Shared predictors of Peer & Dating physical violence.
Most preventive programs to decrease peer and dating violence are typically separate. A study of 4,227, 8th through 10th graders (48% male, 55% white, 33% African American and 12% others) who completed a self-administered questionnaire in school in 2 waves over a 6 month period, was utilized to assess the extent to which peer and dating violence shared predictors.
Shared predictive risk factors for peer and dating violence in both boys and girls include anger, family conflict, and having models of deviant behavior in school. For girls, anxiety, neighborhood deviant behavior, and for boys heavy alcohol use are additional risk factors (parental monitoring is a shared protective factor).
The development of a comprehensive preventive strategy against peer and dating violence may prevent both types of violence.
Journal of Adolescent Health
Effect of depth & duration of cooling on death & disability among neonates with Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE).
It appears that cooling to 33.5C for 72 hours following neonatal hypoxic brain injury reduces death and disability to 44%-55%. In animal models deeper and longer cooling periods appear neuroprotective.
A large multicenter trial in which HIE neonates were assigned to four different hypothermia treatment groups assessed death and disability at 18-22 months. Data indicates that for full-term neonates with moderate or severe HIE, neither longer nor deeper cooling improves outcomes.
Prasugrel in children with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD).
Platelet activation/aggregation appears to play a significant role in the tissue ischemia that occurs in SCD.
Prasugrel (Effient in the USA) a platelet inhibitor, was approved by the FDA in 2009 for the reduction of thrombotic cardiovascular effects in adults.
An open-label, multicenter phase 2 study of Prasugrel in children with SCD which examined the platelet inhibiting effect of increasing doses, pharmacodynamics and bleeding events, indicates that most children achieve clinically relevant platelet inhibition with minimal hemorrhagic consequences. Watch for more studies, Ed. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology |
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Preterm birth & fetal growth restriction - effects on cognition outcomes in schoolchildren.
A perspective study of 77 very low gestational age (VLGA - <32 weeks gestation) unimpaired preterm infants examined cognitive outcomes at 9 years of age and compared them to matched full term infants.
Children born very preterm without impairment and with fetal growth restrictions (the only independent risk factor) have poorer visuospatial motor processing (which allows us to perceive objects and their spatial relationships: e.g. recognize different faces, distances to oncoming cars, etc.) and a reduction in attention-executive functioning (executive function is like the CEO of brain functioning) with resulting difficulties in language, memory and learning).
Acta Paediatrica
Video Feature
(via YouTube)
Concussion Signs, Symptoms & Treatment
The effectiveness of a Web-Based resource in improving post-concussion management in high schools.
Sports related concussions during school events are common in children and college students, however post concussion age-related recovery patterns differ between the age groups. High school concussed athletes have a longer recovery time (>7 days) compared to similarly injured college students. Concussion management requires recognition and a school-wide/parent team approach using all members involved in sport activities. The Brain 101: The Concussion Playbook is a Web-Based intervention that includes training for parents and each member of the school sport community.
A study compared the benefits of online training (Brain 101...) of parents and school personnel to assess its efficacy vs. a matched group of 25 "standard care" managed concussed high school athletes.
Following an online Concussion identification & management program that involves students, teachers & parents, all persons are more knowledgeable, and willing to utilize a comprehensive identification & concussion management program (vs. standard therapy). Brain 101. is a useful tool for the establishment of a comprehensive school/parent wide concussion management program.
Journal of Adolescent Health
Urine dipstick use to identify a positive urine culture in young febrile infants.
A study of 649 young febrile infants <90 days of age examined in 19 pediatric Emergency Departments, who had a positive urine culture and a urine leukocyte esterase dipstick performed, indicates that the dipstick has a sensitivity and specificity of 82.1% and 92.4% respectively. The urine dipstick leukocyte esterase test performs as well in young febrile infants as it does for older children. Acta Paediatrica |
Exercise & depressive symptoms-a longitudinal study.
Physical activity may potentially affect mood. A longitudinal
Teen Age Depression
study of 736 adolescents (mean age 14.5 years) over a 3 year period which examined the relationship between exercise/physical activity energy expenditure and the development of clinical depression, indicates that exercise does not appear to decrease the development of depressive symptoms in adolescents.
JAMA Pediatrics
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