Bridgeway Senior Healthcare        October 2014
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Bridgeway Education Series
"Breast Cancer Awareness"
Go pink! October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Most people are aware of what breast cancer is, but do not always know the proper steps to prevent and diagnose it.
Symptoms and Signs

Women should get mammograms once every two years between the ages of 50-74. If you are younger, ask your doctor if and when you should get a mammogram.


Here are some signs and symptoms to look out for:


  • Make sure to do self breast exams to detect any lumps
  • Tenderness or a change in texture
  • Change in appearance                              
Women are not the only ones who get breast cancer. One in one thousand men will be diagnosed with breast cancer. While this is a small percentage, men are less likely to realize it is breast cancer and will not seek treatment soon enough.
Genetic and Environmental Factors
Breast Cancer is genetic as well as caused by outside factors. Here are some of them:
  • Age, two out of three women with invasive cancer are diagnosed over the age of 55
  • Personal health history
  • Reproductive history
  • Poor diet, being overweight
  • Combined Hormone Replacement Therapy

There are factors you can change and ones that you cannot. And 60-70% of people with breast cancer have no connection to the risk factors and some with risk factors never have cancer.



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