The Fine Line

 By Dr. Ken Turnbull, ACU Vice-Chancellor


"... give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the food that is needful for me, lest I be full and deny you and say, "Who is the LORD?" ..." - Proverbs 30.8b-9a

It is a fine line between having all that we need to seek, serve and glorify God, our Master, and having too much and serving our riches. As disciples of Christ, He told us that, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." (Lk 9:23) That line between denying the Lord in our riches and denying oneself to go after Him is the barrier that can only be crossed by faith. It is a faith barrier that is encountered daily.

Most foreign culture missionaries whom I have talked will acknowledge a period of "downsizing" the amount of their material possessions, even becoming disgusted with their abundance of possessions before responding to a call from God to serve Him full-time in another culture. My own experience involved a year-long struggle with "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." (Matt 6:33) Did I really not need to worry about "all these things" that my wife and five young children needed to survive? Could I really make my first and highest priority that of seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness? I had a life-long, secure and well paying job as a tenured professor at a university. Could I really leave that job and trust God that if I denied myself (and my family!) for the sake of following Him that He would take care of all of our needs? I don't intend to imply that everyone must immediately quit their jobs to serve God, but this was the case in our situation. Very few of our Christian friends or family encouraged the possibility. At the time (although he changed his perception on this before he died), my father called me selfish and a fool for neglecting my wife and children with such thoughts. Yet I knew that I was choosing between denying the Lord and denying myself. In the end, God granted me the faith to take the first step of just saying, "Okay, Lord. Take my life as I make my highest priority to seek, serve and glorify You." He has bolstered that faith to continue to walk in self denial on a daily basis - not by my strength, but by His matchless grace.

Thousands of steps of faith have been taken since that first one. Each step has been confirmed by God as He has directed our steps and added all these things to us. By His grace all that we have needed, in faith and in supplying our needs, has always been there for us. I don't know how God calls each labourer to His field, so I'm not implying that everyone who follows Christ will have the same path that we did, but He does tell us that each disciple of Christ has to step over that line between denying themselves or denying Him. It is done by faith that first time, and daily thereafter.

The labourers are few, but God is faithful! Hundreds have expressed interest in ACU over the past few years. Six (some with spouses) have left their previous, secure lives (by this world's standards) and denied
themselves the comforts of the known, for the unknown path ahead that is lived by faith in God's provision for the service that they are labouring in with ACU in Zambia (these six include one Zambian family as well). 

Then He said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest." 

(Matt 9:37-38)  


An Interview with Voddie Baucham

By Kendra Hawley, ACU Librarian

We are excited for Dr. Voddie Baucham and his family to join the ACU team. He will serve as the Dean of the ACU Seminary.

ACU: Tell us about where you're from, where you live and about your family. VB: I was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA. I now live in Houston, TX with my wife, Bridget and eight of our nine children (our oldest recently married). 

ACU: Briefly tell us about your educational, work and ministry experience. VB: I received ministry training at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div., 1996), and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (D.Min., 2002). I also did additional post-graduate study at the University of Oxford, England.

For the past eight years, I have served as Pastor of Preaching at Grace Family Baptist Church. We planted the church in 2006.

ACU: How did you come to a saving faith in Christ (your testimony)? VB: The first time I ever heard the gospel was during my first year at University. I had grown up in a single-parent home with my mother, a practicing Buddhist. I was not particularly religious, but was familiar with my mother's religion, and had participated in it on a limited basis. In my first year at University, a gentleman named Steve Morgan approached me in hopes of finding an ally on the football team with whom he could start a Bible study. He learned, however, that I was not only an unbeliever, but that I had very little knowledge of the things of God. For the next three weeks, he came back numerous times to continue our conversation. He answered my questions, pressed the claims of Christ, and eventually taught me how to find my own answers and study the Bible. Eventually, I ran out of questions. One day, while waiting for Steve, I simply lay down on the floor of the locker room and, as best I could, placed my faith in Christ. 

That was in November 1987. Steve is a dear friend to this day! In fact, we ministered together in Mexico several years ago.

ACU: Share with us how you heard about ACU? VB: I do not remember when I first heard about ACU. However, I remember the first time the idea resonated with me. It was at the Reformed Conference in 2012. I saw Ken Turnbull's presentation, and thought, "Now that is an Idea I can get behind!" The people involved, the philosophy of education, the theological foundation... I knew then that I would be involved. I just didn't know how.

