A Course in Miracles
Course in Miracles Society, Original Edition 
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What is the Second Coming?
Daily Lesson 305
Sarah's Reflections
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A Course in Miracles-Original Edition
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A Course in Miracles is a self-study course.
In the beginning it tells us, "This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean
you can establish the curric...

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Course in Miracles Society (CIMS) is an international group of Course students and teachers organized to discover, authenticate and propagate the Divine Teachings of A Course in Miracles.


As students, we seek to increase our knowledge of Jesus' words and to deepen our experience of His teachings.

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Shines On You in Gratitude


IV. God's Witnesses   


How holy are you, that the Son of God can be your savior in the midst of dreams of desolation and disaster. See how eagerly he comes and steps aside from heavy shadows that have hidden him and shines on you in gratitude and love. He is himself, but not himself alone. And as his Father lost not part of Him in your creation, so the light in him is brighter still because you gave your light to him to save him from the dark. And now the light in you must be as bright as shines in him. This is the spark that shines within the dream-that you can help him waken and be sure his waking eyes will rest on you. And in his glad salvation, you are saved.   


ACIM Lessons  
Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio


What is 'Iambic Pentameter'? 

   Christ's Second Coming, which is sure as God,

   is merely the correction of mistakes

   and the return of sanity. It is

   a part of the condition which restores

   the never-lost, and re-establishes

   what is forever and forever true.

   It is the invitation to God's Word

   to take illusion's place; the willingness

   to let forgiveness rest upon all things

   without exceptions and without reserve.


   It is this all-inclusive nature of

   Christ's Second Coming that permits it to

   embrace the world, and hold you safe within

   its gentle advent, which encompasses

   all living things with you. There is no end

   to the release the Second Coming brings,

   as God's creation must be limitless.

   Forgiveness lights the Second Coming's way

   because it shines on everyone as well.

  *And thus is oneness recognized at last.
   *this line is not in Notes


   The Second Coming ends the lessons which

   the Holy Spirit teaches, making way

   for the Last Judgment, in which learning ends

   in one last summary which will extend

   beyond itself, and reaching up to God.

   The Second Coming is the time in which

   all minds are given to the hands of Christ,

   to be returned to Spirit in the Name

   of true creation and the Will of God.


   The Second Coming is the one event

   in time which time itself can not affect.

   For everyone who ever came to die,

   or yet will come or who is present now,

   is equally released from what he made.

   In this equality is Christ restored

   as one Identity, in Which all Sons

   of God acknowledge that they all are one.

   And God the Father smiles upon His Son,

   His one creation and His only joy.


   Pray that this Second Coming will be soon,

   but do not rest with that. It needs your eyes

   and ears and hands and feet. It needs your voice,

   and most of all it needs your willingness.

   Let us rejoice that we can do God's Will,

   and join together in Its holy light.

   Behold, the Son of God is one in us,

   and we can reach our Father's Love through him.


   ~ Original Hand Script of ACIM    


ACIM Lessons  

L e s s o n  305
There is a peace that Christ
bestows on us.



Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio           

   Who uses but Christ's vision finds a peace

   so deep and quiet, undisturbable

   and wholly changeless, that the world contains

   no counterpart. Comparisons are still

   before this peace. And all your world departs

   in silence, as this peace envelops it

   and gently carries it to truth, no more

   to be the home of fear. For Love has come,

   and healed the world by giving it Christ's peace.


    Father, the peace of Christ is given us,

    because it is Your Will that we be saved.

    Help us today but to accept Your gift

    and judge it not. For it has come to us

    to save us from our judgment on ourselves.


    ~ Original Hand-script of ACIM     


ACIM Edmonton - Sarah's Reflections 

ACIM Edmonton, CA

Lesson 305
There is a peace that Christ bestows on us.  
Sarah's Commentary:

When we experience the peace of God, we experience "a peace so deep and quiet, undisturbable and wholly changeless, that the world contains no counterpart." (W.305.1.1) It is a peace where there is only extension outward of the deep quiet that is within. When we experience this peace, then the dream of this world has no effect on us at all. It does not matter what is happening in the dream because it no longer has any effect on us. When the mind, which is the cause of everything we see, is quiet and at peace, only peace is reflected in the world.
In the Manual for Teachers, section 20, "What is the Peace of God?" Jesus describes peace as unlike any of our previous experiences. "It calls to mind nothing that went before. It brings with it no past associations. It is a new thing entirely." (M.20.2.3-5) Thus it is called a step out of time. It is a kind of peace that is not of this world. "The past just slips away, and in its place is everlasting quiet. Only that." (M.20.2.8-9) Everything we saw and thought we understood before disappears and with it all effects are gone. When the wrong-minded thought system of lack, specialness, neediness, and unworthiness, which is the cause of all of our suffering, is released through forgiveness, then the mind that had been looking outside for completion, disappears.
If we are to find this peace, Jesus tells us,"No one can fail to find it who but seeks out its conditions." (M.20.3.2) He goes on to say that it requires giving up anger. Justifying anger in any way "proclaims that peace is meaningless, and must believe that it cannot exist." (M.20.3.4) Jesus is not saying that we won't be angry or should not be angry, only that we should not justify it as having any cause outside of our own minds. Anger comes from our beliefs, our thoughts, our values and our concepts of ourselves. When we look at these, with willingness to heal, we can then bring them to the Holy Spirit. We can choose to release our anger, rather than acting on it. Investigating the beliefs we hold that bring about our grievances will help us to recognize the source of the anger in our minds. Forgiveness is the answer.
It is important to look at what this investigation involves. It is not about analysis, but only about inquiring what beliefs we are holding. As we are told, "The ego analyzes; the Holy Spirit accepts." (T.11.V.13.1)(ACIM OE T.10.VI.53) Any number of situations show up in our lives, where we lose our peace. It might be a betrayal by a friend,  feeling victimized at work, having financial problems, experiencing illness, or having a computer that has crashed. These are situations that we judge as bad, but the Holy Spirit accepts appearances as neither good or bad. When we look at what is happening with the Holy Spirit as our Guide, we don't judge anything as good or bad, but simply as unreal.

Whatever is happening is not good or bad. Sickness and health are then seen as the same, both being unreal, just as the body is unreal. When we analyze the situation by looking at it with the ego, then we start with the belief that the situation is true. Now we wonder how we attracted it or manifested it and start the process of analysis. With investigation or inquiry, we accept that the appearance has no reality. Yes, it may still upset us, but now we recognize that we are upset, because we are holding a belief in our minds that is causing us pain. We simply investigate what it is that we are believing that is not true, so that our false beliefs can be released and the peace that is already in us can shine forth.

God's peace is a gift, which "has come to us to save us from our judgment on ourselves." (W.305.2.3) We have judged ourselves as guilty and not deserving of peace. We believe that we have to suffer and atone for that guilt. I recently was at a conference where Brent Haskell was speaking. He told the story of the Prodigal Son and asked how many of us believe that we could take our father's treasure, squander it and then return home without a shred of guilt? Wouldn't we think that we had to atone for what we had done? But Jesus keeps telling us that we are innocent now. All we have to do is accept that fact. Brent went on to ask us to think of ourselves as the good son in this parable. He was the one who stayed at home and supported his family. When we identify with him, how many of us would enjoy the celebration of the guilty brother without a shred of resentment? The good son that stayed at home to help the father, wants to be acknowledged as such. He reflects what the Course calls 'the face of innocence' that hides attack thoughts and judgments while doing his best to look good and helpful. Always, under this face of innocence, is the belief that someone else should pay for their guilt while we should get off for good behavior.  
Jesus says that it is difficult for us to identify with the ego because it is a condition where there is no peace. It is a state of lack. It is a state where we believe that we need to get something from the world that we don't currently have in order to be at peace. We look for affirmation from the world to support the image we have made in place of who we really are. One way to see this in your own life is to look at what you think would make you happy that you don't have now. It is the belief that if you could get it, you would have peace. It may be money, a new job, a relationship, better health, or a new home. In my case, we are currently renovating a bathroom and I am finding the process frustrating, having to go out and find tiles, paint, toilet and bathtub and any number of items that seem to be consuming so much of my time. I am believing that when I get all of that in place then I can have peace, but of course this is not how this works. The peace is there now, behind my belief that it depends on getting certain things accomplished in the world.

I recently attended a silent retreat. As the retreat was proclaimed, I immediately felt myself sink into the silence and with it came the deep feeling of relief that I no longer had to maintain the 'self' image. I was in a place now where there was no one needing anything from me and I needed nothing from anyone. There was no need to 'perform,' only to be. It was a sense of a deep letting go, and in the process the sense of relief brought tears of gratitude. Then the words poured forth from the Holy Spirit, which I will now transcribe, as I believe that this message fits in the context of this lesson and speaks to us all, as the One Christ Self that we are.

