November 26, 2014
Living Well 

Recently Beth Johnson, Lisa Montgomery, Andrea Nowack and I had the opportunity to attend a 3-day training conference introducing us to the work of Living Compass, an organization based in our own Diocese of Chicago that raises up congregational leaders to serve as Congregational Wellness Advocates in their home parishes.  As founder of Living Compass, Scott Stoner likes to say, while wellness may be popular today (think of the plethora of day spas and workout facilities in Evanston alone!), the church has been in the business of wellness for more than 2000 years!  Living Compass approaches wellness from the perspective of integrating wellness and Christian spirituality - "the integration of ancient spiritual principles and modern understandings of wellness." 


Beth, Lisa, Andrea and I are the beginning of St. Mark's "wellness council" and we look forward to sharing wellness information and programs with St. Mark's.  As a starting point, on Sunday, November 30, everyone will receive an Advent meditation book called Living Well through Advent 2014.  Each day you will find a brief meditation and a question or two for reflection.  We hope that you will use this tool - by yourself, with a friend, with your family - through Advent to help you recognize God's presence in your daily life.  On two Sundays in Advent - December 14 and 21 -  Lisa will be offering an adult forum based on the resources in this book.  I hope you will plan to join her.


In addition to this meditation book, on the Sundays in December, we will have computer stations set up in the Parlor and in the Library where you can log in to a website to take the Living Compass Self-Assessment Tool survey which will give you a snapshot of your state of balance, wholeness and wellness across eight categories (spirituality, rest and play, vocation, organization, care for the body, stress resiliency, relationships, and handling emotions).  You will receive your results as an individual and, Lisa, Beth, Andrea and I will receive the aggregate results of St. Mark's (your individual results will be visible only to you).  This will provide us with a snapshot of St. Mark's wellness and where we might focus our attentions in the year ahead.


If you would like to learn more about the Living Compass or if you would like to sign-up to receive a weekly "Words of Wellness" e-mail, I encourage you to visit


- Pastor Debra+

In the baptismal covenant, we are asked, "Will you continue in the apostles' teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers?" and we respond, "I will, with God's help."

First Sunday of Advent: Isaiah 64:1-9; 1 Corinthians 1:3-9; Mark 13:24-37


"Restore us, O God of hosts; show the light of your countenance, and we shall be saved."  -Psalm 80:7 


Christmas Poinsettias

One of the beautiful ways in which we mark the difference between the season of Advent and the joyous celebration of the Feast of the Incarnation is in the way we adorn our sanctuary. All are invited to help us create a festive display by contributing money toward poinsettias. Contributions may be given in memory of a loved one or in thanksgiving or honor of someone special. There are forms available for this purpose in the Parlor or from the church office. The requested minimum donation is $20 per name. After our Christmas celebrations, the plants are delivered to our homebound parishioners and to others in the community to enjoy. Please make checks payable to St. Mark's Episcopal Church and indicate "Christmas Flowers" in the memo line or place cash in an envelope clearly marked Christmas Flowers. Requests to remember or honor loved ones in this way, must be in to the church office no later than Sunday, December 14.

Acolyte Commissioning

On the First Sunday of Advent, November 30, at our 10:30 a.m. worship, six new acolytes will be commissioned.  Some have already begun serving, others will begin their ministry in the weeks to come.  Each of them is a blessing to our worship and our community. Please join us as we celebrate the ministries of Elia Basha, Sara Basha, Leela Gaede, Kate Johnson, Eva Sondgeroth, and Wesley Urbanowski among us.

Thanksgiving Services

Wednesday, November 26 at 7:00 p.m.: join us at Unity on the North Shore, 3434 Central Street, Evanston, as we gather with more than 40 communities of faith who make up Interfaith Action of Evanston to express our collective gratitude for the many blessings expressed in this annual celebration of Evanston's spiritual diversity. Through prayer, message and music, including a special performance by an interfaith choir, we'll reaffirm the sacred bonds of unity with each other and all the world. A free-will offering will be received and given to Interfaith Action of Evanston to continue their work of bringing people together to serve hungry and homeless people, pursue interfaith dialogue, and engage in advocacy that promotes social justice. Everyone is welcome.


