Sunday, April 10, 2016
The Third Sunday of Easter

Still deeply sustained by the pathos, the beauty and the hope of the Easter experience, and the deeply poignant Celebration of Life service for Jordan Icenhower the following week, many moments linger in my mind.  Among the most moving was bearing witness to what I can only describe as 'holy longing' as strangers to St. Paul's came to the altar rail to ask for a blessing.  This is Church at its best.  Another expression of the Holy is that of 'Holy Imagination,' a concept that has woven itself into recent discussions by the Vestry and Transition Team as the Holy Spirit guides us in the work we are called to do at this time and at this place, and to which you are invited to become increasingly involved.

In writing about C.S. Lewis, Alistair McGrath, theologian and priest, comments on how Christian faith is intended to be imaginative rather than restrictive, and that our understanding of scripture and the Christian life should be the beginning of a holy adventure.  He describes C.S. Lewis, faithful imagination as "a certain way of seeing that brings reality into the sharpest focus, illuminating the shadows and allowing its inner reality to be seen."  Lewis described this as "realising imagination," McGrath calls this "holy imagination."  

C.S. Lewis invites us all to 'think big.'  "For those who follow Jesus," says McGrath of Lewis, "we are counseled to 'make no small plans,' even if our adventures never take us far from home.  The adventures of an omnipresent God, as wild as untamed (like Aslan) as our imaginations, invite us to ponder each moment as a 'holy moment' and each space as a "thin place," transparent to transcendence and intimate to immanence.  Our traveling prayer might be 'God in all things and all things in God,' or 'Christ above, Christ below, Christ behind, and Christ ahead,' or 'with beauty - or adventure - all around I walk.'"
May all that is holy surround us and sustain as we take this holy walk together. 
Our next Parish Conversation will be Saturday, April 16th from 9:00 to 11:30 am in Bacon Hall. Anita Sanborn from the Colorado Episcopal Foundation will join us to facilitate. We will begin the morning with coffee and light refreshments at 8:30 am.
COFFEE WITH REV. LYN - Wednesday, April 13th from 8:00 to 9:00 am at Momo Lolo's.
FFH volunteers are needed for our second rotation of 2016 which is the week of May 1st. Your volunteer opportunities are for Cooks, Evening Hosts, and Overnight Hosts.   Sign-up sheets will be on the bulletin board in Bacon Hall along with details on these positions. You may also use the Signup Genius link HERE . Contact Marianne Lutton at for more information.

ESSENTIAL STRETCH - During the month of April Betsy Perna is leading Essential Stretch on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 8:30 to 9:30. There is no charge and drop-in are welcome. Come and work out your kinks!

VOICE FOR LIFE - is a choral training program for children and youth though the Royal School of Church Music, and will begin at St. Paul's on April 13 th .
From the RSCM website:,
"VOICE for LIFE is the RSCM's acclaimed guide to training choirs and singers of all ages. The VOICE for LIFE scheme provides a framework for choral singers to develop their vocal skills, their musical understanding, and their knowledge of the repertoire."

VFL will meet on the 2
nd and 4 th Wednesdays of the month so that participants may also be in involved in youth group on alternate Wednesdays. Please meet Kay in the sanctuary at 6:30 pm. We will begin our Voice For Life Workbooks and have fun preparing music for upcoming services. The adult choir will join us at 7:00 and we will sing through the hymns for the following Sunday. Voice For Life students may be picked up at 7:20. We are very grateful for designated giving to the choir and children's ministry that has provided workbooks to begin this program. Please contact Kay Williams with any questions at 970-667-4540, or
ADULT FORMATION BOOK STUDY CONTINUES  APRIL 10TH AT 9:15 AM IN THE LIBRARY This Sunday we will discuss Chapters 1 and 2 of " Grounded: Finding God in the World - A Spiritual Revolution ," by Diana Butler Bass. The book has been made available to us for $18 each (discounted from the retail price of $27).  If you would like a book please contact Rev. Lyn by April 8th.

METANOIA-The St. Luke's Spiritual Leadership Forum
You are invited to "Finding God In the World!" An Evening with Diana Butler Bass, author of the new book, Grounded: Finding God in the World-A Spiritual Revolution. The event is Tuesday, May 3rd at 7:00 pm at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, 2000 Stover St. Fort Collins. Tickets are $20. There is a book signing and reception following. Advance tickets are available at or by calling 970-493-7512. Scholarships are available.   
Youth from St. Paul's and St Luke's will be joining together for the annual youth mission trip this summer. 
Dates: Wednesday June 8th - Saturday, June 11th - with a commitment to return Sunday morning for breakfast and sharing with both congregations. Mandatory meeting on Wednesday, May 18th at St. Luke's 6 - 7:30 pm after the Refilling the Well service to sign Covenant. HERE you will find the trip itinerary. We need to know if you/your child can come - cost will be around $160 with scholarships available as needed. Future fundraising events to bring down individual cost to be determined. If you have any questions please contact Jacki Petrino at 
We will be holding Vacation Bible School June 13 - June 16 from 9:00 to Noon.  HERE is a registration form to download and complete.
SUNDAY, April 10
8:00 am - Holy Eucharist Rite II - Spoken
9:15 am - Adult Formation
9:15 am - Children's Formation
10:30 am - Holy Eucharist Rite II - Music

TUESDAY, March 29

7:00 am - Morning Prayer in the Library. Breakfast at the Breakfast Club (optional).

Monday through Thursday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, and by appointment.

The Rev. Lyn Burns, Interim Rector -
Vikki Weber, Parish Administrator -
Church Office: 970-482-2668
Rev. Lyn Burns: 970-467-7750