What would you classify as a crisis? Years ago it was the price of gas or civil unrest but now it would probably be Facebook or Twitter going offline. Before you start laughing try disconnecting the internet modem at your house and tell me what happens! Are you in crisis mode yet? Let's hope not. You see there is crisis and there is inconvenience.
Crisis is not positive. It challenges the well-being of what's important to us as men. This can be our family, our health, our career, our finances or our spiritual lives. In those moments a man feels the pressure to rise to the occasion and pursue a resolution. Maybe it's quick or maybe it takes a while but what if resolution doesn't come? Then what?
Men burnout. Crisis hits and they stall in one area of their life or in every area of their life. This season can be crushing for a man. It all can lead back to the choices a man made about his values, his expectations, his purpose or his response to unresolved issues.
So what does a man do? How does he get through this season? Can this time be avoided? Better yet should it be? Men can grow in crisis and they can become better men in the process. Will it be painful? Most certainly. Will it be worth it? Definitely. It is definitely a season where God can get your attention.
Ready for a little crisis management?
Join us @ THE CORE this Friday as we continue in our new series "The Season's of a Man's Life". Missed a Friday? Don't worry, you can plug right in right where we're at without missing a beat. Every week we will take a look at a season every man can relate to in his own life. Maybe you are in that season now?