Space, Silence and Stillness

5-Minute Try It
Practicing Silence

Purpose: To recognize mind chatter and give space for thoughts to settle. 

For practice, you will need: 
comfortable clothing preferable;
chair optional;

Minute one:
Set your timer for one minute. Rest your hands comfortably on your lap.
Roll your sits-bones (buttocks bones) forward so that your spine
is straight yet relaxed. Feel the totality of your body. 
Start the timer.

Minute two:
Feel your body and listen beneath the noise.
When the timer rings, reset for another minute.

Minute three:
Return to your body and to listening beneath the noise.
Reset timer for a minute.

Minute four:
Return to your body and to listening beneath the noise.
Reset timer for a minute.

Minute five:
Return to your body and to listening beneath the noise.

Complete your practice
by staying silent, noticing the flow of mind chatter and the
ease or difficulty in giving space to settle thoughts. 

Daily 5 minute Practice:
Practice Silence each day for 5 minutes.
Vary your location and the time of day. Grow your practice to a full day!
Bonus offering: read the book Listening Below the Noise by Ann D. LeClaire.

Be Inspired...

Follow this practice to allow the inner longings of your heart to fully fuse with your awareness - honoring the sacredness of life.

7-Day Meditation Retreat
The Pointing Out Style of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Meditation
with Daniel Brown, Ph.D.

The pointing out style is an ancient way of teaching meditation that is firmly grounded in the teacher-student relationship. In the early essence traditions of Indo-Tibetan Buddhism students were literally sung into awakening by their teachers using pithy poem-songs called dohas. 

This retreat is open to beginners, as well as students of the Pointing Out Way.

January 3rd - 10th, 2015
at Samadhi Integral Life Practice Center
in Newton Centre, MA

Jar of Joys - 2015

I am declaring 2015 as the Year of Gratitude and adopting several practices to become fully embodied in gratitude.  A Jar of Joys is one of my practices.

Join me in the Joy!