The 7 Deadly Sins of the Entrepreneur
Presented by Will Shain, Founder & President
The Seven Deadly Sins are alive and well in small businesses today. Far from being an overused religious holdover from the Dark Ages, the deadly sins are practiced diligently by entrepreneurs everywhere, whether they know it or not.

There is something to be said for any concept that catches the public imagination for more than fifteen centuries, highlighted by religious doctrine and popular literature. So why not invest one hour (an extended coffee break) and start your day off with some practical insight.
In this workshop, you will learn to recognize the Seven Deadly Sins of Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Wrath, Greed, Envy and Pride, if they exist in your business. But if they do, you will come away with tangible solutions to neutralize the "sins" in your business that take away from operational efficiency, company productivity and profitable growth.

Last Chance to Register!
Thursday, June 30
8:00-9:00 am
at the Plymouth Area Chamber of Commerce
134 Court Street, Plymouth MA
Seminar is FREE to attend, registration is required.

The first seven (7) to sign up and attend this event will receive a copy of the Amazon best seller, "Timeless Principles of Exceptional Businesses - Shared Wisdom from 25 Years of TAB".
Everyone will leave with an action plan.
There is no cost to this June 30th workshop... but you will leave with priceless solutions to improve your business performance, provided by the instructor and your fellow "advisors".