Dates to Remember:

April 16th 
Dine Out 

April 21st

April 23rd Hazardous recycling Day

May 8th Bishop Dena Harrison visits & Mother's Day

May 14th Analog Dance Event

July 25-29 Urban Outreach Week (Stay Tuned)

Sunday Services
8:30 am
Rite I
In the Chapel
(no music)

10:30 am
Rite II
(with music)
In the Nave

Church Office
Monday - Thursday
Hours: 10:00 am to 
2:00 pm
Church Ministers And Staff

All the People, Ministers of the Gospel 

The Most Rev. Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop

The Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle, Bishop Ordinary

The Rt. Rev. Dena H. Harrison, Bishop Suffragan

The Rt. Rev. Jeff Fisher, Bishop Suffragan

The Rev. Billy Tweedie, Vicar

Jon Ellis, Bishop's Warden

Michael Paulsen, 
People's Warden

Sara Burden-McClure, Director of Music

The Rev. Kelly Jennings, Director, Children's Ministry

The Rev. Dr. Nathan Jennings, Theologian in Residence

Linda Bryant, 

Marty Newkirk, 
Church Secretary
The Midweek Connection
April 14th, 2016

Inside this Midweek Connection
  • Holy Communion is the Good Word
  • Thrift Shop Has Openings
  • The Bishop is Coming! The Bishop is Coming!
  • Second Poem for Poetry Month
From Sunday's Readings
How To Speak Episcopalian

The Words for this week are:

Holy Communion 

The Rev. Kelly Jennings explains Holy Communion to us according to the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: 

The children in the atrium come to Holy Communion through two main avenues: their relationship with the Good Shepherd, and the celebration of the gifts. 
Through time and creation, God gave us many gifts.  Millions of years before human beings arrived, God was preparing a place for us, full of abundance.  In the fullness of time, God sent us the gift of His Son. 
The Good Shepherd feeds his sheep.  As the children learn about the Last Supper and the history of the person Jesus, they learn that even though He was going away from them, He left his disciples with the gift of the Bread and the Wine.  The Gift kept giving.  
On Pentecost the Holy Spirit came upon those same disciples, who in turn gathered people and lifted up the gifts of bread and wine with Jesus' words: Take, eat, this is my Body, given for you.  Whenever you eat it, do this in remembrance of me.  
And it is by this same Spirit today that a bishop or priest reminds us of those same words of Jesus as we gather for the Eucharist (Greek for thanksgiving).
The gift keeps giving.  We bring our gifts to the altar, principally the gifts of creation: bread and wine.  By a great mystery, the Holy Spirit transforms them, and we say in our Anglican tradition that Jesus is "really present," in those elements (however we choose to interpret that).  We consume them, and then we go out, as gifts to each other, to the world.  The Good Shepherd calls us out, and we follow Him, nourished and knowing His sacrificial love.

Thrift Shop News

Our Thrift Shop serves, in addition to our paying customers, the poor, and participates in the refugee program. We have a fairly steady stream of folks coming into the shop to be served, Monday through Friday, from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm, weekdays, and on the first Saturday of each month.

Lately, we don't have enough volunteers to accomodate our working hours and have had to close when we would normally have been open. We are looking for more volunteers, so that we can fulfill our mission to the poor and refugees, as well as sell our low-cost items to the public. In reality, the shop is part of the church's mission and our baptismal covenant. 

If you have a morning that you could give to volunteer to do this essential work, please see Lana Beyer, shop manager. You will feel great about helping others as you carry out the work of the church.  
National Poetry Month
April is National Poetry Month, as declared by the American Academy of Poets and by Congress. We can celebrate that here at MidWeek by publishing a poem each week in April.  If you have a favorite poem, perhaps one of your own writing or just one that especially pleases you, send it to Midweek at [email protected], and we'll get it in. There can certainly be more than one per week

This week's poetry submission comes from Brenda O'Keefe. With all due respect to the excellet preachers in our midst, it reminds us that we all preach a sermon of one sort or another, every single day.

Sermons We See

Edgar Guest

I'd rather see a sermon 
than hear one any day; 
I'd rather one should walk with me
than merely tell the way. 

