Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
The  Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana

EDoLA News for April 2016
Volume 10, Issue 3
Announcements from the Bishop's Office
129th Annual Gathering of the Episcopal Church Women

The Episcopal Church Women of the Diocese of Louisiana are pleased to invite you to this year's Annual Gathering. Our theme this year comes from the 2015 Triennial Meeting: "Stir Up the Spirit - Celebremos!" Come celebrate our ministry together as Episcopal Church Women and stir up your spirit!

We have a wonderful program lined up for this year's Annual Gathering which will take place:

April 22 -23, 2016

St. James Episcopal Church
208 N. Fourth St
Baton Rouge, LA

The Annual Gathering offers you a time of fellowship, learning and sharing among your sisters in Christ -good food, worship, fun, and friendship. Join us for a wonderful two days!

Announcing the 5th Annual Diocesan Men's Retreat
June 3-5, 2016

This annual  men's  retreat offers a chance for the  men of the diocese to come together, to reach across parish lines, strengthen relationships, make new friends in Christ, and broaden our common vision for advancing our mission. The  retreat combines a harmonious blend of peaceful, quiet time with inspired fellowship. The expansive and naturally beautiful grounds of the Solomon Episcopal Conference Center along with (hopefully) ideal weather provides a wonderful backdrop for meditation, fishing, and plain old rest! Walking life's journey with fellow devoted Christians is a privilege and a joy. This empowering experience fills a need and desire that cannot be found elsewhere. The  retreat only serves to strengthen those bonds. Prayerfully, this time together will help us go out and "lift at least a part of the burden of our suffering fellow  men and women."

Gaudet Community Grant Awards Announced

The Gaudet Committee announced the awarding of seven community grants. The Gaudet Community Grant provides funding for not-for-profit agencies that create, manage, and expand educational opportunities for African American children within the Diocese of Louisiana.

The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana is proud to honor the legacy of Mrs. Frances Joseph Gaudet, a turn-of-the century educator and activist. Mrs. Gaudet had the wisdom to leave her trust to the Episcopal Church in such a way that her mission would continue to find new ways of expression in changing times. Mrs. Gaudet dedicated her life to building alliances with people of every race and class. The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana is committed to keeping her purpose alive.

The 2016 Gaudet Community Grant recipients are:
  • A's & Aces, New Orleans
  • All Souls Episcopal Church and Community Center, New Orleans 
  • Anna's Place NOLA, New Orleans (two grants)
  • Arts Council of Pointe Coupee, New Roads
  • Louisiana Center for Children's Rights, New Orleans
  • Trinity Educational Enrichment Program (TEEP), New Orleans
News from the Episcopal Church
Presiding Bishop Calls for a Season of Prayer

March 29, 2016

Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has called for a season of prayer for regions of the Anglican Communion which are experiencing violence and civil strife.

"In this season of Resurrection, I call on everyone to pray for our brothers and sisters in areas where there is much burden and little hope," the Presiding Bishop said.

In addition, in his Easter Message 2016 ( available here), Presiding Bishop Curry addressed the situation in Brussels, noting, "The truth is even as we speak this Holy Week, we do so not only in the shadow of the cross but we do so in the shadow of those who have been killed in Brussels, of those who have been wounded and maimed, of those who weep and mourn.  And of a world mourning, and not too sure how to move forward." 

Citing Galatians 6:2 - Bear one another's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ - Presiding Bishop Curry called for prayer throughout the holy season of Easter. Beginning on April 3 and proceeding through Pentecost May 15, The Episcopal Church is asked to pray for a particular province or region:
  • Burundi
  • Central America
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Middle East
  • Pakistan
  • South Sudan 
More information  is available here; be sure to check back for additional information throughout the Easter season.

For more information contact  Elizabeth Boe, Officer for Global Networking.
Nominations Accepted for Lay Member on Executive Council

April 13, 2016
Office of Public Affairs
The Episcopal Church

Nominations to serve as a lay member on the Episcopal Church Executive Council are now being accepted through May 1.

The Rev. Canon Michael Barlowe, Executive Secretary of General Convention, announced that the vacancy was created by the resignation of Executive Council member Joseph Ferrell of the Diocese of North Carolina whose term concludes at General Convention 2018.

