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Dear Friend of GRIP,


Tanya and her daughter Ashley came to the GRIP Family Housing Program in August 2014. 


They found themselves homeless at the most pivotal moment of their lives. Tanya was two months into treatment for Stage 3 Breast Cancer. She'd just completed a live-saving single mastectomy and was struggling from side effects of chemotherapy.  For Tanya, a stable place to live for her and her daughter meant life or death. And she chose to live.


"When I first got diagnosed I was scared, but I didn't cry. I still haven't cried. I am not fearful anymore. I will beat this," Tanya said.  With me being on chemo my immune system is down.

 I'm grateful to GRIP for allowing me and my baby to stay here, for giving us hot meals and just allowing me to be me and not feel judged," she said.

Help Tanya Beat Cancer!


Tanya is hopeful. She anticipates a full recovery and plans to resume her job as a full-time caregiver in March 2015. Once she returns to work, she is confident she will find stable housing.



Generous supporters like you have helped us feed and house Tanya and Ashley for three months and we are most grateful. However, Tanya is among 20 other needy families living in our shelter. By December 31, 2014 we will serve over 12,000 meals and shelter more than 100 homeless men, women and children. 



For as little as $20 you can help provide a warm bed and three hot meals for one client for a day. That's one day, one life changed entirely because of you. Between November 15 - December 31, 2014 any contribution you make to GRIP will be matched by the East Bay Community Foundation dollar for dollar (1:1).  What better way to usher in the New Year than feeding and housing needy families in Richmond?  Time is running out. Act now! Click here to make a gift GRIP's Hunger Fund.

Remember, a contribution to GRIP delivers a hearty return for the homeless.


Arthur J. Hatchett, 
Executive Director

165 Twenty Second Street, Richmond, California 94801
510-233-2141 | [email protected]

Email provided by Zell & Associates
Shop, Dine, Hire, and Give Locally.

This email campaign promotes local business members of the Richmond Chamber of Commerce. Learn how your business can participate here.

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3925 Macdonald Avenue
Richmond, CA 94805
510-234-3512 |
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