January 21, 2015
Walking the Way 
Throughout January, the Stewardship Ministry Team will be sharing a reflection from The Episcopal Network for Stewardship's "Walking the Way" Series. We hope that you will take the time each week to read the reflection.


"But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach." - Matthew 23:3


One night, I sat with a close friend drinking inexpensive port and eating blue saga cheese on dark, rich gingersnaps. My friend asked me a question which impressed me. He asked "What do you believe?" The fire was roaring and the meal recently eaten was nestling into my gut. I could suddenly feel my scalp. Every nerve ending seemed to be alive - waiting in anticipation of what I was about to say.


I tried to stall by saying rather priestly-like: "I believe a lot of things!" I silently hoped that was a good answer. It was deemed by my guest unacceptable with a small smirk and a look out the tops of his eyes. "Damn!" I thought.


I took another long drag on my cheap port and went over to my desk. It occurred to me that whatever I say was going to be either shallow or pious, stilted or pock-marked with false humility. Nothing I could think of saying told the story of what I believe. I could quote scripture, but I was sitting with a theologian whose knowledge was greater than mine. I could draw on the church mothers and fathers, but that would be so sanctimonious that my old friend would just giggle.


I drew a small book from the desk and sat down again. He said, "Well....So ...what do you believe?"


Kai, my black lab, had awoken from his snooze and looked at me. He seemed interested. He had this bone-eating grin on his face. One eyebrow was up. It was annoying. He added to the pressure.


I said, "I love God and I love my friends and the people I know and meet and serve. At least I try to, every day." And that is true. I do love people and I do love God.


I then placed my check-book on the table. He did not pick it up. He did not look in it at the register of checks I had written that month. He could have, but he didn't. We both understood what I was saying. We both knew that the proof of what I believe is in my check book. As one looks at my checks, one can see that I give a chunk of money to the church and another big chunk is spent on food for the many friends who come to my home for dinner. One can also see that I buy a lot of clay and chemicals for glazes, and gas for the pottery kiln.


My check-book is the theological statement in my life which states what I believe. It never lies. My speech can lie, but my checkbook never does.


Reflection Questions

  • How does giving profess what you believe?
  • How does your checkbook reflect your values?
  • How does giving shape your walk with God?


The Rev. Charles La Fond, Canon Steward, St. John's Cathedral

The Episcopal Diocese of Colorado


In the baptismal covenant, we are asked, "Will you continue in the apostles' teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers?" and we respond, "I will, with God's help."

Third Sunday after Epiphany: Jonah 3:1-5, 10; 1 Corinthians 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20


"For God alone my soul in silence waits; truly, my hope is in him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold, so that I shall not be shaken." - Psalm 62:6-7

This Sunday's Lay Ministers

Thank you to the following parishioners for sharing their time and talent with the congregation this week. If you would like to become involved, please contact Pastor Debra at 847-732-9564 or [email protected].

  • Lector: Lisa Montgomery & Hardy Murphy
  • Eucharistic Ministers: Lynette Murphy
  • Acolytes: Bruce Gaede, Betsy Johnson, Wesley Urbanowski
  • Altar Guild: Pat Bent & Beth Johnson
  • Flower Guild: Dale Seifert
  • Vestry Persons of the Day: Dale Seifert & Bruce Gaede
  • Ushers: Fred Lewis, Susan Lewis, Lisa Montgomery
  • Coffee Hour Snacks: Last names beginning with
    O - Z
  • Welcoming New Worshippers: All the People of St. Mark's

Annual Pledge In Gathering

The gathering of all pledges for 2015 will take place at worship services on Sunday, February 1. All pledges that have already been received and those placed in the offering plates that morning will be blessed that they may transform others through St. Mark's and that our own lives may be transformed through our generous giving as we continue to Walk the Way of Jesus. 

Evanston Christian Unity Worship Service

On Thursday, January 22nd all Christian communities in Evanston are invited to celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity with an evening worship service at 7:00 pm.  Hosted this year by St. Paul's Lutheran (1004 Greenwood Street), the worship service brings together many Christian communities and allows us to celebrate our unity through our diversity. The Rev. Dr. Karen E. Mosby, moderator of the Evanston Pastors Fellowship and pastor of Second Baptist Church, is the preacher for the 2015 annual gathering.   A combined choir will rehearse at 6:00 pm.  

Annual Meeting / One Worship Service

Mark your calendars for St. Mark's annual meeting, January 25, 2015, after our one worship service at 9:30 a.m. that day. We will show a video in the Parlor for children to enjoy during the meeting --- with adult supervision, of course!

