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Can matzos drenched in water or other liquids be used for the Seder?
The Mechaber permits using a matza softened with water for the mitzvah at the Seder. The Mishnah Berurah explains this is allowed only b'dieved. The Mishnah Berurah continues that matza soaked in other liquids (like wine or gravy) cannot be used altogether and that the matza must be re-eaten if this had been the case. The elderly or infirm may-- l'chatchila--soak their matza in water, and they can even use wine or other drinks if necessary. There is another option available to the elderly or infirm (a preferable option according to some Acharonim -- i.e. the Binyan Tzion and the Chazon Ish): they can grind their matza and eat it as a powder.
(סעיף ד, ס"ק יז-יח וביה"ל ד"ה יוצא; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 47)

 Hilchos Tefilla 119 (page 289)
 מתחילת סימן קיט עד סעיף ג

Personal Requests in the Middle Berachos
Personal Requests During Shomea Tefilla
Personal Requests at the End of Shemoneh Esrei

Personal requests in the middle berachos
A person may add his personal requests to each of the middle berachos of Shemoneh Esrei. The request must be related to the topic of the beracha.  Examples include a request for good memory in the beracha of Ata Chonein, which talks about wisdom, or a request for health in the beracha of Refaeinu. The request should be brief and should be inserted in the middle or at the end of the beracha, but not in the middle of a phrase (e.g. not between the words ata chonein l'adom and da'as). Requests on behalf of the public should be worded in plural form and inserted at the end of the beracha. It is permissible to daven on behalf of others. All requests should be limited to current needs and not refer to what might occur in the future.
( סעיף א וס"ק א, ג, ה, ז ו־ט; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 1, וסימן קטו, 2)
Personal requests during Shomea Tefilla
In the beracha of Shema Koleinu ( Shomea Tefilla) it is permissible to add general requests on any topic, even regarding the future (e.g. that Hashem prevent one from becoming ill). It is wise for everyone, including the wealthy, to add supplications about parnasa. It is also recommended for people to recite a brief viduy ("I have erred, sinned and transgressed") on days when tachanun is recited. (Someone who is aware that he sinned should always recite viduy at the next tefilla opportunity and accept upon himself never to repeat the sin.) According to some poskim, it is not proper to recite viduy on a regular basis, but the halacha does not follow this opinion. According to some Rishonim, requests to cure the ill should be inserted in Refaeinu and not postponed until Shema Koleinu.
( סעיף א-ב וס"ק א, ד ו־יב; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 1, 5 ו־7)
Personal requests at the end of Shemoneh Esrei
Although it is permissible to add personal requests in Shomea Tefilla, it is advisable to wait and add them after the completion of Shemoneh Esrei in case the need arises to respond to kaddish or kedusha. It is preferable to recite the pasuk yihyu l'ratzon before beginning E-lokai nitzor or other personal requests. It is proper to daven daily for one's parnasa, for one's children to serve Hashem earnestly and always study Torah, and for his progeny to remain pure. Someone who is inarticulate in Lashon Hakodesh may express himself in any language, as long as he is sincere. After Shemoneh Esrei it is permissible to recite lengthy tefillos.
( ס"ק ד, יא ו־יב; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 6 ו־9)

  • Someone who forgot to say v'sein tal umatar in Birkas Hashanim and noticed his omission after reciting Baruch Atah Hashem at the conclusion of the beracha can make it up by inserting it in the beracha of Shomea Tefilla (Shema Koleinu).
  • During the aseres yemei teshuva, the beracha of Hashiva Shofteinu concludes with hamelech hamishpat. The heh at the beginning of both words emphasizes that Hashem is both king and judge, and it is important for both words to be pronounced correctly.
  • Berachos consist of four basic parts: 1) the opening and conclusion, 2) the main concept of the beracha, 3) additional essential passages which cannot be omitted, and 4) the balance of the beracha.

  • Reciting a beracha out of order

  • Aneinu on a ta'anis tzibur

  • Grouping the words v'ishei Yisrael




PLEASE NOTE:  The information in this email is for learning purposes only. Please review the Mishna Berura and Biurim U'Musafim before making a halachic decision. Hebrew words are occasionally transliterated to enable a smoother reading of the text. Common Ashkenazi pronunciation is generally used in these cases.
