October 2014  

Stay Warm this Winter
Winterize your home to keep heating bills low

The winter months are coming and as the temperature drops our heating costs rise. Don't despair, there are lots of simple low-cost things you can do to increase the efficiency of your home and help keep your energy bills reasonable.


Lower Water Heater Temperature: Try setting your water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. You can save up to $30 a year for every 10 degree reduction!


Insulate Hot Water Pipes Water Heater Tanks: This reduces heat loss and can raise water temperature by 2-4 degrees Fahrenheit - making it easier to set your water heater at a lower setting.


Seal Air Leaks: Air leaks can waste a lot of your energy dollars. One of the quickest energy, and money, saving tasks you can do is caulk, seal and weatherstrip all cracks and large openings to the outside.


For more tips on saving money on your energy bill this winter, click here. If you have questions or concerns about your energy bill, let us know! Call our Help Line at 1-888-333-WUTC (9882).
Energy Assistance
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
Paying energy bills in the winter can be hard for many Washingtonians. For low-income customers, the burden can mean making a decision between food, medicine or heat. The federal Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, also know as LIHEAP, helps low-income households meet their immediate home energy needs.

The program is designed to help families keep their heat on, especially those households that are most vulnerable, such as the elderly, the disabled, and households with young children.


The program will begin scheduling appointments in October and continue until the money is distributed. Appointment slots fill fast, so do not wait to schedule yours! For more information about the program, and how to apply, visit the Department of Commerce's website.

In your Corner Outreach Campaign
Many customers of regulated companies do not know they can call the UTC's Consumer Helpline when they have a problem with their utility company. In an effort to help more people, and increase awareness of the Consumer Helpline, the UTC is running a series of advertisments on television, radio and bus sides throughout the state. The campaign in called "In Your Corner," and details the help you can get from the UTC.


You can watch our television ad on the UTC's YouTube page. Help spread the word to those who may need the commission's help by sharing the video with your friends and family. Remember, call 1-888-333-WUTC (9882) or visit our website www.utc.wa.gov/consumer for more information about our Consumer Protection services.

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Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission
www.utc.wa.gov | 888.333.9882
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