Hand Bell Choir

The Ringing Continues! - St. Mark's hand bell choir rehearses under the direction of David Plank on Sundays from noon until 12:30. Pack a lunch - or fill up in coffee hour - and join us in the balcony. New ringers are welcome to join us! For more information or questions, contact David at [email protected] 

Sing to the Lord a New Song: An Invitation to Sing in St. Mark's Choir

All teens and adults are invited to join St. Mark's Choir. People from all musical backgrounds and levels of experience are welcome! Rehearsals take place every Thursday evening from 7:30-9:00 in the choir room and on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. Please contact David Plank if you have any questions or would like more information. E-mail: [email protected]. Phone: (402) 650-9266.

Christian Formation
Lifelong Christian faith formation is important for lifelong growth in the knowledge, service and love of God as followers of Christ. Regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey, no matter what season of life you are in, you are invited to enter into a prayerful of continuous learning.

Children's Formation

Because of the Annual Meeting, there will be no Christian Formation classes for children; however, nursery care will be available from 9 a.m. until the conclusion of the meeting. A movie will be shown in the Parlor during the Annual Meeting. Christian Formation classes will resume on Sunday, February 1 at 9:30 a.m.  



"Will you who witness these vows do all in your power to support these persons in their life in Christ? We will." - from the order for Holy Baptism (Book of Common Prayer, p. 303) On Sunday mornings, our children gather in three classrooms from 9:30 - 10:15 a.m. to hear one of the stories we'll be reading in church and then to reflect on that story through music, art, or other activities. We have a core group of teachers who ensure that lesson plans are in place. But, we need your help. We are looking for classroom assistants to help on the following dates:


  • February 1, 8, 15, 22
  • March 15, 22
  • April 12, 19, 26
  • May 3, 10, 17


Please check your calendar and send an e-mail to Pastor Debra at [email protected] if you are able to assist on one or more of these dates. Thank you.

This Week at Saint Mark's


January 21

6:00 p.m. 

Music Night,

Choir Room


Thursday, January 22

7:30 p.m. 

Choir Rehearsal,

Choir Room


Sunday, January 25

9:30 a.m.

ONE Worship Service followed by Annual Meeting


12 Noon 

Hand Bell Choir Rehearsal, Balcony


Tuesday, January 27

7:30 p.m.

Interplay Class, Cunningham Hall



January 28

6:00 p.m. 

Music Night,

Choir Room


8:00 p.m.

Evanston English Country Dancers, Cunningham Hall

January Birthdays

January 1

Milner Seifert


January 4

Patrick Furlong


January 5

Rima Lockwood


January 9 

Gerrit Dangremond


January 11 

John Burnham, Jr.


January 16 

Susan Lewis

Patrick Nee


January 17 

Andrew Howard


January 18 

David Himrod


January 19 

Beth Johnson

Charlie Kopp


January 20 

Walter Clarkson


January 21 

James Lettner


January 22 

Grace Lettner


January 23 

Jonathan Greene


January 25 

Will Suvari


January 28
Lindsay Chase-Lansdale,
Byron Scott
January Anniversaries

January 1

Andrew and Chris Schultze


January 14

Jack and Anne Heinz


January 25 

Hardy and Lynette Murphy

January 27

Dick and Carolyn Brooks
ADULT FORUM: InterPlay - February 1, 9:30 - 10:15 a.m.
Greetings to the congregation at St. Mark's!  We are excited for the opportunity to share InterPlay with you on Sunday, February 1st. InterPlay is a practice and a social movement aimed at creating greater ease and joy
in peoples' lives.  It also builds connections between people of all different backgrounds.  There are no special requirements to do InterPlay, and anybody can do it.  In our time together, we'll provide a small sample
of InterPlay's activities and principles.  You'll have an opportunity to share your personal stories, move in your own unique ways and discover what your voices can do.  As individuals you get to choose how you want to
participate, which includes simply watching.  As a community, you may experience a broadening and deepening of your connections with each other.  You can learn more about InterPlay and the experiences of InterPlayers by visiting www.meetup.com/InterPlayChicago.  We believe you'll find a lot of commonality between InterPlay and the St. Mark's logo of "Being, Living, and Growing."

-Sincerely, Christina Ernst and Jeff Breting
Where are you today? Lonely and afraid? Joyful and confident? Somewhere in between? Wherever you are in your journey of faith, know that there is a place for you here, companionship for the journey in this community gathered.