ACU: Tell us your vision for ACU, the seminary and your ministry in Zambia, in general. VB: My vision for my ministry in Zambia is based on my desire to be useful. I have the utmost respect for the work the Reformed Baptists of Zambia have accomplished in the past two and a half decades. Over the past seven years, I have come to appreciate that work on a deep personal level. Therefore, one of my main desires is to simply help others see what the Lord has done and is doing in Zambia. Further, I desire to see the seminary develop as a trusted and effective training ground for ministers of the gospel in Zambia, throughout Africa, and beyond. I believe the seminary at ACU can serve as a model for the region. I am also keen to develop a team of professors/theologians who will not only work to produce first-rate graduates, but also produce first-rate books, articles, and other materials that will serve to advance the mission of the church.

ACU: As you look forward to moving to Zambia, what excites you most? VB: The first time I came to Zambia, I was certain of my return. I told my wife, "I feel useful there." I wasn't sure when or how I would be involved with the work in Zambia, but I knew I wanted to give whatever and whenever I could. I look forward to making a home there. I look forward to deepening old friendships and establishing new ones. I look forward to learning how to drive on the left side of the street. And I look forward to seeing my children run and play in the African sun!
Update and Future Plans
By Wilson Tembo, ACU Dean of Students

The pertinent question is: "When will ACU commence operations?" The obvious answer is that we have already commenced the operations of ACU. Although 2015 is definitely around the corner, enrolment will commence as soon as the Lord allows it. The Board is doing what is needed to proceed with the registration process and will not be frustrated by the apparent delays from the authorities to this process. Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails. (Prov 19:21). It is important to note ACU is not the only institution waiting for registration but many other law abiding institutions are also in this situation. The latest is that the Higher Education Authority will meet this December to work out the criteria for processing applicants. We shall wait because all this is in God's (perfect) timing.

The plans for the delivery of the Scholars Programme are in place. The instructors are waiting to be unleashed! Within this programme is the Student Labour Programme. This programme will encourage students to apply knowledge and love labour in line with what the word of God teaches. For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat." (2 Thess 3:10)

The Scholars Programme is a preparatory stage for undergraduate studies. ACU will offer the traditional university programmes, and is already planning the Agricultural programme for our students to embark on animal and/or plant projects. Surely, the nation would benefit from this immensely. The Vice-Chancellor and the Dean of Students were accorded an audience by the National Technology Business Centre. Opportunities for entrepreneurial undertakings are vast and ACU has the po-tential to make a significant contribution towards this end. The philosophy of ACU is working as unto the Lord. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men (Col 3:23). Pray with us as we plan for these programmes. Undoubtedly, Zambia has been endowed with vast arable land and we need entrepreneurial acumen to work the land. The exploitation of the land should not be for selfish gain but for the good of humankind.

All disciplines/courses to be offered through ACU will be built on a Biblical Worldview in the strictest sense. Our students must learn the Bible's grand narrative and know that God created the world, man fell into sin, the work to redeem man was done by Christ and we all await the consummation of our salvation. This must be appreciated and appropriated. If one is truly regenerated, then one will understand what it means to work as unto the Lord. The world teaches that quality is defined as meeting the clients' expectations. Quality of education at ACU is teaching the truth as per Scripture. The corrupt thought must be exposed and presented in the light of the Word of God. Pray therefore that this will forever be so for ACU and that the students passing through the institution will have the fear of the Lord for therein lies wisdom and knowledge.

In This Issue
As the Tertiary Education Board of the Zambian Ministry of Education meets this month, please pray for approval of ACU's registration.

Pray that the squatters residing on the ACU Chisamba campus property will vacate peacefully and the caretaker and his family can move there without any trouble.

May God raise up many faithful Zambian brethren through "Friends of ACU" to help support various projects in preparation of the ACU headquarters for starting the Scholars Programme.

Please pray for two new fundraising efforts: (1) through Amazon and (2) "goodshop.org" where consumers can shop at many different stores with special saving deals while a percentage of each purchase goes to support "African Christian University".

The court ruled in favour of ACU as the legal deed holder of the Chisamba campus property. The squatters can now be evicted and a caretaker moved on site.

The ACU-USA Board is diligently making strides in developing ACU promotions and is working to better serve in recruiting and vetting ACU candidates.

Mrs. Gladys Mposha is initiating the "Friends of ACU" to help Zambians support development pro-jects for ACU.

Academic Dean Ray Warwick returned to Lusaka after 3 months in the USA with his wife Peggy and family and many successful ACU promotional opportunities.

For God for protecting Lisa Turnbull, the Vice-Chancellor's wife, who was in a traffic accident with a minibus.


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Seeking Help

If God has gifted you as an artisan of excellence in any aspect of the construction trade, consider discipling colleagues and students with ACU.  Please contact us if you believe God is calling you to serve His kingdom work in this way. 

 Current Faculty Needs:
Theology - Education 
Business - Agriculture
with future expansion to cover all humanities and sciences



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