Dear Friend,
I don't like to cancel events.  It's a hard call to make, but sometimes it is for the best. Last night was like the perfect storm where there really wasn't a good answer, but the best of the worst was to cancel our youth group time. 
On the other hand, when things like that happen, it opens up opportunities that otherwise would not be.  Time to hang out with family or friends; to study more or watch a movie.  The possibilities are endless.  I hope you found joy in the newly opened window in your schedule last night.
Today exams are over.  It's the last day of the semester. This calls to mind the night time prayer in the New Zealand Prayer Book.  I think it is really applicable to the end of a semester as well. 
I've adjusted the words for our use. The original prayer is at the bottom of the page.

Lord,  exams are over.

The coming time is for stillness.

Let us be still in the presence of God.


It is vacation after a long semester.

What has been done has been done;
what has not been done has not been done; let it be.


The unknown can be frightening.

Let our fears of failure in school and in our own lives rest in you.

The time after school is quiet.

Let the quietness of your peace enfold us, all dear to us,

and all who have no peace.


The end of the semester heralds the coming of a new semester and a new year. Let us look expectantly to a new day, new joys, new possibilities.


In your name we pray.

~God's Peace,
                                                 Duana Cisney
See Important
Dates Below

Our ornament sales are going great!  Remember to sign up to help sell.  We only have 1 more Sunday!

You are a very important part of our community.  Prayer is a very important part of our community.  Please know that you know you can share your cares, concerns and prayer requests privately.  If you have something you need prayer for, please let me know.
Brotherhood of St. Andrew Offers Two Scholarships To Graduating
High School Seniors
Cross Words

What does it mean to really 'hear' something?  There is so much information that comes to us at such a rapid pace that our brains have to be like super processors. 


The definition of the word hear is: "To listen with favor". Don't you find it interesting that the definition contains the word listen?     


Consider this:

"I assure you that whoever hears my word and believes in the one who sent me has eternal life and won't come under judgment but has passed from death into life."

John 5:24


There is a lot of emphasis on 'hearing' in the bible.  It makes me think that hearing something makes it land a little deeper.  I think about the difference between listening to music and hearing the lyrics.  It's different. It's when what we are hearing touches a place deep inside of us and catches us unaware or surprises us.  Like hearing your name in a loud just catches your attention.  Like hearing the first few notes of your favorite song; you just know it.  Like hearing your mom's voice above all others; you just feel it. 


It's not the skill of our ear, it's the ear of our heart that makes hearing different from listening.

Praying you hear that still small
voice this week...
bottomTravel Registrations & Deposits Due
Spring Youth Pilgrimage:  A Sacred Journey

On March 15th we will depart from St. David's and embark on a sacred journey together ~ seeking God's face in ourselves, in others and in the world.  We will be traveling to Mustang Island in Port Aransas, TX returning on March 18th.

You are invited to join us as we sing, play, pray and splash around in the ocean.


Registrations are now open and the $50 deposit is due to hold your space.  There is a very limited number of students we can take. 

The deadline is January 10th via My St Davids.

(this is a firm deadline according to the conference center where we will staying) 


The total cost is $175 per student.

(some scholarships are available) 



High School Mission Trip ~ Glory Ridge 2015
This summer our high school students will be traveling to the mountains of North Carolina to a place called "Glory Ridge" in Madison County.  In order to hold your place, please contact Duana and send a deposit of $100 by February 1st.  Please also remember that if you are planning to travel with us and have not participated in any youth fundraisers, you will need to include the remaining fundraising opportunities in your plans.  The next one will be a Super Bowl Briskets (details to come soon.)
This is a fabulous trip in a beautiful part of the country. 
Please take time to review the website. 
I am available to share some experiences with you if you are undecided. 



12/24 -



12/31 -


12/21 -

Last Youth Forum

10:25am - 11:10am

Youth Room

2/28 -



1 /4 - 



1/4 -

Acolyte Training

in the Historic Church at 10:25 am. 

New acolytes must be in 6th grade or higher.


**FYI:  Beginning in 2015, serving in worship no longer qualifies as "community service" hours.  Please make a note!**

12/19 -

Caroling for Cans & Christmas Party. 

6:30 - 9:00pm at Duana's house

4704 Norman Trail in South Austin


I'll be there!

Night Prayer from the New Zealand Prayer Book


Lord, it is night.

The night is for stillness.
Let us be still in the presence of God.


It is night after a long day.
What has been done has been done;
what has not been done has not been done; let it be.


The night is dark.
Let our fears of the darkness of the world and of our own lives
rest in you.  

The night is quiet.
Let the quietness of your peace enfold us, all dear to us,
and all who have no peace.


The night heralds the dawn.
Let us look expectantly to a new day,
new joys, new possibilities.


In your name we pray.


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