Barlowe noted that since the vacancy was created by a lay person, nominations must be from the lay order.  He explained, "In accordance with the Rules of Order, the Executive Committee of Executive Council will review all suggestions, and will nominate at least two and no more than five candidates. The election by the entire Executive Council will take place at our June meeting."

Barlowe noted candidates should be willing to attend upcoming Executive Council meetings: October 20-22; February 6-8, 2017; June 9-11, 2017; October 18-21, 2017; January 22-24, 2018; April 21-23, 2018.

Nominations should be sent to Barlowe at by May 1 with a 150 word biography and digital photograph.

As noted on the website: The Executive Council of the Episcopal Church is an elected body representing the whole Church. In the course of the three years between conventions, known as the "triennium", the Executive Council will customarily meet once in each of the nine provinces of the Episcopal Church.

The Executive Council has the duty to carry out programs and policies adopted by General Convention. It is the job of Executive Council to oversee the ministry and mission of the Church. The Executive Council is comprised of twenty members elected by General Convention (four bishops, four priests or deacons and twelve laypersons) and eighteen members elected by provincial synods.

News from Around the Diocese
The 2016 Clergy Photo
It was a beautiful and bright day when the clergy of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana gathered outside Christ Church Cathedral for their annual clergy photo after the Chrism Mass on the Monday during Holy Week.
Archdeacon Priscilla Maumus Resigns; Deacon Cindy Obier Appointed the New Archdeacon
from the Rt. Rev. Morris K. Thompson, Jr., Bishop of Louisiana

(left) Archdeacon Priscilla Maumus; (right) Deacon Cindy Obier
On Friday, April 8,  Archdeacon Priscilla Maumus announced her resignation from her position as Archdeacon of the Diocese of Louisiana. Her decision to resign was prompted by the time and energy she was giving towards the care of her aging parents and other family members.
Priscilla has served as Archdeacon since my arrival and has served with distinction. She leaves her position knowing she has accomplished much and I am grateful for her leadership.
I have appointed Deacon Cindy Obier as the new Archdeacon. Cindy is currently serving as my Chaplain on Sundays and diocesan events as well. She will continue in the role as Chaplain as well as Archdeacon of the diocese. Please keep Priscilla and Cindy in your prayers as they make their transitions. I am grateful for the ministries which deacons bring to this diocese and to the Church.
Harriet H. Murrell Dies at the Age of 84

Harriet Murrell, a long time employee of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana,  passed away on Friday, April 14 at the age of 84.  Before retiring in 2014, she served as the Noland Center office manager, Director of the School of Ministry, and diocesan archivist. She was an active member of Trinity Episcopal Church in New Orleans and served multiple times as a General Convention Lay Deputy. Harriet was one the recipients of the 2014 Episcopal Church Women Honored Women, an award given to a woman who models the Christian life using her God-given gifts in all she is and in all she does. The full obituary and funeral arrangements can be found by  clicking here.
Episcopal School of Baton Rouge Celebrates 50th Birthday
Happy 50th Birthday
from the Episcopal School of Baton Rouge news blog

Friday, April 8 -  a beautiful spring day many Episcopal students and teachers will remember for a very long time! Our community of leaders, teachers, learners and friends, gathered together on the front lawn to dance, drum, cheer and pose for the largest group photo in the school's history...and of course share birthday cake and ice cream in celebration of Episcopal's 50th birthday.

Many thanks to the Parents' Guild and the leadership of Aimee Broussard '85 and Deane Frazier '82 for coordinating this special celebration of gratitude, love and friendship.

"Only the Parents' Guild of Episcopal School of Baton Rouge could organize and serve graciously ice cream and birthday cake to over 950 students and more than 100 faculty and staff in 30 minutes! The Parent's Guild leaders came up with the idea of an "all hands" birthday party and carried it off well.
I wanted current students to hear where they fit into the whole 50 year thing.  I tried to express to them how the school founders -- some of whom I know -- would be gratified with the accomplishments and character of the present student body. They heard me say that I sense in our students today not only grand potential but, more importantly, an admirable quality of character. Like our Mission & Ministry foresees, I believe they will have purposeful lives. The pictures tell a joyous story," commented Hugh McIntosh, Head of School.

