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July 2016     

Attention Talk News

In This Issue . . .   
Ever tried waving a magic wand to get someone to change? You probably discovered it just does not work! In our feature article, Dr. Terry M. Dickson of suggests it is much more effective to use encouraging words to boost confidence or build self-esteem. This method is non-judgmental and can inspire good behavior. Read his article in this issue titled "Words of Encouragement" and get seven tips to be an effective encourager.

Here's what's been happening on Attention Talk Radio recently:

What is it like to fight against your ADHD? What would it be like to work with your ADHD? Listen to this interview as Tony shares his journey in "The Impact of Securing the Right Job for Those with ADHD."

Do parents always get what they need in order to help kids with ADHD? If they don't know what they don't get, should they be open to getting help? Learn more in our show, "What Parents of ADHD Kids Don't Get."

Do goals propel creativity? Or does the pressure of goals inhibit the creative process? Get some insight in our episode, titled "Could S.M.A.R.T. Goals Obstruct Those with ADHD?"

On Attention Talk Radio, all roads seem to lead to mindfulness. Does that exclude topics like masturbating? No. It's sometimes a mindfulness exercise to help those with low or high libidos. Get insight from Dr. Ari Tuckman in our episode, titled "ADHD, Masturbation, Its Value, and the Research."
If you haven't had an opportunity to catch up on our latest videos, here's a glimpse of what's new on Attention Talk Video:

If you look in the dictionary under self-sabotage, you might find a picture of someone with ADHD. In our video titled "ADHD Lies and Rationalizations: The Art of Self-Sabotage," we address stories that those with ADHD tell themselves as a reason not to do what they should be doing or to continue doing what doesn't matter.

Ever struggle with conflicts between ADHD and values in the workplace? Our video, "ADHD Tips: Managing Morals and Value Conflicts at Work," will show you how to manage it. 

Is an interview with an expert considered as legitimate research? ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper says yes. Do you agree? Learn more in the video, "ADHD, Dyslexia, and LD: an Obvious Solution."

Can art be a means for those with ADHD to exercise their executive functioning brain and learn to organize and regulate emotion? Learn more in our video, "The Fusion of ADHD, Art, Executive Functioning, and Self-Regulation."

Are you attending to the right thing? If you haven't done it yet, download our a-Book (the "a" is for attention), "Identify YOUR Top Five Hurdles to Managing ADD/ADHD." It has tips Jeff has learned from doing over 300 interviews with ADHD experts. Let your friends know about it, too! They can download it here:
Featured Article    

Brought to you by Edge Foundation

by Terry M. Dickson, MD, ACG, CPCC
Your ADHD Family

One of the best things I learned from coach training is that you can't make someone else act or think in a certain way. You can only model good behavior and be a good example. Ultimately, each person has to take ownership for his or her life. So whether you are addressing your spouse or your child with ADHD, don't attempt to mold them like clay. It doesn't work! Besides, you can't wave the magic brain-changing wand and make ADHD symptoms go away. But there is one thing you can do: You can encourage people and build them up.

Words can build up or they can tear down. Words that tear down can be internalized and may falsely define who another person is. Words that build up may inspire another person to greatness. Discouraging words also can alienate and result in communication breakdown and lack of trust. Encouragement goes straight to the heart, however.

Knowing what a big difference encouragement has made in your own life, how can you be an encouragement to those in your family? Here are some tips:  
  1. Be aware of what encourages you and do the same for others.
  2. Write your spouse or child a note with words of encouragement.
  3. Always be specific when you offer praise: "You did a great job at _____." "I really appreciate that you _____."
  4. When you see positive changes in the other person's life, affirm that person: "You really seem to have a great attitude about _____."
  5. If encouraging thoughts come to mind, share them with your family.
  6. We all make mistakes, so look beyond fault. It may just be an opportunity for you to teach that there is much learning to be gained through failure.
  7. Remember that most people may not reach their potential without someone believing in them and taking the time to tell them so.
Published with permission.
Brought to you by CHADD


Recent Radio Shows in Our Archives

(Just click the title link)

