It has been a very challenging winter for Pansies. Although they are "hardy" and can endure extreme cold winters, Pansies do struggle with wet conditions which are common in the Northwest. There are several soil borne diseases that impact Pansies and this winter was one of the worst disease years we have ever seen. Thankfully, with the recent dry weather, most pansies are now blooming very well.

Every year winter is challenging for pansies as the wet weather promotes disease. Our program includes two additional services to prevent these problems. When we plant pansies, we add fresh potting soil to the bed which is sterile and keeps the soil surface less infected with disease. We then treat our pansies with fungicides every few weeks throughout the winter and as needed to combat the disease pressure. There is no additional charge for these services as the are built into our fall pansy planting program and the cost is all inclusive. As we have promoted, our program is intensive and may cost a little bit more but it is well worth it. We do what it takes to ensure our customers' pansies survive and thrive. Year after year we see other contractors' flowers struggle and sometimes die while ours continue to look great. 

Although our annual addition of potting soil and fungicide treatment has been relatively effective, we are seeing increasing disease pressure the longer an area has been planted with Pansies. We are now proposing that potting soil be removed every few years to start with fresh soil throughout the root zone instead of just the soil surface. This has proven to greatly reduce disease problems and the need for frequent fungicide treatments. You will likely see this proposed in the future. 

Although Pansies are just getting to their peak color display, we are already planning our summer flower plantings as they begin in about one month. Summer flower planting is always an exciting signal that summer is forthcoming and we are again excited to produce new and unique color combinations. Seasonal color is an area where we shine as our color combinations are always creative and our maintenance program ensures peak health and color. We are excited to begin our 2015 displays  and see them  develop as summer arrives. We will again try experimental planting schemes in our test bed at our office to continue to look for new and unique combinations.

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