Metco Landscape, Inc. Newsletter 
August / 06 / 2014
August's Birth Flower is the Poppy
The poppy is one of America's most popular and favorite wildflowers. It also happens to be August's birth flower along with the gladiolus. The poppy's wide range of colors and ability to thrive in various climates allows many of us to enjoy its vibrancy. The red poppy signifies pleasure, while the white poppy is given for consolation. A yellow poppy signifies wealth and success. 

In This Issue
You Still Have Time for a Landscape Overhaul or Upgrade


There is still time to schedule your landscape install!  August and September are ideal months to landscape because of the milder climate they bring.   


Top 5 reasons to schedule your landscape install in the fall:       

  • Nurseries offer discounts this time of year
  • Plants often experience less stress when you install in late summer and fall
  • Sod will still have two months to establish before sprinkler systems are turned off
  • Evergreens should not be installed after October, so now is the time!
  • Get your yard ready for next spring and summer so you can enjoy the whole season
August Maintenance Tips


DIY Pro-tip: If it has been 3-5 years since your last soil test, collect a soil sample and have it tested. The results should guide your compost applications and fertilization activities for the next 3-5 years.

Trees and Shrubs
* Fertilize your trees and shrubs in late July or early August at the rate of about 1 lbs. Nitrogen/1,000sq. ft. If you've already fertilized your lawn or if your trees are drought stressed, skip fertilizing.

* Start to cut back on watering your trees, shrubs, and perennials as this will help push them into dormancy and improve their survival.

DIY Pro-tip: A fertilizer with a ratio of 3-1-1 or 3-1-2 and a low salt index is generally
recommended. Apply a light application of fertilizer starting 18" out from the trunk and fertilize to the drip line of the tree (or 10 ft. of radius for every 1" of trunk caliper at breast height). Scratch fertilizer into the soil and/or water heavily. Be sure to avoid late applications of fertilizer.

Flowers, Ground Covers, Perennials, and Ornamental Grasses
* Deadhead and weed as needed.

* Fertilize your flowerbeds in late August at the rate of about 0.5 lbs. Nitrogen/1,000 sq. ft.

DIY Pro-tip: A slow release 5-10-5 fertilizer is generally recommended. Apply fertilizer in bands 3-4" away from the crowns of plants and scratch fertilizer into the soil. Be sure to avoid getting fertilizer granules on your foliage. Don't fertilize if soil organic matter levels are above 5%.

* Fertilize cool season turf in mid-August to mid-September with 0.5-1.0 lbs Nitrogen/1,000 sq. ft. If you have a sandy soil, make this your final fertilizer application for the year.

* Plant your cool-season crops now for a bountiful fall harvest in mid- to late August.

Metco Team Spotlight

Metco is a huge advocate for serving and being involved in our community. Every Tuesday Metco employees make sandwiches for the homeless at the Holy Ghost Church downtown. We make about 560 sandwiches every week. This helps feed an ever-growing homeless population in need. People often donate food during the holiday seasons but these sandwiches help provide a meal to hundreds year round. We are so thankful to be a part of this program at Holy Ghost Church. Sandwiches are served Monday--Saturday 10:00-10:30am.

 Click here to learn more about Holy Ghost's services


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