Men's Fellowship Breakfast

On Saturday, January 31st and on the fifth Saturday of every month (every month that has 5 Saturdays, that is), the men of St. Mark's and their friends gather at Walker Brothers in Wilmette at 7:30 a.m. for conversation and good eats. All men are invited. For more information, you can contact convener, Bruce Gaede at [email protected] or just show up and enjoy.

♪♫ Music Night♫♫

If it's Wednesday Night it's Music Night at St. Mark's!  Who will be the composer of the month? What will be the instrument of the fortnight? Will there be a quote of the week? Come and find out! Associate for Music Ministries, David Plank, leads "Music Night." People with any level of musical background-even those with no music experience-are welcome to come upstairs to the choir room on Wednesday night from 6:00-7:30. Younger children, starting at age five, are welcome to join with all ages from 6:00-6:30. Youth and adults can come (or continue) from 6:30-7:30. Please contact David with any questions you may have at [email protected].  
Social Justice & Outreach Opportunities

St. Mark's continues its commitment to young people through its many social justice and outreach opportunities. Each Sunday we pray, "Bring newness and change to our streets, O God, that we might commit ourselves to our young people and address the epidemic of gun violence which plagues our communities, our country, and the world. Awake, O Streets, rise from death!" Following are a list of ways in which you can get involved with the St. Mark's community in helping to create a better world.

Vision Keepers 2015

This year, St. Mark's has selected three members of our Producemobile Team as our Vision Keepers. They are Nasim Niktoreh Alexander, Bruce Gaede and Christine Schultze. While several St. Mark's parishioners - youth and adults have volunteered at the Producemobile, none have been so diligent as these three. Nearly every month when the Greater Chicago Food Depository truck rolls into the parking lot of the Robert Crown Center, Nasim, Bruce and Chris are there ready to help unload the heavy boxes of produce, to set up tables, to sort through fruits and vegetables and to serve the countless guests who come to receive this much needed produce. If you would like to join St. Mark's as we honor Nasim, Bruce, and Chris at The Vision Keepers Dinner on Sunday, February 15 at 5:30 p.m. at the Hilton Orrington, please contact Pastor Debra. Tickets are $75 / person and checks should be made payable to Interfaith Action of Evanston. Deadline to RSVP: February 1, 2015.

Wednesday Lunch Program

St. Mark's Social Justice and Outreach Ministry Team has found a partner in St. Matthew's to prepare and distribute sack lunches to the homeless in Evanston every Wednesday! We are targeted to launch in early February.


"Wednesday Lunch" will involve preparing and packing somewhere between 50-100 sack lunches on Tuesday after school/work and serving on Wednesday at St. Mark's when the Interfaith Action of Evanston Hospitality Center closes for the morning.

This will be a multi-generational and zero-waste ministry! We hope that families, students, existing small groups (choir, vestry, Sunday School teachers, people with brown hair, familes with small children, teens with (or without) attitude, young adults with zip - you get the idea) and new small groups from just St. Mark's, from just St. Matthew's and from combinations of the two will be chomping at the bit to start planning and packing lunches! Any person of any age who wishes to pack and/or serve are welcome. Those who want this to be a part of their daily lives can make it so. Those who want to participate occasionally or rarely, are encouraged to do so!


There is a sign-up sheet in the Parlor --- you will then be contacted by a team member who can best match your interest and time commitment with the needs of this exciting ministry. In the meantime, for more information speak with or email parishioner, John Lucadamo ([email protected]) or Community Engagement Coordinator, Jacqui Zeng ( [email protected]).

Other Announcements
Vestry Nominees 2015

The following individuals have accepted nominations to serve on the vestry. At our Annual Meeting on January 25, 2015 the congregation will have the opportunity to approve this slate of nominees. Thank you Nancye, Motoko, Ted, and Nathan for agreeing to serve in this leadership role at St. Mark's!


Nancye Kirk, Jr. Warden (Feb. 2015 - Jan. 2016);  

Sr. Warden (Feb. 2016 - Jan. 2018)

Nancye Kirk, together with her husband John Lucadamo, has been attending St. Mark's for nearly 20 years. She served on the vestry several years ago and, although one of the regular "8 o'clockers," is a long-time usher once a month at the 10:30 am service. Outside of St. Mark's, Nancye is chief strategy officer and vice president of global services with the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM), an international association headquartered in Chicago that provides professional education and certification to commercial real estate management professionals. A native of Kentucky, Nancye holds a BA from Centre College in Kentucky and an MBA from Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management. Nancye and John have two children - Kirk Lucadamo, who lives in Boston, and Eleanor Lucadamo, who has returned to Evanston after spending two years teaching English in South Korea. They live at 1327 Lake Street, within hearing distance of the St. Mark's chimes.


