October 29, 2014
Evanston Police 2014 Halloween Safety Tips  

Halloween is generally a fun time for children and even some adults, but for parents the holiday can be a little tricky. To help everyone have a safe and enjoyable Halloween, the Evanston Police Department would like to provide you with some safety tips. Hours for "Trick or Treating" are from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Friday, October 31, 2014.



  • Accompany young children while "Trick or Treating."
  • Carry a flashlight, cell phone, and possibly a first aid kit.
  • Plan a route with older children and agree on a time to "check in" with family.
  • Never enter a person's home.
  • Cross streets at intersections only.
  • Do not allow your children to eat any candy unless checked by an adult first. Any unwrapped items should be discarded.


  • Choose costumes that are bright and contain reflective material.
  • Carry a glow stick or glow necklace to be more visible.
  • Avoid costumes that cover a child's head and may prevent them from seeing a vehicle or other hazard.
  • Remember toy GUNS look real in the dark, so choose costumes that do not contain guns or weapons.
  • Leave your pets at home. They may frighten easily and be more likely to bite.


  • Before you allow your child to knock on any door, become better informed. Check the Illinois Sex Offender Registry website at www.isp.state.il.us/sor. Learn who lives in the houses you plan to visit. BE CAUTIOUS RATHER THAN SORRY.
  • Notify your Neighborhood Watch Groups of the "Trick-or-Treating" times, and have them walk the neighborhoods to look out for children and suspicious activity.
  • Remind children to have respect for their neighborhood. Although these activities may seem like fun, smashing pumpkins, "egging," spray painting and spraying property with shaving cream are all illegal activities that damage a person's property.
  • Additionally, drinking in public and drinking under the age of 21 is against the law.


  • Children are excited and may be less cautious while walking. Drivers should be more cautious while traveling through residential streets.
  • Drive slow and with your lights on in order to see children in costume even before dusk.
In the baptismal covenant, we are asked, "Will you continue in the apostles' teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers?" and we respond, "I will, with God's help."

The Feast of All Saints: Revelation 7:9-17; 1 John 3:1-3; Matthew 5:1-12


"I will bless the LORD at all times; his praise shall ever be in my mouth."

- Psalm 34:1  

Feast of All Saints This Sunday 

All Saints Day is a time to remember the saints who have gone before us and to give thanks for the blessings God has given us to share with others. When we faithfully place ourselves in God's presence, new possibilities for life and service become visible. We have a role to play, along with the saints of old, in the story of God's saving work. This year, the Feast of All Saints will be celebrated on Sunday, November 2nd at worship services at 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

Loved ones will be remembered through St. Mark's Memorial Book which we have been adding to over the last several years. You are encouraged to contribute names, phot
os, or other papers (poems, letters, etc.) to include in the memorial book. Items can be brought to the church office during regular office hours. We will offer the book to God during the offertory at the 10:30 service that day and it will remain on the altar throughout the remaining Sundays of November.

Sesquicentennial Music Composition Competition Award Winner Announced

Congratulations to Daniel Bondaczuk, winning composer of St. Mark's Composition Competition for his celebratory anthem, "Gloria". His energetic and joyous setting of the Latin text is written for organ and choir and will be premiered at St. Mark's Episcopal Church on Sunday, November 23rd, as the capstone of our congregation's 150th year anniversary celebration. Bondaczuk, a native of Brazil, lives near Nashville, Tennessee as he pursues a Master's degree in composition at Middle Tennessee State University.  He has 10 years of experience as an arranger in the recording industry in Brazil and describes himself as very passionate about delivering sophisticated music. Congratulations Daniel Bondaczuk!  The competition received 24 entries from a total of 8 countries and 12 U.S. states. St. Mark's extends its thanks to all the other composers who entered the competition for their hard work and creative efforts.

This Week's Lay Ministers

Thank you to the following individuals for bringing their best gifts to God in ministries at St. Mark's. If you would like to become involved, please contact Pastor Debra. 

  • Lector: Bob Molumby & Lori Goede
  • Eucharistic Ministers: Motoko Maegawa, Lynette Murphy, Milner Seifert
  • Acolytes: Abigail Seifert, Mickey Loewenstein, Patrick Nee
  • Altar Guild: Trish Barr & Rachel Easton
  • Flower Guild: Virginia Beatty
  • Vestry Persons of the Day: Joanna Green & Beth Sagan
  • Ushers: Dorothy Laudati & Marion MacBeth
  • Coffee Hour Snacks: Last names beginning with
    O - Z
  • Welcoming New Worshippers: All the People of St. Mark's
Christian Formation
Lifelong Christian faith formation is important for lifelong growth in the knowledge, service and love of God as followers of Christ. Regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey, no matter what season of life you are in, you are invited to enter into a prayerful of continuous learning.
Adult Forum Returns this Sunday November 2nd

On Sunday from 9:30 - 10:15 a.m. Adult Formation returns to Bethlehem Chapel.


