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August 2014 The Health and Fitness News
TPS-One of America's Twenty Best Gyms, Best of Boston 2012 and Best of Women's Health Magazine 2013
In this issue: More FREE information and awesome news that you can imagine!

Strongman Saturdays

The next TPS Strongman Saturday is Saturday September 13th. We will not have one in August due to the show. In September we will be doing two of the ALL TIME FAVORITES-tire flips and Atlas stones.

Yep, stones and tires. I know, you can watch a YouTube video on how to do them, right? Wrong. I have seen about a billion of them and I have only seen a few with really good technique. With that said, if you want to tear a bicep, go ahead and get advice from a video.

If you want to dominate the world and have jacked biceps, come and see the Cookie Monster. TPS Strongman coach Eric "Cookie Monster" Dawson is your head coach for the events and they are two of his best. This is your chance to learn from a PROFESSIONAL Strongman and coach. He is the only Pro Strongman coach in the Boston area. Come and learn from the REAL DEAL. You do not need to be a member to attend. Bring a friend with you if they train elsewhere, we love new people!

On to the events: tires and stones are possibly the two best Strongman events to add to your training for several reasons:
-they are fun

-the have a ton carryover to just about all other aspects of fitness (pretty bold statement right?) and many sports (this means they build strength and conditioning that you can actually use right away)

-I can come up with a lot more but these two pretty much sum it up simply

Strongman Saturday is for beginners to advanced athletes. We don't care if you have never done either event. We just got 2 new tiny stones in (65 lbs., 85 lbs.). I got them for my 9 year old, but the smaller ladies will like learning on them too. Ladies, don't be offended, he's a GIANT 9 year old.

Drop in and learn, have fun and get stronger.

You can register for the next Strongman Saturday here or at the Front Desk the day of.

Grip Authority Site

By now I'm sure you have been reading about feats of grip strength from the best in the biz, Jedd Johnson in this newsletter.
Well, Jedd has an awesome site, Grip Authority filled with videos, articles, workouts and more for you to gain more knowledge.
Grip training is very under rated in sports and strength training. It WILL help all combat athletes (MMA), baseball players, golfers, and more to have more control over their sport.
Click here to see what it's all about. You won't be disappointed.


August 9, 2014: TPS/NAS Mass. State Strongman Championships, right here at TPS

August 16, 2014: TPS Training Day

September 13, 2014: Strongman Saturday at TPS: Tire Flip/Atlas Stones

October 11&12, 2014: TPS/RPS 18th Annual Power Challenge

Awesome Links

Join our mailing list!

First off this month, we are going to be busy for the next 8 days here at TPS. We are coming down to the wire in our final preparations for the annual TPS/NAS Mass. State Strongman contest. This is one of the USA's premiere Strongman events and all of the Team here is busy and will be involved. We want to make this our best show yet, and it is looking good.

We are dotting all the "I's" and crossing all the "T's" so that the athletes and all of the spectators get a show you will never forget. We do this to help the veterans at the Chelsea Soldiers home. All of our work helps us to raise a donation that goes straight to the veterans. We need you too.

If you have not already volunteered to help, please do if you can, if you can't please come to the show. It's only $10.00 admission and every penny taken in at the gate, on hot dogs/burgers, beer and more is that much more that we can give. It is only 8 days away!

On another note, I'd like to take a minute and speak to the younger readers and the parents. Since I became a father, all of my priorities changed overnight. I have done quite a bit of reflection and observation since then and have adjusted my compass. I've also observed a lot of things that I think need to change in our country. If you know me, you are thinking: "here he goes on politics". You are wrong. This is not the forum for that. I am going to talk about the younger generation and our kids.

Let me start off with saying that by no means, am I a perfect person, role model or parent. We all have flaws. I do try and be the best father that I can be, and taking a life lesson learned from my good friend Rich Angelo, I try to be better every day. Some days I hit the mark, some days I don't. I also realize that I need to teach my son how to be a good man and a good person. Kids only know what they are taught. I must teach him the right way and guide him to adulthood so that he will be strong, both mentally and physically, smart, self-sufficient and a problem solver. Not a problem causer.