Thursday, November 27 at 9:30 a.m.: St. Mark's and St. Luke's Episcopal Churches of Evanston will gather in the sanctuary of St. Mark's for worship including scripture readings, hymn singing, prayers, and Eucharist. Everyone is welcome to join in this celebration of Thanksgiving. Feel free to come in your "I'm-in-the-middle-of-making-Thanksgiving-dinner" clothes (a.k.a. grease spatters and aprons welcome)!

This Week's Lay Ministers

Thank you to the following individuals for bringing their best gifts to God in ministries at St. Mark's. If you would like to become involved, please contact Pastor Debra. 

  • Lector: Michael Johnson & Tacia Johnson
  • Eucharistic Ministers: Lynette Murphy & Milner Seifert
  • Acolytes: Abigail Seifert, Leela Gaede
  • Altar Guild: Pat Bent & Beth Johnson
  • Flower Guild: Virginia Beatty
  • Vestry Persons of the Day: Dale Seifert & Rima Lockwood
  • Ushers: Susan Lewis, Fred Lewis, Lisa Montgomery
  • Coffee Hour Snacks: Everyone
  • Welcoming New Worshippers: All the People of St. Mark's
Christian Formation
Lifelong Christian faith formation is important for lifelong growth in the knowledge, service and love of God as followers of Christ. Regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey, no matter what season of life you are in, you are invited to enter into a prayerful of continuous learning.
Upcoming Adult Forums

On the Sundays of December 14 and 21, all are invited to join Lisa Montgomery in Bethlehem Chapel from 9:30 - 10:15 a.m. for a time of reflection and conversation based on the "Living Well through Advent 2014" meditation booklet. If you do not have a copy of the booklet, they are available in the Parlor and will be handed out at both worship services on Sunday, November 30.  

Christmas Pageant

On Sundays in Advent - November 30, December 7, 14, and 21 - we will hold Christmas Pageant rehearsals from 9:30 - 10:15 a.m. in the Ages 3 - 5 Sunday School Classroom. This will be the only children's formation for these four weeks and we hope that all children will participate (even if you will not be present on Christmas Eve). This year's pageant will include many favorite Christmas carols and we look forward to all the children learning the words and music to these wonderful traditional songs.


The Pageant dress rehearsal will take place on Tuesday, December 23rd from 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. This will be a full dress rehearsal and parents who would like to have photos to remember this year's pageant are encouraged to attend as this will be the only opportunity for "staged" photos.


The Pageant itself will take place on Wednesday, December 24th at the 4:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Worship Service. If you have any questions about the pageant, please be in touch with David ([email protected]), Milner ([email protected]), Patty ([email protected]), Liz ([email protected]) or Pastor Debra ([email protected]).

Where are you today? Lonely and afraid? Joyful and confident? Somewhere in between? Wherever you are in your journey of faith, know that there is a place for you here, companionship for the journey in this community gathered.

Annual Ladies Day Out 

On Saturday, December 13, the women and girls of St. Mark's will continue their annual tradition of shopping and lunch together.  This year we are going to Highland Park where we can shop in all the lovely stores and then have a scrumptious  lunch at  Cafe Central -- 455 Central Avenue --  12:00 noon.  We can meet in front of Cafe Central at 11:00 and shop together and then return to the restaurant for lunch.  Please  let us know  if you can join us on December 13 for this fun event -- our deadline is December 5.   Also let us know if you will need a ride.
Tacia Johnson 847-328-0993 [email protected]

Dorothy Laudati 847-491-1026 [email protected] 

Men's Group 
St. Mark's Men's Group meets at Walker Bros. in Wilmette at 7:30 AM when there is a fifth Saturday in the month.  That will be Saturday, Nov. 29th.  Hope to see you there.  Questions?  Bruce Gaede - 847-274-0541 or [email protected].
This Week at Saint Mark's


November 26

7:00 p.m.


Thanksgiving Service,

Unity on the

North Shore,




November 27

Thanksgiving Day - Office Closed


9:30 a.m.

Holy Eucharist, Sanctuary



November 28

8:30 a.m.

Social Justice  

and Outreach Team

to Walmart,




November 30

8:00 a.m.

Holy Eucharist - Traditional,

Lady Chapel


9:30 a.m.

Christmas Pageant Rehearsal,

All Children Together


10:30 a.m.

Holy Eucharist

with Music and Commissioning of Acolytes,



12:00 noon

Handbell Choir Rehearsal,



6:15 p.m.

Confirm not Conform Dinner & Session with Mentors,

Cunningham Hall



December 1

7:00 p.m.

