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Total political contributions in Illinois, 1994 to present

Weekly Update | June 16th
Total Contributions in 2016:
Total June Contributions: $2,739,030

Total Contributions this Week:  $1,491,469
Number of Contributions this Week: 294

Total contribution figures include donations, transfers, inkind contributions, loans, 
and other types of monetary exchanges between donors and PACs.
What Happened this Week?

The largest transfer of the week was from the McDonough County Republican Central Committee $30,000 to Citizens for Hammond on June 13th . Incumbent Representative Norine Hammond (R) currently has $236,782 in committee funds available, while her opponent John Curtis (D), has $52,449. Curtis is the first Democrat to challenge Rep. Hammond since her appointment in 2010.

Midwest Operating Engineers Construction Industry Research and Service donated $387,900 to the Chicagoland Operators Joint Labor- Management PAC on June 15. The PAC has indicated that these funds are sourced from member union dues, and currently has over $2 million in funds available.
The Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters PAC continued its support of Democratic legislators and committees this week. After supporting Representative Mussman last week, the PAC transferred $25,000 each to Representative Kate Cloonen, Representative Kathleen Willis, Speaker Madigan, the Democratic Majority, and the Democratic Party of Illinois this week. Those represented five of the six largest transfers of the week. Rep. Cloonen, like Rep. Mussman, narrowly won re-election in 2014 and has a Republican challenger for the November General Election.

For more information, contact Sarah Brune at 312-436-1274 or
Data Analyst Jack Lockhart contributed to this research
June 9 - June 16

Midwest Operating Engineers Construction Industry Research and Service
donated $387,900 to Chicagoland Operators Joint Labor-Management PAC
Allstate Insurance Company
donated $250,000 to Support Independent Maps
Dover Corporation
donated $100,000 to Support Independent Maps
Doris Conant
donated $14,200 to Personal PAC Independent Committee
IL Transfer System/Shazam Network
donated $12,500 to Community BANCPAC
Doris R. Conant
Personal PAC Inc
Peter J. Schivarelli
donated $10,000 to Democratic Majority
Illinois Republican Party
donated inkind $8,856 to Citizens for Kay
Illinois Republican Party
donated inkind $8,622 to Committee to Elect Terri Bryant
Illinois Republican Party
donated inkind $7,633 to Citizens for Hammond
June 9 - June 16

McDonough Cty Repub Central Comm
transferred $30,000 to Citizens for Hammond
Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters PAC
transferred $25,000 to  Friends of Kate Cloonen
Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters PAC
transferred $25,000 to Democratic Majority

Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters PAC
transferred $25,000 to Friends of Michael J Madigan
Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters PAC
transferred $25,000 to Democratic Party of Illinois
Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters PAC
transferred $25,000 to Friends to Elect Kathleen Willis
Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
transferred $15,769 to American Federation of Teachers Local 604 COPE
Clinton County Democratic Central Committee
transferred $10,000 to Citizens to Elect Janice K. Pulver- Lewis
Wheeling Twpship Democrats
transferred $5,624 to Greater Palatine Area Democrats
AFT Local 604 Cope II
transferred $5,000 to Committee to Elect Jennifer Bertino Tarrant
June 9 - June 16

Type New funds Current funds
1 Chicagoland Operators Joint Labor-Management PAC
Political Action
2 Support Independent Maps
Ballot Initiative
3 Citizens for Hammond
4 Democratic Majority
Political Party
5 Friends of Michael J Madigan
6 Friends of David Gonzalez
7 State Farm Agents & Associates PAC
Political Action
8 Citizens for Michael E Hastings
9 Friends of Kate Cloonen
10 Democratic Party of Illinois
Political Party
As of June 16

# Committee Type Current funds
1 Candidate
2 Candidate
3 Super PAC
4 Political Party
5 Political Party
6 Political Action
7 Political Party
8 Political Party
9 Political Party
10 Turnaround Illinois
Super PAC
All data is sourced daily from the Illinois State Board of Elections
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The Illinois Campaign for Political Reform
36 W Randolph #405, Chicago

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