Heard it through the GrapeVine...

Sue Ann Says Column
Upcoming Events

Spring Gala

Saturday, May 9, 2015
8:00 pm - 12 midnight
State Capitol Rotunda
Madison, WI

GrapeVine Conference
Monday and Tuesday
June 1 and 2, 2015
Concourse Hotel, Madison
GVP trainings will be held at this event
More info to follow

The Gathering
Thurs, September 17, 2015
Time: TBD
Ministry Saint Joseph's Hospital, Marshfield
Use of Information
If you use the Sue Ann Says column, we ask that you include the following:  "This column is reprinted with permission from the Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation (WWHF). WWHF is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help Wisconsin women and their families reach their healthiest potential. For more information, please go to www.wwhf.org.
If only using part of the column, use the words "in part" after the word reprinted in the above sentence.
Participant Counter

Our goal was to reach 750 participants in 2014.

In 2014 we reached 650 women (87% of our goal)

February 9, 2015


I can't believe how fast January went by and that Valentine's Day is next weekend. That means only about a month and a half until the first day of spring and three and a half months to our first Annual GrapeVine Conference.  I hope you have it marked on your calendars!



Program Updates
GrapeVine Sessions
In December, 3 sessions were held reaching 15 women.
They were:
  • Dane County (2) - Cynthia Schoettler, Ruth Hein
  • Sauk County (1) - Lori Rudolph  

Thank you for educating individuals in your communities!


If you presented in January, please be sure to send in your paperwork so participants receive their follow-up surveys and so session information is available for future newsletters and reporting purposes.  A quick shout out to the nurses in the Beaver Dam area who held five sessions in January.  What a great way to start the year! Details will be in the next newsletter.

Memorandum of Understanding

You should have received your annual Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Contact Information sheet in the mail last month. If you haven't already done so, please complete both items and return them to WWHF.

If you are unable to continue serving as a partner of the GrapeVine Project, please email Nora or call 800-448-5148, Ext. 103.

Participant Comments from recent Healthy Aging Brain Sessions


Based on what you learned, have you taken any action to improve your brain health?  11/17/14 - Better diet, less sedentary, learning new pieces on the piano (a struggle mentally for an 80+ year old).


If you learned something new, what was it?  12/16/14 - That medications and nutrition have an impact on memory.


What is the most important message you remember from the session? - 11/17/14 - If the inevitable happens to a family member, don't attempt to go it alone.  There are resources to assist you in this crisis.

Awards and Scholarship
Faith Community Nurse Scholarship

The 2105 Faith Community Nurse Scholarship Guidelines are now available on our websiteWe offer this scholarship to licensed registered nurses for advanced training to complete the Faith Community/Parish Nurse basic preparation program education.


Please forward this information to any nurses you know who may be interested in the program.  Questions can be directed to Nora Miller



Health Information
Keep a Healthy Life Style for Your Heart 


Cardiovascular disease is the No. 1 killer of Americans.  In fact, in women it is more deadly than all forms of cancer combined. We need to take action to defeat this disease. A study released this year by American College of Cardiology Foundation gave us some evidence-based recommendations. This study pointed out that young women in the United States who adhered to a healthy lifestyle substantially lowered the burden of coronary heart disease. A healthy lifestyle, according to this study, takes into account the following risk factors: smoking, physical activity, diet, watching TV, alcohol use and BMI score.

Please view our blog to find more health awareness information and focus on your heart this month.  
Health Observances

March Observances


Please see last month's newsletter for information on the following March observances or click on the links below: 

April Observances

Click on the observances to go to a website with more information.

  • National Autism Awareness Month - Autism is a developmental disability which affects a person's ability to communicate and interact with others. Symptoms are usually noticed during a child's first three years. Early diagnosis and treatment help children develop to their full potential. For more information, visit the CDC's "Know the Signs. Act Early" site.
  • National Child Abuse Prevention Month - Child abuse 

    and neglect occurs in families from all walks of life, of all incomes, religions and races. Prevention can occur by making sure individuals have the knowledge, skills, tools, and resources they need to care for children.
Thank you for all you do for the GrapeVine Project. 
Nora Miller
Program Manager, EveryWoman's Journal/GrapeVine Project
Grants and Awards Coordinator
Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation | 800-448-5148 
2503 Todd Drive, Madison, WI 53713