Evanston String Quartet Rehearsal,




December 2

7:00 p.m.

Budget & Finance

Team Meeting, Volunteer Office


7:30 p.m.


Cunningham Hall



December 3

6:00 p.m.

Music Night

(ages 5 and up),

Choir Room


6:30 p.m.

Music Night

(youth and adults), Choir Room


8:00 p.m.

Evanston English Country Dancers, Cunningham Hall

November Birthdays

Nov. 2

Aina Gutierrez


Nov. 3

Donald Lindstrom,

Judy Kopp


Nov. 6

Mason Rocca


Nov. 8

Elizabeth Furlong


Nov. 9 

Betsy Sagan


Nov. 11 

Ovaldo Buntin


Nov. 13 

Debbie Nee,

Compton Chase-Lansdale


Nov. 18 

Tori Gallegos


Nov. 20 

Jane McCarron


Nov. 21

Ruth Duck,

Cath Carpenter


Nov. 23 

Sadie Mysen


Nov. 25 

Mickey Loewenstein


Nov. 27 

Nia Himrod


Nov. 28 

Dorothy Laudati,

Katie Gallegos

November Anniversaries

Nov. 8 

David and Shannon Najem


Nov. 11 

Manel Valdes-Cruz and Phyllis Lyons

Nov. 23

Donald and Bonnie Lindstrom

Annual Saint Mark's Guild / ECW Christmas Party and Dinner

Saint Mark's Guild/ECW most cordially invites the women and girls of St. Mark's to be our guest at the Annual Saint Mark's Guild Christmas Party and Dinner on Tuesday, December 16 at 6:30 pm at the home of Betsy and John Sagan, 1314 Forest Avenue, Evanston. This year's entertainment will be a GLORIOUS GRAB BAG GIFT exchange, so if you would like to participate, bring a "grabbable" gift (please spend no more than $10.), something which is fun. functional and/or funky. Please let us know if you can attend by calling or emailing: Tacia Johnson, 847/328-0993, [email protected] or Dorothy Laudati, 847/491-1026, [email protected] no later than December 12th. Guests and neighbors are welcome.

Caroling, Carol Sing, and Cookies

On Sunday, December 21st, SMAC (St. Mark's Youth Group) invites everyone in the congregation to join them in caroling, followed by a carol sing. We will leave St. Mark's at 2 p.m. to sing at Albany Care, an Intermediate Care Facility dedicated to the treatment and recovery of individuals suffering from chronic mental illnesses. Afterwards, if it's not TOO cold, we'll do some door-to-door caroling around the St. Mark's neighborhood. Around 4 p.m. we'll gather at the Rectory for hot cocoa, coffee, cookies and an old-fashioned Carol Sing. If you are not able to join us for Caroling at 2 p.m., we hope you'll join us at the Rectory at 4 p.m. for the Carol Sing - a great St. Mark's tradition returns! Feel free to wear a "fancy" or "funny" Christmas sweater of hat! 

Evanston English Country Dancers

Evanston English Country Dancers meet in Cunningham Hall on alternate Wednesday evenings beginning at 8 p.m. All dances are taught and prompted and include English Country dances devised from pre-1650 to the present. Once a month, live music is performed by Putting on Aires; other Wednesdays, the music is from an extensive CD collection. Please come with or without a partner. Wear comfortable shoes (the type you would use to walk a mile) and casual clothing. The fee is $5 ($3 for students). For more information, contact Tom Senior at 847-606-8704 or [email protected]. Upcoming dates are December 3 and December 17.

InterPlay for Adults

The Chicago InterPlay community offers weekly community classes at St. Mark's each Tuesday from 7:30-9:00 pm, with doors open at 7:15 pm for registration and meeting other participants. The cost to attend the classes is $10 per class or $40 for a five class card ($8 per class). InterPlay is an easy to learn creative process that invites participants to express themselves through storytelling, movement and vocalization. InterPlayers across the world are celebrating its 25th birthday this year. To learn more about InterPlay, visit and You can also email event leaders Christina Ernst at [email protected] or Jeff Breting at [email protected].