One of the things I am teaching him is the value of health and strength. He is learning these lessons now in the gym and on the playing field. I have learned over the years that what you do in sports and in the gym can build your character and expose weaknesses in in it to be improved. As Dave Tate says, you learn life lessons Under the Bar. He wrote a book by that title and I highly suggest that you read it.

Life lesson learned under the bar are invaluable. Strength training and sports build character.

They teach that you must not to quit, ever. If you want to be successful, you must earn it. Nothing is handed to you and you don't deserve anything. You must work for it. This was taught to me at a young age and through my life.

It seems that that is not so much the case now. I see a lot of younger people feeling that they have a right to things, a sense of entitlement. Something is owed to them. Of course this is not all of them, but it is many. It seems it is predominant in the culture now. I have discussed this many times recently with my friends who own businesses and they all agree.

I have a message for you, nothing is owed to anyone. Not me, not you. We all create our own destiny and success. Success is bred on hard work, dedication, an undying thirst to be better and a will to never give up. The sooner each of us acknowledges this and then strives to be better each day, even in one small way, the better we as a nation will be.

We need to teach our children that hard work is required, in school, in sports, in life. Hard work breeds success. They say that after a certain age, parents have little influence on their kids. Research is saying that the peer group is more influential than the parents, especially in the teenage years. I will disagree here partially. Especially coming from the background that I did and having the peer groups that I had.

If you believe what the experts say on this topic, I am dead or in prison due to my peer groups in my youth and early teens. Sorry, I chose to associate myself with a new peer group upon entering high school. Why, the examples and lessons set by my uncles and grandfather, and then mentors I sought out as I got a little older.

Without the guidance and lessons from them I would not be the person I am today. They taught me to do things for myself, to figure out how to fix something and solve problems, and if I couldn't, to ask for help. They taught me to stand up for myself and to fight my own battles. They taught me to be strong as a person. Rich is one of the influences who taught me to be strong physically (and mentally). I always had the desire as long as I can remember to be strong physically. Maybe it was due to where I grew up, or maybe it was from watching the Wide World of Sports on T.V. as a kid. Who knows?

The point here?

Teach your children from the youngest of ages to be strong: mentally, physically and in character. Teach them the value of an honest day's work and that things are not owed to them. Teach them to create their own opportunities through education, effort, a desire to be the best and through hard work. Teach them about U.S. and world history. A lot of lessons for the future come from the past and school isn't teaching that anymore.

Those who ignore the past are doomed to repeat it.

Teach them to give back and be charitable.

Teach them to be self-sufficient and to be able to solve their own problems. No one is going to solve problems for them. Teach them how to be successful, even if you are not.

Please don't take this as an angry rant. It is not. I was fortunate enough to have great influences and I feel it saved me. I also feel that I owe that to my son. I owe that to the greatest country in the world. It is MY job to prepare my son to be a winner and a leader so that he can be successful. I want all of your children to be successful too, so I thought I would take the time and share some observations with you all.

If you are one of our younger readers, take this to heart. If you don't have a lot of positive influences, find a mentor. If your peer group is not the greatest, find a new one. Create your own destiny. Thanks for hearing me out.


"Believe you can and you're halfway there."

Teddy Roosevelt

Great American

Martial Arts Schedule Updates + Premium Upgrades for Members:

Upcoming Schedule Changes to TPS Martial Arts:

Effective August 1st, we are changing the schedule for some classes as follows:

Kid's Muay Thai is cancelled on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Adult Muay Thai s is changing-we will be having beginner classes on Tuesday and Thursday from 6:00 pm-7:00 pm

Intermediate/Advanced classes Tuesday and Thursday at 7:00 pm-8:00 pm.

Sparring classes for Muay Thai are on Saturday mornings from 11:30-1:00 pm. We are also looking into adding kid's Karate classes in the afternoons and Saturday.

As you may know, TPS has been offering the Premium membership to all those who were members prior to June 1st at no cost for 90 days. That is about to expire!

