Volume III, Issue 24

June 13, 2016
Big Pharma's Sleight of Hand 
MD Whistleblower writes on June 12, 2016:

The promotional material that pharmaceutical representatives present to doctors is riddled with soft deception.

A favorite from their bag of tricks is to rely upon relative value rather than absolute value.

The author concludes:

Like all skilled magicians, these guys are expert at distraction and sleight of hand. Hint: Whenever you hear the word 'percent', as in "35% of patients responded...", you should pay particular attention.
...I've taken you behind the curtain here. Let's make it a fair fight between us and illusionists.
Justices Eye Constitutionality Of Malpractice Caps
The News Service Of Florida via Health News Florida reports on Jun 10, 2016:
More than a dozen years after a fierce political fight about the state's medical malpractice laws, the Florida Supreme Court on Thursday heard arguments about the constitutionality of limits on damages in malpractice lawsuits.
The Broward County case stems from injuries suffered in 2007 by dental assistant Susan Kalitan, who went into surgery for carpal-tunnel syndrome and ended up with a perforated esophagus because of tubes inserted into her mouth and esophagus during the anesthesia process.
The Supreme Court's ultimate ruling likely will address the most-controversial issue in the Legislature's 2003 overhaul of the medical-malpractice system: whether non-economic damages, commonly known as pain and suffering damages, should be capped.
The question doctors should ask before ordering a test
James C. Salwitz, MD, an oncologist, in a June 8, 2016 KevinMD post, writes:
Doctors have several bad habits. They order piles of tests just to get a vague, unfocused view of a patient's health. They order expensive and invasive tests to rule out the unlikely or extraordinarily rare. The worst "bad test habit" is when doctors order a test, which, no matter what the result, will not change what they are planning to do.
According to the author:

It boils down to this. Have a clear understanding of how a particular test is going to change the plan. Do not go hunting in the dark and do not be fooled that unnecessary tests bring reassurance.



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