Nov. 2nd Bible | A Book Like No Other:

Why read the Bible? This is Lauren Winner's central question. For Lauren, an avid reader, there remains something odd about the way Christians read the Bible. Why do we keep turning to the same stories in search of some new revelation? What is it about the Bible that makes it worth repeated reading? What gets in our way as we read the Bible and try to make sense of it? These are issues the church has wrestled with for centuries and yet we keep at it. We keep coming back to this book and its strange narrative full of plagues and miracles and destruction and rebirth. So why do we do it?


Nov. 9th Church | An Imperfect Family:

Bruce Reyes-Chow knows he's not inventing the metaphor of the church as family. So he suggests we take our changing notions about what it means to be a family and let them seep into our understanding of the church. For Bruce, it's the messiness, the dysfunction, and the joy that comes from complex relationships that make church worth hanging on to. So how do we stay connected to this sometimes-broken family system? What does it mean to commit ourselves to the church family, for better or for worse?


Nov. 16th Kim Bobo | Interfaith Worker Justice:

Kim is the Executive Director and founder of Interfaith Worker Justice, the nation's largest network of people of faith engaging in local and national actions to improve wages, benefits and conditions for workers, especially those in the low-wage economy.  Since 1996 she has been helping build interfaith groups and workers centers around the nation. Kim is the author of Wage Theft in America: Why Millions of Working Americans Are Not Getting Paid - And What We Can Do About It, the first and only book to document the wage theft crisis in the nation and propose practical solutions for addressing it.  The book and Kim's extensive speaking on the subject helped coin the phrase "wage theft" and has helped get the issue of wage theft on the national radar. And Kim will be leading our adult forum. 

Children's Sunday School

This week's session offers an opportunity for children to hear about Jesus as a teacher and to follow his example of living and growing in God's way. Pray for the children, that they will see themselves as beloved students of Jesus, and the adults in their lives will view the children as much cherished role models. Thank you to this week's teachers and classroom assistants: Liz McElhatton / Holly Benz (ages 3 - 5), Anne Heinz / Dorothy Szczepaniak (ages 6 - 8), John Lucadamo and Lori Goede (ages 9 - 12).

This Week at Saint Mark's

Wednesday, October 29

6:00 p.m.

Music Night

(ages 5 and up),

Choir Room


6:30 p.m.

Music Night

(youth and adults),

Choir Room


Thursday, October 30

7:30 p.m.

Choir Rehearsal,

Choir Room


Sunday, November 2

Feast of All Saints

8:00 a.m.

Holy Eucharist


Lady Chapel


9:00 a.m.

Coffee Hour,



9:30 a.m.

Children's Formation,



9:30 a.m.

Adult Formation,

Bethlehem Chapel


10:30 a.m.

Holy Eucharist

with Music,



11:45 a.m.

Coffee Hour,



12:00 noon

Handbell Choir




Monday, November 3

1:00 p.m.

Staff Meeting,

Volunteer Office


4:00 p.m.

Interfaith Action of Evanston Board Meeting,

Bethlehem Chapel


Tuesday, November 4

7:30 p.m.


Cunningham Hall



November 5

6:00 p.m.

Music Night

(ages 5 and up),

Choir Room


6:30 p.m.

Music Night

(youth and adults), Choir Room


7:00 p.m.

Evanston English Country Dancers,

Cunningham Hall

October Birthdays

October 3 

Lily Consiglio


Otober 4

Margaret Forst,

Betsy Sagan


October 5 

Sydney Johnson


October 8 

Carol Martin


October 10 

Leela Gaede,

Ayden Lettner


October 12 

Owen McElhatton


October 13 

Movelle Das


October 18

Abby Stahr


October 21 

Doug Sondgeroth


October 23 

Darlisa Himrod


October 25 

Hardy Murphy

October 31

Tacia Johnson
October Anniversaries


October 7

Charlie and Judy Kopp


October 11

Bob & Edie Molumby

October 25

Kevin & Debra Nee
Where are you today? Lonely and afraid? Joyful and confident? Somewhere in between? Wherever you are in your journey of faith, know that there is a place for you here, companionship for the journey in this community gathered.