We always try and reward our customers and we will be extending a special discount for those looking to upgrade to Premium memberships so that you can take full advantage of these tremendous services while still getting a great value. Any member who was active prior to June 1st 2014 will be offered the following pricing on Premium EFT memberships:

Premium Single EFT: Regular price $139.00 per month

Special Upgrade: $119.00 per month

Dual EFT: Regular price: $209.00 per month

Special Upgrade: $ 189.00 per month

Family EFT: Regular price: $249.00 per month

Special Upgrade: $229.00 per month

A family of 4 can take all of the Martial Arts classes and use the gym for only $229.00 a month! That is outrageous! Try and match that pricing anywhere.

Full details on Dual and Family memberships are on our site. Compare our prices to local Martial Arts schools and see the value here. Most schools charge at least $99.00 per month for Martial Arts only, and each extra style is usually extra. TPS includes UNLIMITED styles and classes as well as access to one of America's 20 Best Gyms for one low price!

We hope that you will upgrade and continue taking advantage of the services John and Ciano are offering in our Martial Arts programs.

Punch Card are here!

TPS is now offering punch cards for you and friends to take advantage of the gym without a membership.

We get asked all the time about a weekly rate or a monthly rate for people coming in from out of town, or for students who can only train here once a week. We are now offering a punch card n two varieties to fill the need.

Simply buy a punch card for 5 or 10 visits and you can use the gym the corresponding number of times on the card. We punch out one slot each time you come in. Punch cards will be valid for use of the gym and all free Group X classes, premium services are excluded.

If you come to the gym and buy a Day Pass as a non-member it is $10.00, we are offering you a punch card for 5 visits at only $40.00. You get one visit free versus buying 5 Day Passes.

If you opt for the 10 visit card it is only $75.00. You save $25.00 off of buying 10 Day Passes individually.

We hope that you will take advantage of this for friends and family that may be a little shy of joining the gym, or for those who live a distance away but still want to train here.

Youth Strength and Conditioning Camps:

TPS Youth Strength and Conditioning Campos are running now and are looking good! All of your youth athletes are making great strides in the summer program.

Our Fall/Winter schedule is as follows:

All camps are 8 weeks long and include warm-up, a strength/power component, agility/speed, flexibility and cool down.

September 9, 2014-October 30, 2014

Middle School

Tuesday and Thursday 3:15 - 4:15

High School

Tuesday and Thursday 4:30 - 5:30

We are working on a 4 week Mini-Camp for November-December.

January 6, 2015-February 26, 2015

Middle School Tuesday and Thursday 3:15 - 4:15

High School

Tuesday and Thursday 4:30 - 5:30

Price: $375.00 for two days of training with the best coaches available anywhere! That is less than $25.00 per session. Compare our prices, coaches and service and mnake the right choice for your child. TPS!

Pre-Register Here For full details see our Youth Camps page.

18th Annual RPS Power Challenge

We are doing it again! TPS and RPS are teaming up to bring you the best powerlifting meet in Massachusetts on October 11&12, 2014.

We are teaming up with Everett Pop Warner to raise money for their organization again. Pop Warner will be running the food concession and 100% of the proceeds from it will benefit them directly.

Go to Gene's page to get your registration in now.

Strongman Contest

It is coming next week! The TPS/NAS Mass. State Strongman Championships is almost here and I am getting excited! It is a long day of work and a long year of preparation leading up to one of the USA's premiere amateur Strongman events. We are expecting over 50 athletes who will compete for the State title and a chance to go to the NAS National Championships!

