Problems that Delay Publication of Articles
Our goal is to provide rapid and fair peer review, and to publish accepted manuscripts quickly.  Typically, manuscripts are published as an article in press within a week of acceptance.  However, sometimes the publication of articles is delayed because of problems in content.  
Importance of Metadata
When submitting a manuscript, information (metadata) must be entered into the editorial website, including the names and affiliations of authors.  To facilitate rapid publication, this metadata is used when initially publishing the paper as an article in press, and indexing it in PubMed.  Thus, incorrectly entered metadata will cause errors in the initial listings for an article (which can be corrected when proofs are issued).  Please be careful when entering metadata!
Our Podcast Collection Continues to Expand
Our collection of podcasts continues to expand. Podcasts provide a good mechanism to promote articles to other scientists, the media, and the public.   Authors of high-profile articles receive an invitation from the editor-in-chief to participate in a podcast recording, but any author can request a podcast related to their article.

Podcasts are linked to the topic article and are also posted on our podcast page.
Meet the Editors: Neeraj Gandhi
Raj Gandhi is an Associate Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Pittsburgh.  His research utilizes the oculomotor system to understand principles of sensory-to-motor transformations, with an emphasis on movement preparation and population dynamics.  Raj contributes to the editorial team on behavioral, neurophysiological, and computational studies in systems neuroscience and neuro-engineering.
New Calls for Papers Coming on July 1
Our Virtual Journal Issues ( Collections) have become very popular with readers, and are a go-to resource on hot topics in neuroscience.   Collections are populated from submissions to our Calls for Manuscripts.   Three new Calls will be issued on July 1; below is a preview.

Where are you Going? The Neurobiology of Navigation.

The 2014 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to John O'Keefe, May-Britt Moser and Edvard I. Moser "for their discoveries of cells that constitute a positioning system in the brain". Over the past two decades, considerable information has been gained about the neural systems that determine place location, map the environment, and allow animals and humans to navigate through space. This Call is for papers that provide insights into these neural systems in animal models (both vertebrates and invertebrates) and humans.

Central Pattern Generators.

Central pattern generators (CPGs) are neural networks that produce rhythmic patterned outputs. CPGs can function without sensory feedback, although feedback signals often alter the activity of these networks. CPGs control a number of motor functions in invertebrates, as well as specialized functions in vertebrates including locomotion, swallowing, and respiration. This Call is for papers that describe the composition, modulation, and function of CPGs in both invertebrates and vertebrates.

The Mouse Visual System.

Studies during the last decade have shown that mice are an important model in vision research. Aided by modern neuroscience techniques, many research labs are investigating the mouse visual system, spanning from studies of the retina and subcortical structures to visual cortex and visually-guided behaviors. This Call is for papers that use the mouse model to study the organization, function and development of the visual system.
Other Calls for Papers

Submit Soon! These Calls for Papers will close on July 1, 2016:
  • Auditory System Plasticity
  • Glial Cells and Neuronal Signaling
  • Comparative Approaches in Neurobiology
Three Other Calls will close on January 1, 2017:
  • Spinal Control of Motor Outputs
  • Building Neural Circuits: Wiring and Experience
  • Biology of Neuroengineering Interfaces
Submit your manuscript for these Calls soon, to ensure they are included in a virtual journal issue ("Collection") related to each Call.