October 21, 2014
A newsletter to keep you informed about all things women and politics from the Center for American Women and Politics, Rutgers University

 Women Who Serve, then Run to Serve Again


NPR recently reported on women veterans running for office. CAWP has identified 17 women vets who filed for Congress or statewide offices this year; of those, one won her primay for U.S. Senate: Joni Ernst (R-IA). Ten (6D, 4R) are November candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives, including incumbent Reps. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) and Tammy Duckworth (D-IL). One woman vet, Connie Pillich (D-OH) is a candidate for state treasurer. You can see how they fare - along with all women candidates for Congress and statewide offices - on Election Night by visiting CAWP's website and following us on Facebook and Twitter.


In honor of Veterans Day, CAWP director Debbie Walsh will moderate a November 10 panel discussion about strategies and resources available to support veterans running for public office. The Next Mission: Politics and Public Service, is co-sponsored by the Eagleton Institute of Politics, CAWP, and the Rutgers Office of Veteran and Military Programs and Services. Details and sign-up are available here. 

Program Leader Walks the Walk by Running


Melissa Wintrow of Boise State University manages Idaho's NEW Leadership� program, so you know she's committed to getting more women into politics. But it's not only her students she's convinced; she got the message herself, and is currently running (unopposed) for the Idaho State House of Representatives!  Students in the Idaho program won't have to look far to find a political woman who can be their role model and mentor. 


 Teach a Girl To Lead™ Ally of the Month


CAWP's  Teach a Girl to Lead™ initiative has enlisted dozens of allies -- organizations that share our commitment to making women's political leadership visible to America's youth and inspiring girls and young women to pursue their own leadership dreams. Each month, the TAG website features an Ally of the Month. This month, we invite you to discover the U.S. Association of Former Members of Congress. Many of the association's members are former congresswomen who inspire young people to consider themselves as potential leaders.  In March, the association will hold its 18th Annual Statesmanship Award Dinner, featuring an all-women line-up of honorees, including the women of the U.S. Senate represented by Senators Barbara Mikulski and Susan Collins. 

You Decide: Are Women Better Decision Makers?

According to The New York Times, some research suggests that under stress, women make better decisions than men.


Did You Know?

PBS Newshour thinks you might not know these eight facts about Justice Sonia Sotomayor.


Where Not to Live

Huffington Post reports on a Center for American Progress listing of the ten worst states for women, measured on several scales including the proportion of women at various levels of office.


Pro-Choice Republicans Choose to Stick with GOP

Cosmopolitan interviews five pro-choice Republican women who tell why they stay with their party despite their disagreement with its stance on reproductive rights.


She's a Mom AND a Candidate

Time looks at young mothers running for office - perhaps not yet a wave, but a phenomenon that has been rare in the past.

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Center for American Women and Politics
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
191 Ryders Lane, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8557
(732) 932-9384 - Fax: (732) 932-6778
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