Motoko Maegawa, 3 year term (Feb. 2015 - Jan. 2018)

Motoko L. Maegawa has been a member of St. Mark's since the fall of 2012 when she moved to Evanston from the Detroit, MI area.  Having been raised Episcopalian while growing up in Rhode Island, Motoko appreciates how well the St. Mark's community both challenges and supports her life vision in who she hopes to be as a parent, friend, educator and community member.  Motoko is Head of Middle School at Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Day School in Chicago as well as a staff member for The National SEED Project on Inclusive Curriculum.  Motoko looks forward to the opportunity to be an active voice and listener in the work ahead for the Vestry of St. Mark's. 


Theodore Richardson, 3 year term (Feb. 2015 - Jan. 2018)

Ted Richardson was a member of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Skokie where he completed confirmation classes and was confirmed by Bishop Frank Griswold in 1994 before transferring his membership to St. Mark's. He is a Chicago native but a Skokie resident for 26 years where he lives with his wife Donna. They have two adult children, Scott (33) and Robyn (28). Ted worked for energy and insurance companies for over 35 years. He retired from Unitrin, Inc. (now Kemper Corporation) as VP Corporate Relations in 2006 after 19 years of service. During his career, Ted was a local volunteer with the United Negro College Fund and United Way of Metropolitan Chicago. During the 1990s he served as a board member with the Chicago United Way. Ted currently volunteers with Evanston Hospital on Tuesdays and tutors students at Evanston's Foster Reading Center on Thursdays. At St. Mark's he recently co-chaired the Sesquicentennial Anniversary Steering Committee and serves as a Lay Eucharistic Minister.


Nathan Waller, 3 year term (Feb. 2015 - Jan. 2018)

Nathan Waller hails from the great state of North Carolina. He has lived in Chicago since 2007. Nathan works as a clinical instructor and lecturer in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders in the Northwestern University Audiology, Speech, Language, and Learning Clinic. He is a licensed speech-language pathologist. Nathan's husband, Mike Schoen, also attends St. Mark's and together they enjoy traveling, running and spending time with their beagle Coco. Mike and Nathan first began attending services at St. Mark's in September 2012.  Nathan is thrilled to have the opportunity to join the Vestry at St. Mark's!

Continuing Studies for Pastor Debra

Pastor Debra will be out of the office for coursework related to her Doctor of Ministry program at Bexley-Seabury Theological Seminary in Chicago. This winters' courses include a Thesis Proposal Workshop and a course called "Diversity and Context" which is being taught by The Rev. Dr. Eric H.F. Law. The course will explore a number of topics including: what is culture and why are there cultural differences? How do these differences impact congregational leadership? and consideration of power dynamics in multicultural environments. The capstone project for this course will be to use the skills and models from this course to create a project at St. Mark's involving at least eight parishioners from diverse backgrounds. . . so, stay tuned for more information and ways to be involved!


During her absence, The Rev. Charlie de Kay, Rector, St. Matthew's will be providing coverage for pastoral care emergencies. His number is 630-862-5701.  Deacon Joan is also available and can be reached at 847-334-1848.  

Social Media and St. Mark's

If you have your mobile device it would be good if you put it on silent when in worship. But if anything in Sunday's service - a prayer, reading, hymn or the sermon-moves you, please feel free to tweet it or post it to Facebook #StMarkEvanston. While you're at it, "check-in" with us on Foursquare!


St. Mark's website has up-to-date information on all that's new at St. Mark's - including a current calendar of events - check it out at http://www.stmarksevanston.org. Also, we are on Facebook and Twitter! Find us at http://www.facebook.com/StMarkEvanston  and follow us @StMarkEvanston. 


Please remember that with fluctuations in temperature, icy patches can appear despite after even a small amount of precipitation. Please use great care when driving and walking. And, if you notice a particularly icy area, please notify an usher on Sunday or, during the week, let a staff member know.

Estate Sale

The Easton family will be having an estate sale on January 23rd and 24th in preparation for their upcoming move.  The sale will be held at 1242 Asbury Ave, Evanston from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.  The sale will feature many items including but not limited to furniture, clothing, toys, kitchen items and office supplies.  You can view an inventory of the estate sale at www.estatesales.net/estate-sales/IL/Evanston/60202/792057.  All are welcome.

