January 2015
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Carrie Bullard Executive Director
January Training Schedule 


Temperaments in Infants and Toddlers

(0-3 PCAN)

Jan. 17 9am-1pm


Effective Discipline in Today's World

Jan. 21 7-9pm


Early Bird Training*

Jan. 24 9:30am-2pm

Covers ages 0-2


Facts on Autism

Jan. 29 7-9pm


Early Bird Training*

Jan. 31 9:30am-2pm

Covers ages 3-5 


For class description, location and cost information visit our website.


*Class will be in Espa�ol
A Great Start to a New Year




Welcome to 2015. Now that the holiday rush is behind us, we look forward to settling in to the new year with new ideas, programs and possibilities.


Before we talk about what's new, I want to remind you of a vital need right here in our community. We are still looking for caregivers interested in participating in a Child Care Aware of America respite care program for military families. This program provides up to 12 hours of respire care per month for Tinker Air Force Base families with special needs children. Some families need all day care, others are just looking for a few hours each week. Pay ranges from $14 per hour for limited experience to up to $37 per hour for a registered nurse.


Contact Taffy Henderson at 800-438-0008 or [email protected] for more information. Providers are subject to an extensive screening process before being admitted to the program.


Because health and safety is an important part of our educational outreach, we're adding a new feature to our newsletter that I think you'll enjoy. RN Kristen Russell will be crafting a column for us on timely topics that will be of interest to parents and child care providers alike. Kristen, a Cleveland County Health Department immunization nurse, is a friend of our agency and we're excited she will be contributing. Her first column, on the importance of the flu vaccination, appears this month. Thanks, Kristen, for the great information.


We know this new year will be an exciting one for Rainbow Fleet as we look forward to several new and different trainings, programs and plans for our agency. Thanks for reading. 





Carrie Bullard


Resource Center Item of the Month

The Fun Tube Play Tunnel is made for fun! Great for strength and motor skill development, the Fun Tube Play Tunnel is six feet long and packs away for easy storage when not in use. This and hundreds of other great items are available in our Resource Center. Come in to check it out. 

 Florencia les env�a esta nota:


Estimada Proveedoras:


Comienza un nuevo a�o y con esto tambi�n la posibilidad de nuevos logros y el comienzo de una nueva etapa como profesionales y personas.

Quiero contarles que parte de mis proyectos para el 2015 es estar m�s cerca de ustedes.

Voy a tratar de visitarlas, contactarlas telef�nicamente y tener m�s entrenamientos en espa�ol en Rainbow Fleet.

Cuando nosotros nos entrenamos tenemos que pensar que es porque tenemos la necesidad y la obligaci�n como profesionales de brindarles a los ni�os lo mejor de nosotros.

Nuestro trabajo es UNO DE LOS TRABAJOS MAS IMPORTANTES ya que la relaci�n que mantenemos con el ni�o que est� bajo nuestro cuidado diario, lo marcar� por el resto de su vida.

Tengamos como uno de nuestros objetivos para el a�o entrante el mantener, cuidar y alimentar esa relaci�n as� capaz, en alg�n momento de nuestras vidas podamos tener una hermosa experiencia como esta:

Una querida amiga fue a una tienda y uno de los vendedores la reconoci� como su maestra de jard�n de infantes con mucho afecto y alegr�a; hoy es un muchacho de 25 a�os.

Esta reacci�n en el muchacho, es resultado de un excelente trabajo como proveedora, �ste tiene que ser uno de nuestros objetivos a largo plazo.


Gracias por su atenci�n, espero que les haya servido la informaci�n.




Notes from a Nurse


Early Data Predicts a Severe Flu Season

By Kristen Russell, RN, Immunization Nurse at the Cleveland County Health Department


On Dec. 4,the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) posted a press release stating this year's flu season could be severe, based on the early data. They urge immediate vaccination for anyone 6 months and older, especially for those at high risk. High-risk populations include children younger than 5 years; adults 65 years and older; pregnant women; and people with certain chronic health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, heart or lung disease. 


You may have heard recently that the flu virus circulating among the public this year has "drifted" from the flu strains contained in the vaccine, or in other words the vaccine this year isn't a good match. This is partially true, although not every virus contained in the vaccine has drifted. What do I mean by drifted? Flu viruses are constantly changing. When there is a drift, it means the virus circulating in the public has changed enough that the vaccine may not recognize it when it appears in the body, and can't fight it off as effectively. The vaccine may have some fighting power against that particular virus, but nothing is guaranteed. However, flu vaccines protect against several different flu strains, and not all of the flu viruses have drifted.  A drift is a common occurrence and as always, the flu vaccine is highly recommended. It continues to offer protection even if it is not an exact match. 

 Flu symptoms can include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue, and can be very contagious. The virus spreads through droplets in the air when the infected person coughs, sneezes or talks, and from the surfaces where these droplets land. So be sure to wash those hands and clean up any germs on surfaces! If you do become sick, studies show that flu antiviral drugs work best when they are started in the first 48 hours after symptoms appear. 


To prevent this flu season from becoming severe, get your flu vaccine and practice good hand washing to reduce the spread of germs!


Helpful Contacts



Center for Early Childhood Professional Development (CECPD): 1801 North Moore Avenue, Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-6383 www.cecpd.org


CECPD offers various programs for individuals in the childcare field, some programs offered are R.E.W.A.R.D. Oklahoma, CDA/CCP Advisement, Environmental Rating Scale, ELCCT training, The Leadership Academy, Literacy Programs, Video Lending Library and Oklahoma Registry.


Scholars for Excellence in Child Care

Program Scholars Coordinators:


Oklahoma City Community College, (South OKC) Bonita Spinner (405) 682-1611


Oklahoma State University OKC, (North OKC) Jeff Rosson (405) 945-9168/1-800-560-4099       

[email protected] 


Redlands Community College, (El Reno) Karen Hewitt (405) 422-1286


Rose State College, (Midwest City) Jennifer Bachhofer (405) 733-7449


The Scholars for Excellence in Child Care program will ensure that eligible child care professionals in the state of Oklahoma have an opportunity to further their education while earning a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential, Certificate of Mastery, Director's Certificate of Completion and/or an associate degree in child development or early childhood education.


Reaching for the STARS (DHS): Central Oklahoma-Jennifer Towell (405) 522-0256 www.okdhs.org


STARS is a program held by the State of Oklahoma, that has been implemented to improve the quality of child care for children.


Warmline: 1-888-574-5437


Warmline offers free telephone consultation to child care providers and families on numerous topics of concern. Consultants refer providers to appropriate services and resources within their communities.

Rainbow Fleet 
3024 Paseo 
Oklahoma City, OK 73103
Rainbow Fleet is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Copyright Rainbow Fleet � 2014. All Rights Reserved.