June 19, 2014Vol 8, Issue 16
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Market Updates

This Saturday is the first official day of summer. Get a jump-start on the season by swinging by market to pick up all of your summertime essentials--don't forget an ice cream cone!


We'll be joined by on-call vendors Ancient Heritage, Dancing Light Ranch, Home Grown, House Spirits, and Reverend Nat's Cider this week. It's also Salt, Fire, and Time's last week at market for a while, so be sure to stock up on their delicious broths and kimchi beef jerky.


Our third annual Kids' Day is this Saturday! Come celebrate the beginning of summer with kids' music by Steve Cooper and Tallulah's Daddy, face painting with Crista, and a kids' cooking demo led by Joanna Sooper of Turnip the Heat Cooking School! The cooking demo will run from 9:30 to noon, and Joanna will be showing our "market sprouts" (young marketgoers) how to make a simple and seasonal strawberry salsa. This demo is part of a monthly series of demos that will be running all summer long; stop by the information booth to get a schedule!


Congratulations to Sun Gold Farm and Nossa Familia Coffee for winning 2014 Local Hero Awards, in the "Best Farm" and "Best Beverage Artisan" categories!


Evan Gregoire from Boondockers Farm has been selected as one of the US Slow Food delegates to the Terre Madre global food and farming conference in Turin, Italy this October. He's currently running an Indiegogo campaign (with some pretty fabulous perks) to help raise the money for his travel there. To learn more about Evan and Boondockers Farm, check out this week's vendor profile (below), written by HFM volunteer Erin Houlihan.


See you at the market!
Vendor Profile: Boondockers Farm
by Erin Houlihan

Just outside Oregon City, in Beavercreek, Oregon, is a farm doing some extraordinary work. 

On one hand, Boondockers does what most farms do: they raise ducks, chickens, pigs, turkeys, sell seeds, and provide eggs and poultry to some of Portland's up and coming restaurants. But it's the way they're doing it that's different. Some may call it "old-fashioned" but in a world of mass-produced poultry and beef, genetically modified goodness-knows-what, and tasteless produce, Evan Gregoire and Rachel Kornstein of Boondockers Farm are committed to repairing a broken food system on their farm by raising heritage fowl and cultivating heirloom tomato seeds. Rachel has years of culinary training and a true love and respect for animals and Evan completed Oregon State University's Master Gardener program, making him a true steward of the earth's soil. 

A brief note on the definitions of "heritage" and "heirloom": the words are synonymous; heritage refers to animal breeds common on farms before industrialization of meat, heirloom refers to seeds that are at least 75 years old and again, are not grown in vast quantities. This little fact alone should tell you how drastically our food system has changed in just the past 100 years. Mass production of food has left our soil depleted of nutrients, leaving in its place a nutritional paucity in our food system. Boondockers Farm is committed to plant and animal diversity and a healthy farm ecosystem, the effects of which are reverberating throughout the restaurant community and farmers markets throughout Portland.

On a cool summer morning I drove down to the farm, encountering a sweet white farmhouse shrouded by leafy trees. Just to the right sat a beautiful red barn - huge, in fact. As I waited for Rachel to let me in the front gate, I drank in the peacefulness of the scene in front of me, overhearing the clucks of chickens, quacks of ducks, and the occasional moo of a cow. Once she let me in, we walked toward the old farmhouse while chatting. Rachel was clad in well-worn overalls and wellies; well-equipped for working knee deep in dirt and animals. 

The first thing I noticed about Rachel was her tremendous energy. While I made my inquiries, she made her rounds; checking on fowl, replenishing water tubs, scratching a cow's forehead, herding an obstinate and somewhat belligerent turkey back into the barn. I struggled to keep up with her! Our companion in the barn was Amalie, a Great Pyrenees with a heart of gold. Looking up at me, she practically insisted on being pet, rubbed down, and scratched behind the ears. But Amalie plays a huge role on the farm. She and two other Great Pyrenees are the livestock guardians, protecting the flock from predators such as raccoons, bears, and foxes. They are fierce protectors of the fowl and at the same time, gentle as lambs.

Boondockers Farm also specializes in researching, cultivating, and growing heirloom tomato seeds, as well as other veggies. Sounds like a master gardener's hobby, but there's a method to the madness. Heirloom seeds provide a more nutrient-dense fruit with a more complex flavor profile (not to mention an array of stunning colors). In other words, the tomato tastes like a tomato. The diversity of the seed means a more healthy, nutrient-packed tomato - better for the human, better for the soil.

The fowl that roam about the barn and beyond are Ancona and Saxony ducks, and Delaware chickens. Boondockers is the primary source of the most diverse populations of Anconas in the U.S. They're a hardy and adaptable breed, an excellent layer of eggs and have less fatty meat. I saw ducks in all life stages on the farm, from eggs hand-washed by interns, to ducklings just hatched, to teens and adults in the big barn and finally to slaughter, done humanely and respectfully.

The full cycle of life is ever present at the farm: ducks and chickens foraging on slugs and worms, cows chewing on grass, mama pigs with piglets lying about in a spacious barn. Every living being plays a precious role on the farm to support a healthy ecosystem. Hollywood Farmers Market is proud to have Boondockers as one of its vendors.  

Lloyd Farmers Market

Looking for a market to buy your midweek groceries?

Tuesdays, 10am - 2pm



www.lloydfarmersmarket.com for more information or to sign up for weekly updates

At the Market


Steve Cooper

Tallulah's Daddy


Community Booths:

Oregon College of Oriental Medicine

NW Veg 


Upcoming Events:


Face Painting with Crista
Saturday, June 21st and July 12th, 9:00 am - 12:30 pm

Kids' Day!
feat. Kids' Cooking Demo w/ Joanna Sooper
Saturday, June 21st, 9:30 am - 12:00pm

Pesto Festo
Saturday, June 28th, all day
Featured Products

Animal Fats
Boondockers Farm
Boondockers Farm sells sustainable, diverse culinary treasures like grass-fed animal fats. Perfect for the paleo in your life! (Check out the profile of Boondockers to the left.)
Lavender Salve
Dancing Light Ranch
Essential oil of lavender has been known to stimulate the growth of healthy new skin and accelerate the healing of damaged skin. Combined with calendula oil and Vitamin E, this salve is wonderful for dry skin, cuts and minor burns and can be used as an everyday moisturizer.
Japanese Curry
Ippai offers healthy, traditional Japanese comfort foods, with vegetarian and vegan options. Make sure you try Ippai's pickles - they rotate seasonally, are sourced directly from our market and add a great punch to any one of Jane's wonderful dishes.
Canned Tuna
Linda Brand Crab
An original vendor at the Hollywood Farmers Market, all their seafood and fish are sustainably and ethically harvested - and their canned tuna is both convenient and delicious!
Thompson Farms
While the season for Hood strawberries is just about over, Thompson Farms is just getting started, and will be with us all summer! The next strawberry variety coming up is the intensely flavored "Firecracker".
Market Photos

Lloyd Farmers Market
Looking for a market to buy your midweek groceries?  

Tuesdays, 10am - 2pm



www.lloydfarmersmarket.com for more information or to sign up for weekly updates

Every Saturday, May - Thanksgiving
1st & 3rd Saturdays, December - April

May - October, 8am - 1pm
November - April, 9am - 1pm

NE Hancock Street between 44th and 45th Avenues (one block South of Sandy Blvd). In the Grocery Outlet parking lot!

For more information, check us out online at www.hollywoodfarmersmarket.org.

See you Saturday!

Hollywood Farmers Market
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