Tips For Keeping Your Fitness New Year's Resolution
Did you know that by St. Patrick's Day, two-thirds of New Year's Resolutions have gone down the drain? Recently, you may have noticed the lack of parking spaces at the gym or even treadmills in front of the good TV stations. Many folk are out trying to get a jump start on their fitness as we ring in the New Year, however, many of them are going about it the wrong way.
Most often patients come in with the dreaded overuse injury that just won't get better. The main reason: too much in too short of time. It is crucial to build up your fitness routine slowly and carefully, keeping in mind proper nutrition and adequate rest.
Here are a few tips to prevent falling short of your goals:
Proper nutrition and hydration are crucial. You may be reaching for coffee and comfort food these days but eating fruits and vegetables and drinking water throughout the day can provide you with improved energy and give your muscles the right nutrients to limit soreness and facilitate increased fat burn.
Proper warm-up along with a stretching routine is key to preventing injuries. Make sure you give yourself at least 10-15 minutes prior to your workout to warm-up. Dynamic warm-ups are also a great way to start a workout and get your blood flowing without feeling like you're skimping on your cardio.
Allow yourself proper time to recover and gradually build up distance/reps/weight. If you are sore for more than 3 days following a workout than you probably went a little too hard a little too soon. If soreness lasts for more than 5 days and is accompanied with swelling, it's a good idea to see your physical therapist.
Having a good support system is the best thing to help you stay on track. Whether it's a spouse, friend, family member, or even your physical therapist; sharing your goals with someone can help make you feel more accountable.
It's a good idea if you have had injuries in the past to make an appointment with your physical therapist to discuss safe return to activity and progression of your program. Even if you are not prone to injury, your therapist can give you some education on proper technique and form in order to keep you injury-free.
For assistance with your fitness New Year's Resolution plan, please feel free to contact our clinic. Staying healthy and injury-free should be your #1 goal, and we want to help you every step of the way!
** Article courtesy of Therapeutic