The eye's a better pupil
and more willing than the ear,
Fine counsel is confusing, 
but example's always clear; 

And the best of all the preachers 
are the men who live their creeds, 
For to see good put in action 
is what everybody needs. 

I soon can learn to do it
if you'll let me see it done;
I can watch your hands in action,
but your tongue too fast may run. 

And the lecture you deliver
may be very wise and true, 
But I'd rather get my lessons 
by observing what you do; 

For I might misunderstand you
and the high advice you give, 
But there's no misunderstanding 
how you act and how you live. 

When I see a deed of kindness, 
I am eager to be kind. 
When a weaker brother stumbles
and a strong man stays behind 

Just to see if he can help him,
then the wish grows strong in me 
To become as big and thoughtful 
as I know that friend to be. 

And all travelers can witness 
that the best of guides today 
Is not the one who tells them, 
but the one who shows the way. 

One good man teaches many, 
men believe what they behold;
One deed of kindness noticed 
is worth forty that are told. 

Who stands with men of honor 
learns to hold his honor dear, 
For right living speaks a language 
which to every one is clear. 

Though an able speaker charms me 
with his eloquence, I say, 
I'd rather see a sermon 
than to hear one, any day

Our Bishop Is Coming!

On May 8th, Bishop Dena Harrison will be visiting us again. She is the first and so far, only woman consecrated Bishop in the Diocese of Texas.

Here we see her meeting Pope Francis recently, when most of the women bishops in The Episcopal Church traveled to Rome and met with the Pope. Perhaps we can prevail upon Bishop Dena to tell us what that experience was like. Regardless, be sure to be with us on the 8th, which also happens to be Mothers' Day, as we honor all mothers, and our only woman Bishop as she visits with us.  
Gift Cards for the Poor

Our supply of gift cards is beginning to run a bit thin. So if you can spare an extra $10.00 when you are shopping in HEB or in Walmart, for a card for the needy, it would be greatly appreciated.  We have been able to help a fair number of grateful people because of your generosity already.   
Wednesday Bible Study Continues

Wednesday morning Bible Study continues from 8:30 am to 9:30 am at Genuine Joe's Coffee House at 2001 W. Anderson Lane.  The Bible students have studied a lot of the scripture so far, and will continue on. They have finished their study of the Gospel According to John and have begun the study of the Acts of the Apostles. 
Dine Out for April 

Head 'em up & move 'em out folks, to Pok-E-Joe's Bar-B-Que cafe on the third Saturday of April 04-16-16 at 6:00 pm. It's located at 2121 Parmer Ln (Parmer at Lamplight Villate). The sign-up sheet is in the Narthex and everyone is welcome to come and have a great time with the good food and friendly fellowship. For any questions, just contact Mr. Joe Page at 512-453-3077. He's the man with all the answers.   
Hospitality Team for Sunday April 17th

Katy Sturich, Lindsah Rose-Arrellano, Michael Paulsen

The new Hospitality Roster is done through May. Please check it to see when your turn comes up. There are copies in the Narthex displayed in various places. 
Music for Sunday, April 17th,
Anthem: Shepherd Me, O God  by Marty Haugen                
Processional: 522, Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
Gospel: 343, Shepherd of Souls, Refresh and Bless
Communion: 645, The King of Love My Shepherd Is
664, My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
Missional: 366, Holy God, We Praise Thy Name
Lay Ministry for Sunday April 17th. 

If you are unable to fulfill your lay ministry, arrange for a substitute and let Marty in the office know of the change by noon on Thursday before. 

Acts 9:36-43
Psalm 23
Revelation 7:9-17
John 10:22-30

8:30 service.
Lector:  Katrin Erk
Psalmist:  Reba Ott
Intercessor: Jim Ryan
Chalicist:  Jon Ellis
Usher:  Jim Ryan

10:30 am Service:
First Lesson:  Brenda O'Keefe
Psalm: Richard Fromme
Second Lesson:  Jennifer Johnston
Prayers of the People: Kenn Peters
Chalicists: (GC) Michael Paulsen (C) Helen Paulsen
Acolytes: Holly & Charles Davis
Ushers: Jim Ryan, Leonard Oliver, Christopher Segrets,
Jeri Wines
Altar Guild: Reba Ott, Liz Haltom, Jeri Wines
Flower Guild: Reba Ott