Dear (Contact First Name),

We only have 2 spots remaining for this year's Center of Excellence. This program will run 30 sessions long from Mid-September to Mid May. Each session will last 2 hours. The sessions will consist of Pro-Time/Speed and Agility Training, Technical Skill Training and Small Group Play. More and more, we find the focus of training switching from the individual to the team in our practices with our clubs and schools. This Center Of Excellence has been developed to give an in depth and comprehensive training curriculum to help your child grow as an individual player. We will cover topics such as, but not limited to: Dribbling, Attacking Moves, Combination Play, Turning and Holding, Change of Direction Moves, Stop-Starts, Switching the Point of Attack, Individual and Small Group Defensive Principles. Through the program we will have three separate competition days (Every Tenth Session), where players will compete against one another in several different areas previously covered in the preceding 9 sessions. The player will be individually informed of his/her performance in comparison to the rest of the group. This standing will also include a full technical/tactical/physical/mental evaluation. Your child will be informed of their areas of success and of the areas that they should aim to improve upon. The Center of Excellence is meant for serious and committed players  looking to take their game to new heights. 

Vinny Caltabiano