St. Andrew's Episcopal School Appoints New Head of School
excerpt from Press Release from St. Andrew's Episcopal School

The Search Committee and Board of St. Andrew's Episcopal School are pleased to announce the appointment of Melville S. "Mel" Brown as the new Head of School effective summer 2016. 
Mr. Brown will be the seventh Head of School at St. Andrew's Episcopal School and will succeed Head of School, Mason Lecky. Mr. Lecky has been an exceptional Head and has accomplished so much during his tenure at St. Andrew's. During the past seven years, he re-energized its faculty, expanded the School's enrollment and curriculum, integrated and developed a new Middle School program and a new Early Childhood program, developed a successful advancement program, enhanced racial and socioeconomic diversity, and spearheaded an expanded athletic program. We are confident that under Mr. Brown's leadership, St. Andrew's Episcopal School will continue upon its trajectory of success.

Transportation to Camp Hardtner

Hello Camp Hardtner Families:

St. Philip's Episcopal Church in New Orleans has again coordinated transportation to and from Camp Hardtner for campers attending the following 2016 sessions:

Senior High Camp      June 9th-15
Junior High Camp 1    June 19th-24th
Primary Camp            June 28th-July 2nd
Junior High Camp 2    July 8th-13th
Middle High Camp      July 18th-24th

Travel will be by motor coach with limited seating.  The more campers that are on the coach, the more affordable the travel will be!  If you are interested in this service, please email or call and leave your camper's name, session, where you are located and your best contact information to reserve your seat and for more information.

As of now, the coaches will follow the same route as last year.  They will begin at St. Augustine in Metairie, 3412 Haring Road.  They will make 1 stop at St. James in Baton Rouge, 205 No. Fourth Street, then proceed to Hardtner and return the same route.  

Please contact Michelle "Mimi" Lucurto, RN at 504-392-2386 and leave a message if necessary or by email at for more information. 

Please do not call or email the Camp Hardtner office regarding transportation as we do not have additional details or staff to handle the volume of inquiries.  Thank you in advance! 

Ministry Spotlight
[Photograph by Gillian Knowles]
Racial Reconciliation Trip to Whitney Plantation

Reflection by Susan Spillman

 "In our ongoing spiritual formation, we will use prayer, worship, advocacy, intentional action, and education to become the Beloved Community." Directed by this mandate taken from our mission statement, the members of the Racial Reconciliation Commission and a number of guests visited the Whitney Plantation Museum, our first excursion in our ongoing efforts towards intentional action and education. With more guests than Commission members, our group was considerably larger than anticipated, all welcome and all embraced by our commitment to advocacy. As we walked the Holy Ground whose history calls out to us with a reminder of how difficult and complex our task will be, each of us listened for the promptings of the Holy Spirit with whatever message was most necessary to us for our efforts in carrying out our mission. During the period of reflection that followed our tour, many spoke of the experience in short and emotionally charged terms:  "sadness", "guilt", "anguish", "anger". There were tears and expressions of pain. It was apparent to all of us that the lessons of the museum have been most often hidden, or covered by denial, and that the reality must be confronted if healing is to take place.
Continue reading the reflection and view more photographs here
Volunteer / Support
Thank you to everyone who gave to the Community Mission Appeal during the Lenten Season. It is through your generosity that our churches will be able to continue to strengthen the mission work they are doing in their communities. Later this summer our churches will be invited to apply for a Community Mission Appeal Grant and the recipients will be announced at the Annual Convention in November.

We are continuing to accept donations. To learn more about the Community Mission Appeal or to make a donation visit:

Photo of the Month
The Light of Christ
(Photograph by Jay Theriot, St. Matthew's, Houma) Bishop Thompson and the clergy and parishioners of the churches in the Southwest Deanery process into St. Matthew's during the Great Vigil of Easter on the evening of March 26, 2016.

Want to have your photograph considered for the photo of the month? Email photographs or links to photographs to Karen Mackey, Communications Coordinator, at 
More News on the EDoLA Blog:

The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana | 1623 Seventh St, New Orleans, LA 70115
(504) 895-6634 | |