The Impact of Securing the Right Job for Those with ADHD
Being cast in the right career is everything for those with ADHD. It can transform your life. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Tony who transformed his life by stepping out of the shadows of the traditional job at a Fortune 500 company and into a role he was meant to play. If you're a loyal listener, you know host Jeff Copper will illuminate with specificity how Tony discovered what works, the answer to challenges of shifting his paradigm to take the risk, and the positive impact made in many other aspects of his life just by casting himself correctly. If you are stuck in a job that is keeping you down, want a picture of what could happen, or just long or hope for changes, then you don't want to miss this show..
What Parents of ADHD Kids Don't Get
ADHD coaches Jeff Copper ( and Caroline Maguire ( get countless calls from parents looking for a coach for their child, teen, adolescent, or young adult. What they don't get is that oftentimes it isn't just the child, teen, adolescent, or young adult that needs coaching, but it is the parent. In this episode Jeff and Caroline discuss this dynamic, how it plays out, and why in many cases parents need coaching, as well. If what you are doing to help your child isn't working, mark your calendar and listen to this show.

Could S.M.A.R.T. Goals Obstruct Those with ADHD?  
Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely make up SMART goals. Countless motivational speakers preach them. Question is, are they the very things that inhibit those with ADHD from moving forward? Does focus on outcome blind you to the process to achieve goals? Should those with ADHD focus on outcome and figure out the process to get there, or focus on the process and use it as a compass to get to the outcome? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper banters with ADHD parenting coach Caroline Maguire ( ) on this fascinating topic. If you have read the books, gone to the webinars, gotten all jacked up, gone home, and failed to execute, this is the show that will be at the top of your list.

ADHD, Masturbation, Its Value, and the Research
At Attention Talk Radio, we like to help people with ADHD pay attention to what they are paying attention to, and our favorite guest on today's topic is Dr. Ari Tuckman ( ). In this episode we focus on sex, intimacy, and masturbation in the context of attention. As we've learned from Dr. Tuckman, some of the treatment for folks with low libido involves mindfulness, or attention training, to notice those passing sexual thoughts, feelings, desires, or fantasies and then amplify them. This obviously ties in to masturbation. Sex involves shifting attention as well, because we shift from attending to our partner's pleasure to shifting back to our own physical sensations and mental fantasies. In the context of attention, masturbation is simpler because you don't need to attend to another person and can focus on your own physical and fantasy experience. If this is true and done with intention, can sex and masturbation be used as a mindfulness exercise to help those with ADHD regulate attention? Join us and learn more.
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Video News

ADHD Lies & Rationalizations: The Art of Self-Sabotage

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is not a deficit of attention, but rather a self-regulation issue. What this means is that, often, there are things we struggle to pay attention to, and there are other times where it's not paying attention but actually stopping. Have you ever noticed how you rationalize and tell yourself lies in order to pay attention to what's in the moment? In this video, attention coach Jeff Copper discusses the power of witnessing the stories you tell yourself as a means to get out of regulating your attention or your emotion. If you struggle with ADHD, this is an awareness that will set you free. 

ADHD Tips: Managing Morals & Value Conflicts at Work
Many with ADHD often find their core values are in conflict at work. This can be very challenging, igniting emotions and making it more challenging to focus. In this video, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper ( shares a perspective that many of his coaching clients have found to be useful in managing this dilemma.

ADHD, Dyslexia, and LD: An obvious Solution 
Got dyslexia, ADHD, or LD?  Are the obvious solutions not working for you?  In this video, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper ( shares an obvious solution that works for him that might not be so obvious to you.  If you're going nowhere with the obvious, watch this video and get inspired to be creative with the not-so-obvious.  

The Fusion of ADHD, Art, Executive Functioning, and Self-Regulation 
Those with ADHD are challenged with executive functioning and self-regulation issues. In this interview ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper interviews Holly Oberacker and Tracey Bromley Goodwin ( Watch the video and learn how art can be used to develop expectative functioning skills used as an attention exercise and a tool to help those with ADHD regulate emotions. If you're skeptical about the role of play in art and helping those with ADHD, this is a show you don't want to miss. 

Thank you for watching. New videos are released weekly, so subscribe today and tell your friends about us.
Other Stuff    


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Editor's Note

Jeff Copper, Editor

Our intention is to share audio, video, and printed content to capture your interest and perhaps inspire you to pay attention to something differently. Enjoy.

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