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Donate Now to Support Mentor the Movement

Eye to Eye has had incredible achievements this year, and I have you and our community to thank.

In the past year:

  • We expanded to 57 chapters in 22 states.
  • Our mentors volunteered over 60,000 hours.
  • We were featured on PBS' American Graduate Day 2014.
  • Our Shoulders to Lead On Tour blazed a trail across 12 cities in 16 days.
  • Through a campaign at 850 Party City stores across the United States and Canada, we gained hundreds of thousands of new supporters and promoted awareness of our work.
  • In May, Eye to Eye was invited to be featured as the Public Service Announcement at the Indy 500, where we became "the official sponsor of different thinkers" and jumpstarted our stature, credibility, and relevance for a whole new audience.

As our influence grows, we�re receiving even more offers of assistance and support from across the business and media universe. And I am humbled to see my new book, Thinking Differently, inspiring thousands of kids, parents, and educators to turn the page on LD/ADHD.

Two statistics show the importance of our movement:

  • One out of every five kids has LD/ADHD.
  • Two out of three of them do not graduate high school with a traditional diploma.

The usual response to the first stat is, "Wow!" and, to the second, it's "Why?" At Eye to Eye, we are dedicated to empowering different-thinking minds and to ensuring that they graduate from high school and college.

So many young people who once felt isolated today have joined with us to further the movement. This holiday season, I ask you to offer support, to mentor the movement that is the chorus of newly empowered voices across the country.

See the latest issue of The Mentor for further inspiration. Please share it with friends. This is our moment. This is our movement. Every dollar we raise by the end of the year brings us that much closer to our historic $100,000 goal and a commitment for a matching $100,000 pledge. Together we will change lives. We thank you, and wish you and yours a wonderful holiday season and a meaningful 2015.

For the good,
David Flink
Co-Founder and Chief Empowerment Officer, Eye to Eye

Donate Now to Support Mentor the Movement