On Tuesday, December 9, 2014, RMR's client Network Alliance will be hosting a webinar titled "How to Keep your Business and Personal Data Secure." Register for the webinar by Friday, December 5th for a chance to win an iPad Mini. All the event information is included below. I hope you can make it.
Best, Robyn
You're Invited
Network Alliance to Host a
FREE Webinar
"How to Keep Your Business & Personal Data Secure"
You will learn:
- How to protect yourself from data security threats
- Password advice, intrusion protection systems, anti-virus recommendations and must-haves
- Best practices to address your concerns about security risks and data integrity
Date: Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Time: 12:00 - 1:00 pm
Register by Friday, December 5th and you will automatically have the chance to win an iPad Mini.