Ladies First Newsletter
June 2016
Cervical Cancer and HPV

What is cervical cancer?

The cervix is the opening at the lower part of your uterus (womb). Cancer can grow here in the same way that it grows in other parts of the body. Sometimes there are changes in the cervical cells, called dysplasia. Cells that have dysplasia can become cervical cancer if left untreated. The good news is, cells that have dysplasia can be removed before they lead to cervical cancer, and cervical cancer can be cured if found at an early stage.

What is HPV?

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the virus that causes cervical cancer. HPV is a common sexually transmitted virus; most adults get it at some time in their lives. It's important to note that HPV is not the same as HIV (the virus that causes AIDS) or HSV (the virus that causes herpes). Most people don't realize that they have HPV and their body fights it off naturally. There are many types of HPV, only some types, called high-risk types, lead to cervical cancer. High risk HPV can lead to cervical cancer if it stays in your body for a long time.
How do I know if I have HPV or cervical cancer? 

Want to know more about the effects of HPV and cervical cancer?
Watch this inspiring documentary, narrated by Vanessa Williams.
Move U!
Summertime Fitness

As summer approaches it is easier to get outside and get moving. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends 30 minutes of physical activity a day, five times a week. Physical Activity is anything that gets your body moving and burns calories. Walking is an easy way to get outside and also get some exercise!

Start with a short distance and an easy pace. Focus on your posture and breathe deeply. You can pick up the pace and include brisk intervals as you go. Don't forget to stretch!

Walking isn't for you? Remember that Ladies First offers free memberships to Curves and other local fitness centers.
Whether you enjoy swimming, biking, or lawn games, something is always better than nothing!

Looking for a nice place to walk?
Ladies First can also provide free local walking trail maps. Contact us for more information!

Want more information on walking? Check out these articles from the AHA:
What to wear
The right shoes
Preventing injury

Food Adventures
Smoothie Time!

Smoothies are sweet, refreshing and satisfying: perfect for summer! Green smoothies have the added benefit of helping you get the recommended daily 3 cups of vegetables.

Tips for making a great smoothie:
  • Add the liquid to the blender first
  • If your blender has speeds: start blending slowly, gradually increase speed
  • If you add too much liquid: add a few extra cubes of ice to thicken
  • Add flax seeds or chia seeds for a boost of omega-3 fatty acids
  • Add cinnamon for subtle sweetness without extra sugar
  • Add dried dates or figs for natural sweetness with fiber
  • Add avocado for creaminess
  • Experiment! Use the fruits and veggies that you have at home, you might come up with a new favorite!
Need some inspiration? Check out these easy recipes:

Tropical Green Smoothie
Kale-Apple Smoothie

Feeling Adventurous?
Try this Vanilla Lime Green Smoothie

Around Vermont
Vermont Farmer's Markets

Farmer's Markets provide the freshest fruits and vegetables and also help support the local economy.

Stay tuned to the Ladies First Facebook page for information about Ladies First member meetups and events!

Find a Farmer's Market Near You!

Here's to a healthier you!