Acquisition and Assistance Update
Revisions to USAID ADS 304 Guidance
April 19, 2016

I want to share an important update with you. 

Yesterday, USAID released the revised ADS 304 Chapter, Selecting Between Acquisition and Assistance (A&A) Implementing Instruments. You can find the updated chapter here:  ADS Chapter 304 Selecting the Appropriate Acquisition and Assistance (A&A) Instrument.

With the release of the chapter, I also wanted to share with you a summary of the revisions made which is attached here.

As many of you know, the Agency has invested a significant amount of time and effort in updating this ADS chapter with consideration given to the recent court cases.

In addition to the revisions, we are also preparing additional guidance tools for Agency staff which we anticipate to be completed within the next sixty days. Separately, DCHA/DRG has drafted amplifying guidance for democracy related sectors.

I look forward to discussing this new guidance with you more in the coming days.

Kind Regards,

Roy Plucknett
Bureau for Management
Office of Acquisition & Assistance