EBA is the acronym for Estudios Biblicos ASELSI.  In English: ASELSI Biblical Studies.


John and Sharon Harvey started EBA in 2000 with a goal to train leaders and pastors in the Word of God in an orderly and systematic way, to build up the body of Christ.  Students are discipled and taught in a way that integrates Biblical knowledge, theology and practice, with the goal of helping them to develop their character and give them experience in ministry.  EBA instructors give students the tools they need to  extract Biblical truths so that they can use their spiritual gifts in an effective way, with anointing and excellence. 


EBA offers 4 levels of study:

  • Basic (Middle School level)  Diploma in Bible and Practical Ministry (2 years)
  • High School level Diploma in Practical Theology (2 years)
  • Associate Degree Level Diploma in Biblical Studies (2 years)
  • University Level classes in  Pastoral Ministry (2 years)
Please pray for the students, teachers and staff of EBA.
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And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as a human word, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is indeed at work in you who believe. 

1 Thess. 2:13



Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth.  

2 Timothy 2:15 Amplified Bible 

One of the instructors at our EBA Center in Chichicastenango wrote:

I want to share with you the joy that we have because of our beautiful group of students.  John Harvey's heart is to train potential leaders that can expand the Kingdom of Heaven.  There are many young adults who have a great desire to learn more about the Word of God.  As I interviewed potential students, I asked them what their reasons for studying the Word are.  Two of the young men were from the same church.  "We want to study to be prepared to serve the Lord with excellence.  Our pastor has studied in EBA and now is able to preach well.  We want to study because we have seen how ASELSI prepares good leaders."  I have seen that there is an awakening among the young adults, and a great interest in preparing for Christian Ministry.    I am filled with joy!

This year in Chichicastenango, we have 52 students at the High School and Associate Degree level!  And more continue to call with a desire to study.  We also have 10 students studying our intensive University level classes.  After graduating from ASELSI's  2 year program, they can continue an additional year at a local university to complete their degree!  Please pray for all of these students to be equipped to serve the Lord!

We are overflowing with students!
We are overflowing with students in 4 countries who have a passion to study the Word of God and serve Him! From Guatemala to Mexico, Ecuador, south Florida, Texas and even in Oregon, the enthusiasm to study is contagious! This year we have over 200 students at our EBA extensions in Guatemala, and another 100 studying in our international extensions.  Our International Director of EBA, Dr. Mike McComb and others will need to travel internationally this year to oversee, encourage and teach at these extensions. Your help is needed to make this happen.

We keep our tuition low so that no one is left out which means that ASELSI pays the rest. Won't you consider a special donation that will help us equip these saints for the work of the ministry?
Somehow raising money for malnourished children is not as difficult as raising money for Bible education! Yet, it is through this education for our brothers and sisters who have not had the opportunity to study before, that we will advance the Kingdom! Please, pray about this and give sacrificially to help us reach many with the Word.   

Thank you for your faithfulness,

Sharon Harvey

Vice President and Founder 

Victoria, An eager new student!

"4 years ago, I came to ASELSI because I wanted to study the Bible.  Then they didn't accept me because I was only 13 and had not graduated from middle school. " said Victoria.


"She was sad and I could see that she had the desire to study the Bible.  Her dream was to be a youth leader and she wanted to be equipped to serve the youth and the Lord with excellence.  But she told me that she does not give up easily and that one day she would return after graduating from Middle School."  Reports Irma, secretary to EBA. 


Her father continues:  "After that visit to ASELSI, my daughter came home and continued with her school classes.  When she graduated she said to me, "Papa, finally it is time to study at ASELSI-now they will accept me!"  My daughter feels a very strong call to serve the Lord."


Last week, after 4 years, Victoria surprised everyone and returned with her diploma, ready to enroll at EBA!  She never gave up or lost her desire to study at ASELSI.  


It is amazing to see how God is calling young people like Veronica to come with a heart ready and passionate for training and service to God with excellence!


Please pray for these young believers, that they could help ASELSI to expand the Kingdom of God in Guatemala!


Isa�as:   my life was changed!

Just months after receiving Jesus in my heart in 2009, I heard of ASELSI.  

When I first met Jesus I had problems with pornography, that's why I was interested to know more of God.  No one knew of my problem--not my parents or my friends, and since ASELSI taught about the Bible, I decided to study there.  When I began classes, God started working in my life.

In the first year we talked about discipleship, especially how to study the Bible, and  I understood how one could become a true child of God.  After a few months I started to evangelize in the clinic at ASELSI. My friend, Miguel and I, began to preach in our church, but some of the leaders did not believe in us and they began to speak ill of us saying we were  young, immature, and we knew nothing.

Later Miguel and I started a youth group in our church. God backed us and the activity was successful. After that, the church leaders saw that we were actually prepared to serve the Lord and began to give us more responsibility in the church. We are now part of the leadership of our church.

EBA has helped me in many things but if there is something I want to share with you it is this.  I came to ASELSI without a vision in my life, with many personal problems, my only hope was that ASELSI could teach me more about God.  I am grateful to God for EBA.   Before, I thought my life had no purpose.  Now I speak of God to friends and neighbors.   I believe that EBA not only prepares leaders for the service of God but also makes leaders for the service of God.
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