Join us Saturday August 9th at 10:00 am (gates open at 9:00 am) for the biggest show of strength you have ever seen. We have a ton of great events for you this year:
ATV Deadlift
Atlas Stones
Log Clean and Press
Atlas Stones
Tire Flip/Drag Medley
These events will test the strength, endurance and the will of our athletes and are sure to please the crowd, especially the kids! Kids love Strongman and you should too. It's a great sport and a lot of fun to watch.
We have many great sponsors lined up as of right now and are working on more. We would like to thank the ones who have signed on to assist us, they are:

Jay Cashman

Redemption Tattoo
American Nutrition Center in Everett
Needham Chiropratic
Muscle Milk
Fuel for Fire
We are working on more sponsors now and we expect to hear back from them soon.
Please join us and help us raise a huge donation to the Soldiers Home. 100% of the funds that we raise go directly to the vets and not to administrative fees at the Home. They fought for us, let's fight for them now.
I'll see you there.
We are still taking volunteers to help out the day of the show. To volunteer, simply send us an email and let us know you can help. We appreciate it more than you know.
If you can spare a few hours on a Saturday morning/afternoon and help us out with the show it will go a long way towards raising a huge donation for the vets at the Soldiers Home. These guys don't have much and every cent of what we give is donated directly to something that will benefit the guys directly. None of it goes to administrative costs associate with running the home. In the past we have purchased a big t.v. for them, they had a movie night and much more. Help us raise the biggest donation to date this year. You get a free t shirt too.

New Stuff Available at TPS
TPS is proud to add a few new products to our line of accessories.
We are now stocking ProLoc collars right in the gym. ProLocs are without a doubt, the best collars I have ever used. We have them in stock now in a whole bunch of COLORS. Grab a pair and keep your own set with you, or take them to another gym when you are traveling. They last pretty much forever and hold weights more securely than anything I have ever used.
ProLoc collars only $39.99 at TPS.

Available at the Front desk and online.

We just got a a shipment of super high quality bands from Spud, Inc.

These are just like the bands you can buy at a variety of sites and are used for many things including stretching, as accommodating resistance on the bar, assisting you with pullups and dips, tying up burglars and more.

Spud, Inc. bands come in any color you want as long as it is yellow. We have them in stock now.





Also available at the Front Desk.

New Spud, Inc. Belt
Spud had been in the laboratory again and he has emerged with w winner this time.
The new Spud, Inc. Pro Series Deadlift belt is simply awesome. It is a 3 ply belt made out of the usual Spud, Inc. material and it has a ratcheting strap on it instead of a buckle, or Velcro. This allows infinite adjust-ability and a level of tightness and support unparalleled from any other belt I have ever used.
The ratchet strap is easy to use and goes on and off quickly. This belt is sold as a deadlift belt and let me tell you, the combination of the nylon strapping used for the belt and the ratchet strap make it a true winner. It does NOT dig into your sides like leather belts, it is super comfortable and it feels like your mid- section is made of steel when it is jacked down tight.
This belt may be the best Strongman belt I have seen too. I plan on testing it out with Atlas Stones, Yoke and Farmers. I have no doubts it will soon be my favorite belt, and I have about 20.
Get yours here.

Member Minutes

The Member Minutes section is the place to let us tell the world about how AWESOME TPS members are. I can't do this unless you tell me about your accomplishments. When TPS first started, I knew EVERY member and I knew what was going on. We have GROWN, and sadly, I don't know every member. The interweb can fix this. Shoot me an email and let me know about your latest event, either that is upcoming, or that you have completed. 5K's, triathlons, powerlifting, or anything sports related. We want to let the world know. Now, on to this month's accomplishments.

TPS had two lifters compete at the USAPL Raw Nationals in July. The Raw Nationals is the national championship for powerlifters who do not use supportive gear like squat suits or bench shirts. It's just them against the bar. Lodrina Cherne, coached by TPS's Kevin Delaney and Mikelina Belaineh, coached by Mike Tuchscherer both had tremendous showings at the National level.

Read all of the AWESOME details by visiting our page using the link below.

New Service Coming Soon

TPS is about to launch our newest service: Online Coaching.

Online coaching is perfect for those who are intermediate to advanced lifters that need some help to jack their training up to the next level. Online coaching is perfect for those who:

Do not live near TPS yet want our expert coaches' guidance

Want to add pounds to their lifts

Add muscle

Lose body fat

Improve performance

Prepare for a strength competition (powerlifting/Strongman)

Can't afford 1-on1 Training

Have busy schedules and can't commit to a regular training time with a 1-on-1 coach

It is very affordable and it will help you achieve your goals much faster than going it alone.

