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Friday February 20, 2015 from 6:45 PM to 8:55 PM EST
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Nature's Tool Box at 215 North Main street ,Suite 
215 North Main St.
Historic Starkweather Alley on the 3rd flloor
Room 202
Romeo, MI 49801

Driving Directions 


Dr. Susan Lawton 
Dr. Susan Lawton 

Kick Your Enthusiasm for Life Into First Gear..... 

Everyone can use a reminder in the cold of winter about Firing Up Your Mood and Energy for Getting Into Motion to Support your Vision Board and your Goal List. We have secret formulas, EO Blends, simple 'warming' exercises - come and play...we have recipes to relieve SADD, Anxiety and such weights that keep our Enthusiasm low....

Registration starts at 6:00PM please BRING A COPY OF YOUR Pay Pal Receipt with you and photo ID
We are so excited for this Diamond Club Event - this means if you bring a new person to this event and they decide to join the wholesale purchase of doTerra Products by registering as an IPC with 100PV they can earn extra free oils - all you have to do is allow our special Diamond Club Member to register your new person thru her magic password - you keep the Enroller and the Sponsor the same if you entered the new person on line - this is just a way doTerra has of rewarding people for having events all over to acquaint people with the advantages of using doTerra oils and nutritional products - Our Diamond Club Special WA is Pam Mann - she is fun and will be sharing her special story with you at the beginning of our event... also New Year New You benefits for new people....

You will be surprised at how much you learn about the oils and the positive effects on the environment of your can do this and enjoy it!! protocols, charts, live application & questions answered.
Please dress very comfortably - no perfume or cologne please -access to your tummy for applying oils to yourself and have hair prepared to be messed with...   It is a great feel good experience - just being in the room sharing the fragrances.
We will have print outs and protocol pages so bring a pen to take notes and socks for your feet for after we apply oils there.
PLEASE NOTE: you should plan to eat either before or after this event not during - we will be sharing oils so you need your hands free and no additional fragrances are invited.  If you have health concerns of family or friends please write out ahead of time and we will have time to answer some questions that may be appropriate for the group... please understand that if something is complicated or you do not have all of the information it is better to book a consult to be most helpful.

Thank you for sharing - this event is $20 and we will have raffles...

Dr. Susan Lawton & Pam Mann  973-760-7006