"You can relax now. I have your back. I always have had. You think that everything depended on your own efforts. You believed that if you weren't taking care of things, they would not be done. You have been mistaken my dear child. You have carried a burden that has never been yours to carry.

I am your strength and support. I have always been there. I have loved you ceaselessly and consistently. You have never been alone. You have never been without Me. You have been mistaken in your belief that it is all up to you.

I love you my child with a ceaseless boundless love. All is well. It always has been. When you took My place on the throne, you took on all the stress, all the responsibility that was never yours to take. It was all unnecessary. Breathe in the love; it has been waiting your acceptance. Open your heart, open your arms, embrace the beauty of You My beloved. Always and forever..."

In our choice for the ego identity, peace was thrown away and now we feel a lack that we try to fill from outside of ourselves. If God has given us the peace, what could be more powerful to take it away? Only our own choice for the ego, but the truth is that there is no other will. There is nothing more powerful than God. Yet, when we made the decision for the ego, we seemingly made another will, which now rules our lives to the extent that we believe in its power. "You see what you believe is there, and you believe it there because you want it there." (T.25.III.1.3)(ACIM OE T.25.IV.23)
The truth is that if we do not have peace, it is only because we don't want peace. The first obstacle to peace is our desire to be rid of it! That is pretty startling. Yet you can readily see how true that is. We actively refuse peace when something happens in our lives that we find unpalatable, whether it is something that we judge as a serious situation or just small irritations. We give up our peace for all kinds of reasons. Yet nothing really exists that can take away the peace of God. Our insistence that there are indeed things that can take away our peace is how we actively refuse God's gift. We project our own refusal to accept God's peace by making someone or some situation responsible for our lack of peace. We insist that we are not at peace because of something "out there", something that someone has seemingly done to us. We want to be able to put the blame for our lack of peace somewhere outside of our own minds. It is the justification for our anger that Jesus says we need to look at. Can we accept that no one is responsible for our unhappiness except ourselves? This requires that we rest our story about why we don't have peace and take responsibility for our decision not to accept the peace that is already ours.

"Why would you want peace homeless? What do you think that it must dispossess to dwell with you? What seems to be the cost you are so unwilling to pay?" (T.19.IV.A.2)(ACIM OE T.19.V.a.41) There is something that we think we will lose if we accept peace. What is it? Isn't it that we want to be right about the way we have set things up? Isn't it that we want to see others guilty so that we can buy our own false innocence at their expense? Isn't it that we simply don't trust that, if we choose peace, our vigilance on behalf of our own well being as we define it will be jeopardized?
Father, help me today to accept the gift of peace, and not to judge it. I willingly take responsibility for my reactions to appearances that show up in my life that are neutral in order to learn what beliefs I must be holding that are not true. I willingly look at my judgments on myself as unworthy of it, and my desire to attack something outside myself and place the blame on it. The Correction is already in my mind,  sanity and peace is already there. Help me today to choose forgiveness in every situation I encounter so that I may know the peace that is always present behind the dark clouds of my misperceptions. I am willing to look at the insanity of holding onto grievances against anyone or anything. Speak to me of my wholeness. Let me understand that what I see that has the appearance of contradicting peace is not real and does not matter. I am willing to have my mind healed, my Father, by recognizing that I have been wrong about who I am. I am willing to surrender my way and be shown the truth. Peace to my mind. Let all my thoughts be still. I am home. I am loved. I am safe. Nothing that I have thought about myself is the truth. Anger is never justified and sickness is not what it appears to be. I am willing to withdraw my judgments on myself that I am projecting on others and see that I have been wrong. Thus I can be born again today.

Love and blessings, Sarah 

[email protected]

TEXT Paused for Weekend

A Course in Miracles

Chapter Twenty-Nine

The Awakening

IV. God's Witnesses     

20 Condemn your savior not because he thinks he is a body. For beyond his dreams is his reality. But he must learn he is a savior first, before he can remember what he is. And he must save who would be saved. On saving you depends his happiness. For who is savior but the one who gives salvation? Thus he learns it must be his to give. Unless he gives, he will not know he has, for giving is the proof of having. Only those who think that God is lessened by their strength could fail to understand this must be so. For who could give unless he has, and who could lose by giving what must be increased thereby?


21 Think you the Father lost Himself when He created you? Was He made weak because He shared His love? Was He made incomplete by your perfection? Or are you the proof that He is perfect and complete? Deny Him not His witness in the dream His Son prefers to his reality. He must be savior from the dream he made, that he be free of it. He must see someone else as not a body, one with him, without the wall the world has built to keep apart all living things who know not that they live. Within the dream of bodies and of death is yet one theme of truth-no more, perhaps, than just a tiny spark, a space of light created in the dark, where God still shines.


