June 2016

In This Issue....
Legal Checklist for Businesses
Recently Adopted Accounting Standards
Digital Assets Act
Wagner v. State of Maryland
Community Association Legislative Updates
Welcome New Hires

Legal Checklist for Businessesownership
When is the last time you took a look at the long-term health and sustainability of your business?  Check out our legal checklist to help assess whether a legal foundation is in place to protect your business.  

Recently Adopted Accounting Standards drones 
If you are not aware that the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) recently made some changes to generally accepted accounting standards, we are pleased to share this information.  Read more.  

Digital Assets Actend
Did you know that Digital assets are now part of your estate?  If you haven't granted authority in your estate planning documents, anyone who accesses your accounts could be committing a criminal act. Estate planning documents should be updated to allow your agents to manage your accounts.  Learn more about the Digital Assets Act. 
Wagner v. State of Maryland
In a case that will likely have far-reaching implications in Maryland, on December 17, 2015, a hotly-divided Court of Appeals ruled that a party to a joint or multiple-party bank account may be found guilty of committing theft from that account.  Read more about this case.  

Community Association Legislative Updates
Click here to read a summary of the significant bills that passed this year impacting community associations which will become law on October 1, 2016.


We are pleased to welcome two new hires.
Catherine Robinson, Attorney
Charles Slade, Of Counsel   



Tax Planning & Litigation 

Estate Planning & Elder Law  

Estate, Trust, Probate & Guardianship Litigation  



Davis Agnor Rapaport & Skalny
10211 Wincopin Circle | Suite 600
Columbia, Maryland 21044
410.995.5800 | www.darslaw.com