June 15, 2016
  2016 Leadership Awards
Thank you to all who were able to join us Tuesday for an evening of networking and celebration. The World Trade Center provided a backdrop of commanding views of Baltimore and the Inner Harbor as Maryland Department of the Environment Secretary Ben Grumbles presented this year's Leadership Awards. The five winning organizations represent a variety of facility types and services including manufacturing, distribution of products, education, engineering and environmental services.  Learn more by clicking the links below and see event photos here.

Hope to see you next year!

Laura Armstrong                                                                                                                                           Maryland Green Registry Coordinator

A big thank you to...
Event co-sponsors: U.S. Green Building Council Maryland, Maryland Department of Commerce, Maryland Port Administration, and FSi Consulting Engineers.

Maryland Green Registry members: 
The Modest Florist for providing beautiful, locally-sourced flowers, and 
Honest Tea for providing signed copies of Mission in a Bottle to the winners.

Rebate Race co-sponsors,  Maryland Energy Administration, BGE, and ICF for providing the light meters and Kill a Watt electricity usage monitors for the  Rebate Race prize drawing.

2016 Annual Results
The combined measurable results shared by Maryland Green Registry members over the past year shows continuing progress with the largest increases in the areas of recycling, composting, and the big one, cost savings!  Click on the infographic for a closer look and keep sharing your good work with us.

For help in identifying measures for new or existing practices, take a look at these online calculators and spreadsheets or e-mail us for additional assistance.
New look for member profiles
We will be updating the online member profiles this summer with a new format that allows you to include your organization's logo in a 1 X 1 inch space. Just  e-mail us the logo and, as always, review your profile to ensure that it's up to date.
Maryland Green Registry | 410-537-4119 |