  ♪♫ Music Night ♫♫

Each Wednesday from 6:00-7:30pm, our associate for Music Ministries, David Plank, will be leading "Music Night" at St. Mark's. People with any level of musical background-even those with no music experience-are welcome to come! If you like music, but can only play the radio, come join us! If you love to sing, but only sing in the shower, come join us! If you're young and want to join a group where you'll have fun with music, join us! If you're old and have always wanted to be in a music group but just haven't gotten to it yet, join us! If you're a professional musician and want to simply relax and have fun with music, you won't be bored! Sneak peeks include a "composer of the month", where we'll find interesting facts about various famous or not-so-famous composers, and an "instrument of the fortnight", where you'll get to see, listen to, and maybe even play on an instrument you may have never even heard of before! Ever wanted to learn how to read music? Or bang on a timpani? Come meet us upstairs in the choir room. Younger children, starting at age five, are welcome to join with all ages from 6:00-6:30. Youth and adults can come (or continue) from 6:30-7:30. Please contact David with any questions you may have at [email protected].



The Chicago InterPlay community is excited to offer weekly community classes at St. Mark's Episcopal Church starting on Tuesday, November 4th and continuing through May of 2015. Congregants of St. Mark's are invited and encouraged to test out these classes. First time participants are welcome to show up to any of these weekly classes. No experience is necessary. The classes will be held each Tuesday from 7:30-9:00 pm, with doors open at 7:15 pm for registration and meeting other participants. The cost to attend the classes is $10 per class or $40 for a five class card ($8 per class). InterPlay is an easy to learn creative process that invites participants to express themselves through storytelling, movement and vocalization. Through well-established methods of play participants can simply have fun. They can also discover new things about themselves and others. Although many people have not heard about InterPlay, InterPlayers across the world are celebrating its 25th birthday this year. To learn more about InterPlay, visit www.meetup.com/ChicagoInterPlay and www.InterPlay.org. You can also email event leaders Christina Ernst at [email protected] or Jeff Breting at [email protected].


Middle- and High-School-age Youth are invited to join Pastor Debra at the Producemobile on Tuesday, November 11 from 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. to help distribute fresh produce to our neighbors. If you are available and would like to participate, please contact Pastor Debra at [email protected]; text 847-732-9564. High school students, this is a great way to earn those community service hours!


Also, save the date: Chad Senuta, Associate for Youth and Campus Ministry and all-around fun guy, will be joining us on Sunday, November 16 from 5:30 - 8 for dinner, watching "Generation Like" and conversation. Feel free to invite your friends!

Social Justice & Outreach Opportunities

St. Mark's continues its commitment to young people through its many social justice and outreach opportunities. Each Sunday we pray, "Bring newness and change to our streets, O God, that we might commit ourselves to our young people and address the epidemic of gun violence which plagues our communities, our country, and the world. Awake, O Streets, rise from death!" Following are a list of ways in which you can get involved with the St. Mark's community in helping to create a better world.

Producemobile - Tuesday, November 11

On the 2nd Tuesday of each month, Interfaith Action of Evanston teams up with the Greater Chicago Food Depository to bring free, fresh produce to our neighbors in need. The distribution takes place from 9:30 - 11:30 at the Robert Crown Center. Volunteers are needed from 8:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. If you are able to help on November 11, please sign-up at http://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080d4fafac2fab9-evanston or send an e-mail to Pastor Debra, [email protected]. Thank you to St. Mark's September volunteers: Clark Alexander, Nasim Alexander, Bruce Gaede, and Chris Schultze.

Sesquicentennial Anniversary Blood Drive

LifeSource will continue to accept donations. to help us meet our goal of 150 blood donations to mark our 150th anniversary year. Please sign-up at https://donateblood.lifesource.org/ to donate at LifeSource, 2436 Main Street, Evanston, at a time that is convenient for you. When you donate blood, identity our blood drive by using the special code O57G (zero, five, seven, g). If you have any questions please contact Donna Richardson at 847-677-0701.

Other Announcements

Old Treasures-New Treasures-Something for You --The Gift Shop Sale is coming up Sunday, November 23rd. Two work days are scheduled: Thursday, November 6 at 9:30 a.m. and Saturday, November 8 at 10 a.m. If you would like to help, please contact Lola Himrod at 847-864-7815 or [email protected]. St. Mark's 150th anniversary will be honored by some items. YOU are invited to help by donating baked good, preserves, etc. (what do you make that others would enjoy?) and/or by volunteering to help at the sale. No books, media or other old items are being accepted other than Christmas items in very good condition.

