We need your help to make a difference to Australian children and we want to show you something for the very first time.


Dads4Kids needs to raise $25,000 to help the children of Australia this Father's Day.


So far generous donors have given $4,500. Only $20,500 is needed to help those children who so desperately need our input. The inspiration that Dads4Kids provides to fathers and families could be the turning point in these children's lives. Let's not keep them waiting.


We thank all those who gave to our most recent end of year appeal. In particular I would like to thank a single mother who gave sacrificially to help Dads4Kids invest in the children of Australia. She had every reason not to give. Her husband had abandoned her for another woman, leaving the children in the lurch, but she gave anyway. Her gift brought tears to my eyes.


The team at Dads4Kids is asking you, a faithful reader of our weekly newsletter, to consider a sacrificial gift, just like that single mum.


Your sacrificial gift might only be $100, it might be $10,000. Whatever the case we need your help at this time.


Before you make your decision I would like you to watch the following video, which features our new TV CSA for television airplay over the next 12 months. This video also tells the story of Aaron Dickson's 'Best First Date' viral video and the 'Love Your Children' Father's Day Tour which Dads4Kids is sponsoring.


Dads4Kids Father's Day 2014 Update
Dads4Kids Father's Day 2014 Update



This is why your gift is so important. Your donation will help Dads4Kids tell all Australians to "Love Your Children".


This advert has the power to transform lives but we desperately need your help to get the message out.


The good news is that several donors have pitched in already and we have raised $4,500. We only need to raise $20,500 this Father's Day. If everyone who reads this newsletter every week gave $20 we could raise $20,000 right now.


Your gift matters. Twenty dollars can change a child's life with a message of love. Many of our wonderful donors can give much more.


Make a difference in a child's life today with the message of a father's love.




Yours for helping our children

Warwick Marsh


PS. Yes, your gift does matter. You can make a difference in a child's life by investing in Dads4Kids today. Father's Day is very close and we need to get the message to as many people as possible. Twenty dollars, two hundred dollars or twenty thousand dollars. Some may be able to give much more.


All we are asking is that you would be inspired by the kindness of one single mother who gave sacrificially to the work of Dads4Kids. Your sacrificial donation today will make a difference in a child's life. GIVE NOW 


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If you would like to give financially to the Fatherhood Foundation Public Fund and receive tax deductibility:


Fatherhood Foundation Public Fund
(Name, address and amount details must be emailed for a receipt for tax deductibility)


Westpac Branch Wollongong                     DONATE ONLINE


BSB: 032 695Donate
A/C: 25-5558




 Or mail cheque and address details to:
PO Box 542


The Fatherhood Foundation Public Fund  is a public fund listed on the Register of Harm Prevention Charities under Subdivision 30_EA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.


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HelpUsThe Fatherhood Foundation is a Harm Prevention Charity.
Fatherlessness and inadequate fathering has been proven to be a source of harm. The Fatherhood Foundation helps children by promoting excellence  in fathering. Excellent fathers are in word and deed: responsible, involved, protective, loving and committed to the well-being of their children and their children's mother.