April 5, 2015
Hyde Park Community United Methodist Church
Hyde Park Community

9:30 am
Nast Community 

Hyde Park Community

Maundy Thursday
7:30 pm Sanctuary

Good Friday
7:30 pm Sanctuary

Easter Sunday

Nast Community 
Good Friday
7:30 pm 

Easter Sunday
7:30 am & 9:30 am Washington Park

Church Building and Offices Closed on Monday April 6

Easter: The Rest of the Story
Pastor Cathy 

Paul Harvey became famous for his column, "The Rest of the Story." Harvey became well-loved for his clever stories which helped us get a new perspective on the news and life. For over 50 years he shared amazing stories with people across our nation. 

For some Easter is simply a day when we gather to hunt for chocolate eggs to fill our Easter baskets. For some Easter is a day to go to the mandatory "Easter Family Brunch." For others it is a day to celebrate a day that changed everything.

Easter is the foundation of Christianity. Dr. Leander Keck puts it well:

"Without Easter, there is no Christian faith."

Easter is the day when we celebrate a God who defeated sin and death and offers us new life through Jesus Christ. New chapters of life open up to us because of Easter!

Organ Concert Series. Sunday, April 19 at 4:00 pm.  The Music Ministry of Hyde Park Community United Methodist Church announces the final concert of the Eleventh Annual Season of the Organ Concert Series. Concert organist, Huw Lewis, will perform on the Casavant organ.  Dr. Lewis was born in Wales and now serves as College Organist at Hope College and Director of Music at St. John's Episcopal Church, Detroit.  His program, entitled "Parisian Organ Lofts," will feature French organ music from the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries.


New Connect Groups "Spring Start-up."
You are being invited to "come and see" or "sample" what a Connect Group is all about. Six new groups are starting up the week of April 6th. Your commitment is short term. You'll meet in someone's home, at church or at a restaurant for 1 ½ hours for 5 weeks. A Connect Group is made up of 6-8 people who come together to build relationships and "do life together." Friendships form through sharing in social and spiritual conversations. For more information or to sign up, please stop by the Welcome Center after worship today, or contact Lisa Rabinowitz at 979-8192 or [email protected] or Rev. Dave Weaver at 979-8184 or [email protected].  We hope you will accept the invitation!

Starting Over...Coping with Divorce. An 8-week workshop starts April 8 from 6:00-8:00 pm at Hyde Park Community UMC. The workshop is for anyone experiencing separation or divorce. It will focus on the process of emotional, social and spiritual recovery. Class participants will use a topical workbook and view a weekly DVD. The group will be caring and confidential. Classes are led by professionals. Cost is $15.00. Reservations are required for free childcare. For more information or to register for the next class, please contact Lisa Rabinowitz at 979-8192 or

What will your legacy be? Each of us is creating a "legacy" by how we live and how we give. Would you like to create a legacy of generosity for life-changing ministry? The HPCUMC Endowment was created to ensure the future and impact of the life-changing ministry of HPCUMC. ONE WAY to do so is by giving "appreciated assets."  Property that has increased in value (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.) can be transferred to the church and is usually both tax deductible and avoids capital gains taxes. To discuss this and other ways to make a gift to one of the Endowment Funds, contact Sue Camp at 979-8198 or Michael Vilardo at 316-1540.