Improper defibrillator pad usage in children.
Approximately 14,000 pediatric-out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur annually. The correct choice and placement of defibrillator pads (by a variety of medical personnel whose knowledge-base and training may vary significantly) is critical to ensuring appropriate efficacy.
A study involving 152 emergency medical care providers indicates that many have a poor understanding of pad choice and placement. Repetitive training every six months significantly improves outcomes.
The American Journal of Emergency Medicine
Hand washing, alcohol hand rub, & gloves in the prevention of late-onset sepsis in preterm infants.
As one might expect, a protocol for managing preterm infants born after 31 weeks gestation, that utilizes gloved hands (micro organisms may be present following hand washing in 50% of cases -ED), in addition to routine hand washing & an alcohol rub, significantly reduces the incidence of late-onset sepsis.
Acta Paediatrica
Maternal singing during Kangaroo care (KC), maternal anxiety/autonomic stability in preterm infants.
Kangaroo care (a technique where an infant has skin-to-skin contact with an adult to provide closeness, psychological warmth, bonding and which enhances stability of the preterm infants' temperature) and maternal singing apparently benefit preterm infants.
A prospective, within-subject, crossover, repeated-measure KC study with stable preterm infants as their own controls, evaluated heart rate variability, other physiological parameters, infants' behavioral state and maternal anxiety, with and without maternal singing, appears to indicate a reduction in maternal anxiety with improved autonomic stability in the preterm infant.
Acta Paediatrica
Do You Know How CMS' Value-Based Modifier Program Will Affect Your Practice?
Guest Blog by
Kathy McCoy
The Value-Based Modifier program (VBM), introduced as part of the Affordable Care Act, is designed to assess both quality of care furnished and the cost of that care under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule.
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Fractures from Trampoline use!
From the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System data for 2002-2011, it is noted that over 1 million Emergency Department visits (92.7% children-ave. age 9.5yrs.) are generated by trampoline-related injuries of which 29% are for fractures (~60% upper extremity), 95.1% occur at home, and 9.9% require hospitalization.
The AAP strongly discourages the home use of trampolines - if used install on leveled ground and away from tress/hazards, use safety nets and pads in an enclosure, limit activity to one person at the time and supervise. (Ed.)
Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics
The impact of childhood enuresis on adult nocturia/urgency.
It appears that children who resolve their nocturnal enuresis at > 12 years of age are significantly more likely to have nocturia and urgency as adults (aged 30-79 years).
Acta Paediatrica |
Video Feature (via YouTube)
 | Dysfunctional Voiding In Children |
Effects of the "Teen Driving Plan" (TDP) on the driving performance of teenagers before licensure.
Motor vehicle accidents remain the No. 1 cause of death for adolescents.
Most studies have not shown a beneficial effect of parent-supervised practice driving on the driving performance of teenagers, though most licensing programs have a provision for them.
The "Teen Driving Plan" is a web-based program that helps parents supervise their teens' practice driving by moving them through a cycle of processes with the ability to track a teen's progress from a family's homepage-dashboard.
A randomized, single-blind, clinical trial among 217 dyads (one parent; one teenager) evaluated the effectiveness of TDP on the quantity and diversity of supervised practices, and whether it enhanced teenage pre-license driving performance. It appears that TDP improves supervised driving practice and performance of teenaged drivers.
JAMA Pediatrics
Timely empiric antimicrobials in preterm infants with late-onset bloodstream infections.
A retrospective study of 105 preterm infants (mean gestational age: 27.4 weeks) with late-onset (>72 hours of age) blood stream infection, indicates that empiric antibiotics given prior to blood culture results achieves a shorter time to microbiological clearance (though this is not associate with length of hospitalization or survival rate).
Acta Paediatrica
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