised on the Internet have attention spans that require more evocative yet pithier messages that blend images with text. And on a practical level, the adoption of PowerPoint as the common platform of a world dominated by slides and decks requires managers to understand what makes a good visual presentation good.
Several recent books add new ideas to the existing literature about visual management as both a tool and a broader form of managerial thought. These books and other resources demonstrate that visual skills and awareness are ultimately valuable for honing the mind's eye of the manager, including distilling key ideas into the most meaningful images, charts, graphs, or maps; selling projects and proposals with effective images; and "mapping" business activities in order to see waste and thus turn motion into value-adding action....

Visual Poem/Puzzle
Visual Tricks and Treats
Great signs, clever visual devices, artistic or humorous graffiti. If you find one to share, send the image to [email protected]