Some of the features you will see are:

Programs designed just for you and your goals

Feedback from a TPS coach about your form/technique and how to improve it via email/Skype or telephone.

Programs emailed to you monthly

Proper assistance work to develop your weak points into strengths

And much more!

Benefits of the program:

No more guess work

You will see results as long as you do the work
Improvements in form/technique

Access to some of the best coaches in the USA

And much more!

I will have more details on this soon and we plan on getting it launched once all the details are set up. We are only accepting a limited number of Online clients to ensure that everyone gets the full attention of the coaches, if you are interested email us now to reserve a spot.

Swag Shop

The TPS Cafe Press store is available 24 hours a day for you to get awesome TPS gear. We are able to offer a wide variety here that we can't stock at the gym.
We've got stuff for men, women and kids.
If you need swag and we don't have any in stock at the gym, this is the easy way!
To grab your supply of TPS gear click the picture.

Nutrition Corner: 4 Healthy Fats to Add to Your Diet

As you go about your meal plan, one thing you must make sure you're doing is adding in some healthy fats into the mix.

Some people are still stuck on the notion that in order to succeed with their weight/fat loss goals, they should be eating as low fat of a diet as possible. This is not the case. While reducing the amount of unhealthy fat that you take in will definitely be important if you want to see your body fat being reduced, at the same time it's important that you don't neglect healthy fats.

Healthy fats are critical to overall good health as they help to keep your hunger levels down, your energy levels high, and help to maintain proper hormonal levels in the body.

Those who shun all fats will also often find that their diet provides very little satiety, as fat is the slowest nutrient to break down.

Read the rest HERE.

Exercise of the Month-The Belt Squat
y.t. logo

Are you tired of looking at the big white machine near the bench presses and not knowing wht to do with it? Watch this video with Russ and Frankie Tats!

Click the YouTube logo to watch the video.

101 Best Workouts

It's on the Amazon Best Sellers List!

The book is out! I was asked to contribute to my good friend Sean Hyson's new book and it is FINALLY out! The book is called the 101 Best Workouts of All Time and it is AWESOME.

It contains 101 workouts written by some of the best coaches in the industry today including:

Jim Smith

Zach Evan-Esch

Joe Stankowski

Jason Ferrugia

Joe Stankowski

Nick Tumminello

And many more.

My favorite part of the book is not really in the book but on the site. I got an advance copy of the book and went to the website to check it out and saw the Trainer Testimonials page with the Terminator, Governator and all around LEGEND Arnold himself listed. I read his review first obviously and saw that he listed workout # 80 as his FAVORITE. I immediately grabbed the book and said to myself repeatedly "please be me, please be me" over and over until I got to # 80.

Guess what? Arnold F*ing Schwarzenegger chose one of my workouts as the best! Yep, me and Arnold are now besties. I don't get jacked up too often, but I was PSYCHED when I saw this and ran around like a tween when One Direction was in town telling everyone.

You can pick up a copy of the book here.

It's worth it.

Murph's Blog

I am trying to post more frequently but it has been a challenge. Shoot over to Weakness and read the archives. There is some good s*it in there.

Training Day-Learn to Squat
Baby Squatter

The next TPS Training Day is Saturday August 16th at noon. Guess what day it is?

Nope, not Hump Day. It's Squat day.

If you are not squatting, you are not living. It's that good. Let us show you how to do it right or add a few tweaks to perfect it. Out team of coaches have learned from the best in the industry and proven themselves on the platform as lifters and as coaches of winning lifters. Imagine what we can do for you?

You WILL leave her a better squatter than when you came in.

The squat gets a bum rap from the media, from doctors and from weak people in general. The truth is that when it is done properly, it is one of the most beneficial lifts for your entire body, and it can be programmed to do many things. You can do high reps to get huge and burn fat, you can use it as a primary strength exercise; you can do so much more!