Sesquicentennial Photos

If you took photos during any of our Sesquicentennial events, Bruce Gaede would love to have copies. You can put actual photos in his mail folder in the hallway of the Parish House OR you can e-mail digital files to him at [email protected]. Also, if you enjoy scrapbooking and would like to help compile a Sesquicentennial Album, please contact [email protected].

Social Media and St. Mark's

If you have your mobile device it would be good if you put it on silent when in worship. But if anything in Sunday's service - a prayer, reading, hymn or the sermon-moves you, please feel free to tweet it or post it to Facebook #StMarkEvanston. While you're at it, "check-in" with us on Foursquare!


St. Mark's website has up-to-date information on all that's new at St. Mark's - including a current calendar of events - check it out at http://www.stmarksevanston.org. Also, we are on Facebook and Twitter! Find us at http://www.facebook.com/StMarkEvanston  and follow us @StMarkEvanston. 

In The Community

God calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Loving finds all of its meaning in relationship. The following are opportunities to be in relationship with one another and with the community of Evanston.

Science Confronts Race: A Contested History  On Thursday, November 6 at the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center, 9603 Woods Drive, Skokie, Dr. Evelynn M. Hammonds of Harvard University will review some of this history and discuss why the use of race in science, especially the new genetics/genomics, raises significant ethical issues that require more meaningful pubic dialogue. Understanding differences between human groups using the concept of "race" has a long and troubled history in the biological and biomedical sciences. The evening begins at 5 p.m. with a reception, Dr. Hammonds talk begins at 6 p.m. and a tour of the exhibition, "Race: Are We So Different?" begins at 7 p.m. Advance registration is required. RSVP by November 1 to [email protected]
In The Diocese

55th Annual Episcopal Charities Ball

Join hundreds of friends on Friday, November 7 at the Radisson Blu Aqua Hotel beginning at 6 p.m. for a cocktail reception, auction, dinner and dancing 'til midnight with The Joe Lill Orchestra. This is a black-tie optional event that has the diocese coming together around a common goal: to raise support for the life-changing ministries of Episcopal Charities and Community Services in the Diocese of Chicago. To purchase tickets or to make your sponsorship gift online, go to https://secure.acceptiva.com/?cst=610310. If you have questions or need more information, contact Michael Cleavenger at (312) 751-3578 or send an email to [email protected].

Parish Prayer List

The Prayer List will begin anew next week. If you would like your loved ones to remain on the prayer list please send an e-mail to [email protected]. Thank you.

We bid your prayers for: Helen Baker, Louise Beem and her family, Louise Behrends, Ellen and Tom Bergman, Veronica Braithwaite, John Burnham, Karen Cornelius, Kendric Das, Bob Easton, Lynn Erickson, Hal Griffith, Mary Hair, Charlie and Judy Kopp, Ann Lettner, Ayden Lettner, Grace Lettner, Kathy Lettner, Sadie Mysen, Mary O'Dowd, Jan and Jeri Offutt, Joan Barr Smith, Carol Albertson, Carol Beatty, Barbara Bishop, Susan Murrell Cataneda, Dorothy Clarke, Ward Clarke, Jim and Cathy Dillman, Jessica Erickson, Ruth Formen, JoAnne Gilburg, Patricia Gosling, Dave and Jan Gurniak, Kinzie Hughes, Katie Iles, Yvonne Johns, Leo Padget, Alison King, OJ Mabwa, Mary Joyce Menzies, Mike Nee, Pam Oshlo, Maureen Puleo, Revaldo,Ean and Neale Smith, Tim and his family, Carlo Trovato, Blanca White, Jordyn White, Jill Vannattam.


We pray for those who have died: Darrell Huddleston, friend of Joan Barr-Smith; Victoria Fortner, close friend of Bruce and Lee Gaede; Richard Seaberg, father of Diane Seaberg Laudati (Dorothy and Vittorio's daughter-in-law; Wayne Gerard Wiley, friend of Jan Baker-Offutt


We pray for the people in: the Diocese of Southeast Mexico and in the Diocese of Renk.

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St. Mark's Episcopal Church | 847-864-4806 | [email protected] | http://www.stmarksevanston.org
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
1509 Ridge Avenue
Evanston, IL 60201