22 You cannot wake yourself. Yet you can let yourself be wakened. You can overlook your brother's dreams. So perfectly can you forgive him his illusions, he becomes your savior from your dreams. And as you see him shining in the space of light where God abides within the darkness, you will see that God Himself is where his body is. Before this light the body disappears, as heavy shadows must give way to light. The darkness cannot choose that it remain. The coming of the light means it is gone. In glory will you see your brother then and understand what really fills the gap so long perceived as keeping you apart.


23 There, in its place, God's Witness has set forth the gentle way of kindness to God's Son. Whom you forgive is given power to forgive you your illusions. By your gift of freedom is it given unto you. Make way for love, which you did not create, but which you can extend. On earth this means forgive your brother, that the darkness may be lifted from your mind. When light has come to him through your forgiveness, he will not forget his savior, leaving him unsaved. For it was in your face he saw the light that he would keep beside him as he walks through darkness to the everlasting light.


24 How holy are you, that the Son of God can be your savior in the midst of dreams of desolation and disaster. See how eagerly he comes and steps aside from heavy shadows that have hidden him and shines on you in gratitude and love. He is himself, but not himself alone. And as his Father lost not part of Him in your creation, so the light in him is brighter still because you gave your light to him to save him from the dark. And now the light in you must be as bright as shines in him. This is the spark that shines within the dream-that you can help him waken and be sure his waking eyes will rest on you. And in his glad salvation, you are saved.


V. Dream Roles                   

25 Do you believe that truth can be but some illusions? They are dreams because they are not true. Their equal lack of truth becomes the basis for the miracle, which means that you have understood that dreams are dreams and that escape depends not on the dream, but only on awaking. Could it be some dreams are kept and others wakened from? The choice is not between which dreams to keep, but only if you want to live in dreams or to awaken from them. Thus it is the miracle does not select some dreams to leave untouched by its beneficence. You cannot dream some dreams and wake from some, for you are either sleeping or awake. And dreaming goes with only one of these.


26 The dreams you think you like would hold you back as much as those in which the fear is seen. For every dream is but a dream of fear, no matter what the form it seems to take. The fear is seen within, without, or both. Or it can be disguised in pleasant form. But never is it absent from the dream, for fear is the material of dreams from which they all are made. Their form can change, but they cannot be made of something else. The miracle were treacherous indeed if it allowed you still to be afraid because you did not recognize the fear. You would not then be willing to awake, for which the miracle prepares the way.


27 In simplest form it can be said attack is a response to function unfulfilled as you perceive the function. It can be in you or someone else, but where it is perceived, it will be there it is attacked. Depression or assault must be the theme of every dream, for they are made of fear. The thin disguise of pleasure and of joy in which they may be wrapped but slightly veils the heavy lump of fear which is their core. And it is this the miracle perceives, and not the wrappings in which it is bound.


28 When you are angry, is it not because someone has failed to fill the function you allotted him? And does not this become the "reason" your attack is justified? The dreams you think you like are those in which the functions you have given have been filled, the needs which you ascribe to you are met. It does not matter if they be fulfilled or merely wanted. It is the idea that they exist from which the fears arise. Dreams are not wanted more or less. They are desired or not. And each one represents some function which you have assigned, some goal which an event, or body, or a thing should represent and should achieve for you. If it succeeds, you think you like the dream. If it should fail, you think the dream is sad. But whether it succeeds or fails is not its core but just the flimsy covering.


29 How happy would your dreams become if you were not the one who gave the "proper" role to every figure which the dream contains. No one can fail but your idea of him, and there is no betrayal but of this. The core of dreams the Holy Spirit gives is never one of fear. The coverings may not appear to change, but what they mean has changed because they cover something else. Perceptions are determined by their purpose in that they seem to be what they are for. A shadow figure who attacks becomes a brother giving you a chance to help if this becomes the function of the dream. And dreams of sadness thus are turned to joy.


30 What is your brother for? You do not know because your function is obscure to you. Do not ascribe a role to him which you imagine would bring happiness to you. And do not try to hurt him when he fails to take the part which you assigned to him in what you dream your life was meant to be. He asks for help in every dream he has, and you have help to give him if you see the function of the dream as He perceives its function, Who can utilize all dreams as means to serve the function given Him. Because He loves the dreamer not the dream, each dream becomes an offering of love. For at its center is His love for you, which lights whatever form it takes with love.




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