In The Community

God calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Loving finds all of its meaning in relationship. The following are opportunities to be in relationship with one another and with the community of Evanston.

State of the Schools Event: Thursday, January 29 at 7 p.m. at ETHS

This will be the first time in recent history that the two districts will partner in hosting a community-wide event to discuss the state of the public schools in Evanston and Skokie. Superintendents Paul Goren (District 65) and Eric Witherspoon (District 202) will share their visions on how the Evanston/Skokie public schools can prepare all students for future success.

Evanston Creative Writing Meetup

If you like to write and want a supportive environment in which to write, join us! Each week, a member volunteers to provide writing prompts to spark our creativity. It can be a first line, an object, a picture, a situation. For about 10-15 minutes we write and if we feel like sharing we read our creation aloud. This is not a critique group - only positive feedback is encouraged. We usually fit in 3-4 prompts in an evening. Member ages range from young adults to octogenarians. You do not have to be a serious or professional writer to participate. For more information go to http://www.meetup.com/Evanston-Creative-Writing-Group/. The group meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month in the Old Library at St. Mark's.

Adult InterPlay Group

InterPlay is an easy to learn creative process that invites adult participants to express themselves through storytelling, movement and vocalization. Through well-established methods of play participants can simply have fun. They can also discover new things about themselves and others. InterPlayers across the world are celebrating its 25th birthday this year. You can be part of the party! No Prior Experience is Necessary. This class meets every Tuesday night in Cunningham Hall. The cost is $5 per session. Contact: Christina Ernst (847)899-5329.

Evanston English Country Dance Group

This group meets every other Wednesday in Cunningham Hall. All dances are taught and prompted. We learn English Country dances devised from pre-1650 to the present. Jane Austin would recongize much of the dancing we do. Once a month, we have live music performed by Putting on Aires; the other Wednesdays, the music is from an extensive CD collection. You are welcome to come with or without a partner. Wear comfortable shoes (the type you would use to walk a mile) and casual clothing. We ask for a $5 ($3 for students) admittance fee to cover the rent and to buy music for the band. For further information, contact Tom Senior 847-606-8704, [email protected]. Upcoming dates include: January 14, 28, February 11, 25.

In The Diocese

Men's Fellowship

The Men's Fellowship of St. James the Less, 550 Sunset Ridge Road, Northfield invites all men of the Evanston Deanery (that includes St. Mark's) to join them in welcoming Bishop Jeff Lee on Saturday, January 24 at 9:30 a.m. for a conversation about Living Our Faith in Everyday Life. For more information, call 847-446-8430.

Parish Prayer List

If you would like your loved ones added to (or removed from) the prayer list please send an e-mail to [email protected]. Thank you.

We bid your prayers for: Helen Baker, Louise Behrends, Veronica Braithwaite, John Burnham, Karen Cornelius, Kendric Das, Bob Easton, Lynn Erickson, Hal Griffith, Mary Hair, Lola Himrod, Charlie and Judy Kopp, Mary O'Dowd, Jan and Jeri Offutt, Joan Barr Smith, Char Wiss, Carol Albertson, Celeste Ammons, Carol Beatty, Barbara Bishop, Susan Murrell Castaneda, Dorothy Clarke, Ward Clarke, Thomas Galaty, JoAnne Gilburg, Dee Goodale-Mikosz,Patricia Gosling, Dave and Jan Gurniak, Kaileen Hogan-Brink, Erma Johnson Hadley, Christian Isley, Teresa Johnson, Jay Johnson, Katie Iles, Jacqueline Irvine and her Family, Jeff, Yvonne Johns, Andre King, Allison King, Marc King, Leo, OJ Mabwa, Connie Montgomery,Kyle Peach, Penny Pritchett and her family, Barbara Rosenbloom, Deborah Russell, Helen Snow, Sue, Tim and his family, Jill Vannatta, Richard Walsh, George Weber, Blanca White, Jordyn White.


We pray for those who have died: Sally Mitchell, friend of Dorothy Szczepaniak, Joan Roscher, friend of Lisa Montgomery


We pray for the people in: the Diocese of Southeast Mexico and in the Diocese of Renk.

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St. Mark's Episcopal Church | 847-864-4806 | [email protected] |  http://www.stmarksevanston.org
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
1509 Ridge Avenue
Evanston, IL 60201