We will teach you how to:

Lift more right now

Protect your spine

Protect your knees

Use your abs to lift more

Stop your knees form caving in

Learn to be patient with a heavy weight

Build confidence in the squat

Be more awesome in general

I say this all the time, if you are a teenager or a parent of one, send them down. Start them off on the right foot and let us teach them lessons that will last a lifetime and instill good habits. I wish there were events like this when I was learning how to lift. It would have made the learning curve so much shorter!

Training Day is for BEGINNERS to ADVANCED lifters as well as those who compete or wish to compete. If you use gear, bring it with you. We will teach you how to maximize its use.

Training day is the best $20.00 you can spend on a Saturday afternoon if you are serious about your training. You do not need to be a member to attend. Beginners to advanced lifters are all welcome. Bring your friends that train at a box for $300.00 a month and let us teach them a few tricks to bring back.

Register now below.

Register online here


Inov-8 FastLift's are in coming back stock. If you are looking for an outstanding weightlifting shoe, this is it. If we don't have your size it can be special ordered and only takes about 3 days to get in stock.

We also can get any Inov-8 shoe that you want. If you see a pair on their site and want them, let me know. TPS can special order anything you want from Inov-8.

ART/Graston/Massage at TPS

Dr. Nathaniel Tiplady Is working some soft tissue magic on his patients at TPS and Nate's schedule is changing at TPS. He will now be here on Saturday mornings from 8:00 am to 11:00 am, and in his words, he now has a "credit card thingy for his phone," so you can now use your debit or credit card for payments on his phone thingy.
All reports show that the patents are moving and feeling much better with his treatment. You can, too. If you have a recent or even an old, nagging injury, you should book an appointment. ART/Graston will help you to recover faster, and might even totally eliminate the problem non-surgically.

ART is Active Release Treatment. ART is one of the best ways to eliminate muscle pain and soft-tissue injury. It involves breaking up accumulated scar tissue and adhesions in the muscles to get you moving freely and pain-free. I have personally used ART hundreds of times to heal and prevent injuries, and believe me, I've had some doozies. Many times people will have pain and go to the doctor and the doc prescribes physical therapy. Many times PT works and many times it does not. More often than not, ART is just what you need-the problem is that you didn't know it existed. Now you know.

Graston is similar to ART in that it is a soft-tissue treatment system. It differs in the method the treatment is delivered. Graston uses tools to cover larger areas of muscle that ART is not appropriate for.

You will find that many problems that you have will go AWAY after a few treatments. These modalities will keep you in the game, whatever the game is for you.

Go to our Restorative Services page for full details on ART/Graston, as well as therapeutic massage. I strongly encourage you to take advantage of these. Your body will thank you.

Don't forget, we offer massage as well. Jen Noyer is one of the best massage therapists that I have ever had work on me. She can help you to move and feel better too. Massage is by appointment only. Book yours today.

Click the picture to go to our Restorative Services page for full details on these new services. I strongly encourage you to take advantage of these. Your body will thank you.

Show us your gear

Show us your gear.

Got TPS gear? Take a picture of you wearing it someplace and we'll post it on our Facebook page.

We've sold a ton of gear lately and we would love to see you wearing it.

T-shirt of the Month-Suns' out, GUNS out
Sun's out, guns out with the AWESOME TPS Ladies Cap Sleeve t-shirt.

This shirt is ideal for job interviews, making a great 1st impression and getting swole. .

Click the picture to order.

Like us on Facebook
facebook sucks
Keep up to date with what is going on after you "like" us!

Follow TPS on Twitter
TPS is now on Twitter. I hate Twitter but the kids seem to like it. Click the picture to visit our page and Follow us.

We're on Instagram too!


Instatweet at us with your pictures.
Tag us in your pics too.

1 Week MVP Pass

Print this our for a free week at TPS!
First time customers only. No cash value.
Come in and try us out!

Includes a week of FREE Martial Arts!

Expires September 1, 2014
Bring a Friend

Members, bring a friend to TPS for a free week of training and when they join for a 6 month EFT or a 1 Year PIF membership, you get a FREE month!
