Dear Friend,
Our wreath fundraiser has really taken off!  Thank you to all our families that have joined in the effort to host our table on Sunday mornings. 
At this moment we have sold 42 wreaths in just 10 days!  That is great work and I know we can finish even stronger with your help.
The deadline for sales to be in my hand is 11/17/2014 ~ 5 days from now.  Students were given forms this past week to take to friends and families.  Please bring them this Sunday with payment so that we can put in an accurate order.
The following weekend, we will begin selling our 1st annual stained glass window ornament which will put us even closer to our goal for this fundraising season.
I know that this time of year really tugs at us for money and obligations, so please know how much I appreciate your time and attention to helping us pay for our summer mission trip. 
~God's Peace,
I can help sell!                                                     Duana Cisney
Community Foundations
Place Settings

Last night during youth group, we sorted plates.  "How fun!" you might say (maybe even with an eye roll)...but it was!  There was some debate as to where we should do this, why should we bring them all downstairs just to take them back upstairs, and so on.  But in the end, it was fun and it was joyful and messy and chaotic.  The plates have been collected over the past weeks for people who will soon have their own home.  And they will need something off of which to enjoy their meals.  So, we sorted dishes of all shapes, sizes and textures to fix 63 complete place settings.  Everyone should a place setting and a place to put the setting.  Combined with other settings, the total comes to 113.  And there are so many more dishes!  Some settings are missing pieces, but we are close to each person having two.  Activities like this sometimes seem like busy work, but the lasting impact is tremendous.  Not just for the recipients of the dishes, but to us because we got to spend time together, work together and share in God's work together.

Happening #145
November 21 - 23

Prayer is a big part of Happening & Y.E.S.

Please pray for these students that will be participating:
Oliver Chapin-Eiserloh
Christyn Harkins
Hannah Fults
Felicity Stokes
Rachel Wright
Happening Staff
Michael McNeil
Duana Cisney

Alexandra Cisney
Samantha Cisney

You are a very important part of our community.  Prayer is a very important part of our community.  Please know that you know you can share your cares, concerns and prayer requests privately.  If you have something you need prayer for, please let me know.
Cross Words

Have you ever thought about the dishes you use for your meals?  What about the table where you eat?  Who fixes most meals at your house?  Do you ever wonder how that person feels that is regularly preparing and serving your meals?


Consider this:
"After he took his seat at the table with them, he took the bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them."

There are a lot of stories about Jesus at the table.  I find this interesting because once Jesus began his ministry, he had no home and therefore, no table.  He was always invited into the homes of others.  There was always a place at the table for him and he honored his hosts with stories, blessings and prayer.

We are quickly approaching the holiday of Thanksgiving; where tables are the center of attention.  Remember the ones who serve your meals, whether it is a parent, family member, friend or the Cafeteria Lady. Give thanks to them and make room at the table.
Praying you find some extra room at the table this week...



December 13

10:00 - 2:00pm


Youth will help decorate Trinity Center for their annual Christmas Party.  We will wrap gifts for our neighbors and then enjoy a pizza lunch.


Please make plans to be present for this wonderful event! 

h Annual


December 13, at

6 p.m.


There are many jobs for teens:

  • Help with Luminaries
  • Act as Mary & Joseph
  • Act as Inn Keepers
  • Set up - clean up

See below for more information:


Posada Details


December 19

6:30pm - 8:00pm


All youth,

grades 6th - 12th,

are invited to

"Caroling for Cans"


We will walk around the Sendera neighborhood singing Christmas Carols while collecting canned goods to be donated.


After Caroling, students are invited back to Duana's house for a Christmas Party! 

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