September 9, 2014
A newsletter to keep you informed about all things women and politics from the Center for American Women and Politics, Rutgers University

Primaries Winding Down, Generals Gearing Up

Election Watch The September 9 contests mark the end of the primary season (except for Louisiana, which holds "primaries" on what in other states is general election day). Visit CAWP's Election Watch to see who's on the November ballot, and check the next News & Notes for our summary of this year's numbers. (Spoiler alert: Don't look for a record-breaking year for women candidates - even at the gubernatorial level where the year started out with high hopes.)

 Legislators Joining Leaders Lineup

The CAWP team that attended the National Conference of State Legislatures' annual meeting in Minneapolis found a receptive audience for our new Teach a Girl to Lead™ initiative that aims to make women's public leadership visible to the next generation. More than 100 women lawmakers from around the country signed up for our Leaders Lineup, stepping forward as potential speakers for schools and youth programs. But because "You can't be what you can't see," we need still more strong women - current or former officeholders -- ready to share their wisdom and serve as visible evidence that women can and do lead. Want to know more? Read our FAQ and then sign up.

Shocking News (Not!): Women Less Likely to Run than Men

finds that women are far less likely than men to report that they have ever run for office. Only about 2 percent of those surveyed had ever run, but among them, 75 percent were men and just 25 percent were women. These findings jibe with CAWP's data showing that women hold no more than about a quarter of offices at any level.  CAWP's 2009 research report Poised to Run is just one of many sources reminding us that women, more often than men, run because they were recruited, rather than because they decided on their own to seek office. We also found that women officeholders are more likely to cite their party, rather than an organization, as the most influential source of encouragement for their candidacies. Because party support is so critical for women who successfully attain office, it's important for both parties to expand their efforts to recruit and support women candidates.

Women Rise to Tops of Ballots in WI, SD

The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel asks whether gender will be a factor in statewide races, citing three women running in high-profile contests in Wisconsin. And a little further west, South Dakota also has numerous women seeking statewide office, per


And in NE...

To no one's surprise, women won't be a majority in the unicameral Nebraska state legislature, says The Republic. But women may gain a few seats, and any progress is welcome.


Meanwhile, Back in PA

Progress may be more gradual in the Keystone State, according to, where columnist John Baer says women continue to "crawl toward equality." (Luckily, help is on the way - with Ready to Run� programs in  Western and  Eastern Pennsylvania.)


Dads and Daughters

The Washington Post highlights a number of red-state Democratic candidates, including several women, who bring to the ticket family names well known in their states. 

Best Places for Women to Live...

...if your goal is women's equality, that is. WalletHub has sorted out the 50 states for you, placing Hawaii at the top and Wyoming at the bottom.


GOP Poll Shows Party Has Work to Do with Women Voters

Politico reveals findings from a poll conducted by two Republican groups indicating that women view the party as "intolerant," "lacking in compassion" and "stuck in the past."


What Stops Women from Running?

Drawing on the Pew report mentioned above, Katie McDonough offers this Salon commentary, offering her view of institutional barriers to women running and winning.


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Center for American Women and Politics
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
191 Ryders Lane, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8557
(732) 932-9384 - Fax: (732) 932-6778
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