SMAC (Youth Group) in December

On Sunday, December 21st all in grades 6 - 12 are invited to stay after worship for an afternoon of fun! We will eat lunch together and then decorate cookies which we will be sharing later in the day. At 2 p.m. we will leave St. Mark's to go caroling around the neighborhood and at Albany Cares. At 4 p.m. we will share the decorated cookies with the St. Mark's community at a Carol Sing / open house at the Rectory. Activities will conclude around 6 p.m. We hope you'll join us for this day of cookies, caroling, and carol sings! Please remember to dress for the weather --- hats, gloves, scarves (you get the idea!). If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Debra at [email protected]; text 847-732-9564 or Deane at [email protected]; text 231-313-9217.

♪♫ Music Night ♫♫


There will be no Music Night on Wednesday, November 26. We will resume on Wednesday, December 3.  


Each Wednesday from 6:00-7:30pm, our associate for Music Ministries, David Plank, will be leading "Music Night" at St. Mark's. People with any level of musical background-even those with no music experience-are welcome to come upstairs to the choir room. Younger children, starting at age five, are welcome to join with all ages from 6:00-6:30. Youth and adults can come (or continue) from 6:30-7:30. Please contact David with any questions you may have at [email protected].

Social Justice & Outreach Opportunities

St. Mark's continues its commitment to young people through its many social justice and outreach opportunities. Each Sunday we pray, "Bring newness and change to our streets, O God, that we might commit ourselves to our young people and address the epidemic of gun violence which plagues our communities, our country, and the world. Awake, O Streets, rise from death!" Following are a list of ways in which you can get involved with the St. Mark's community in helping to create a better world.

Producemobile - Tuesday, December 9

On the 2nd Tuesday of each month, Interfaith Action of Evanston teams up with the Greater Chicago Food Depository to bring free, fresh produce to our neighbors in need. The distribution takes place from 9:30 - 11:30 at the Robert Crown Center. Volunteers are needed from 8:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. If you are able to help on December 9, please send an e-mail to Pastor Debra, [email protected] or sign-up at Thank you to St. Mark's November volunteers: Nasim Alexander, Debra Bullock, Bruce Gaede, Betsy Johnson, Lisa Montgomery, Chris Schultze, Abigail Seifert, Austin Suvari, and Jacqui Zeng. 

People of Faith Stand Up for Worker Justice: St. Mark's Black Friday Action

On Black Friday - the biggest shopping day of the year - members of the Social Justice and Outreach Ministry Team and other interested members of St. Mark's will be gathering at Walmart in Niles to join Walmart workers in holding Walmart accountable for their poor treatment of workers. Why? Because we people of faith, gather in one accord, acknowledge that God sees ". . . people oppressed. . ." and God hears ". . . their cry of injustice. . . " (Exodus 3:7-8, CBE) because of the working conditions and low wages that deprive them from fully providing their families with fair living. And, because the Waltons (who own Walmart) could decide tomorrow to pay a fair wage to workers who help the company make $16 billion in annual profits.


Those who wish to carpool together should meet at St. Mark's by 8:30 a.m. on Friday, November 28th for a prompt departure or you may choose to meet us at Walmart, 5630 W. Touhy Avenue, Niles at 9 a.m. where we will pray a Litany of Confession and Commitment, take a group photo and share it on social media, invite you to sign a petition supporting Walmart workers' calls for $15/hr and access to full-time hours, deliver the petition to the manager inside the store, and, we willtake a stand together, joining our voices with countless others across the nation who are standing up for worker justice on Black Friday.


More information - including a sign up form, the petition for those who would like to read and sign in advance - are available in the parlor. St. Mark's is proud to be an Interfaith Worker Justice Congregation! OR, you can sign-up online at   

ReVive Christmas Basket Program

St. Mark's once again has the opportunity to share our Christmas spirit and gifts with families on the west side of Chicago by participating in the annual "Christmas Basket" program sponsored by ReVive Center for Housing and Healing (formerly Cathedral Shelter).  Information about each of the eleven families assigned to St. Mark's, along with instructions and sign-up sheets can be found in the Parlor.  The deadline to return all wrapped and labelled gifts is November 30th.  For further information call or see Dave Himrod (847-864-7815).

ReVive "Christmas Baskets" -- Thank You!

On behalf of the Chicago West Side families, the Outreach/Social Justice team thanks parishioners who have contributed gifts to the ReVive (formerly Cathedral Shelter) Christmas Basket program.  See or call Dave Himrod (847)-864-7815 if there are any questions.

Sesquicentennial Anniversary Blood Drive

LifeSource will continue to accept donations. to help us meet our goal of 150 blood donations to mark our 150th anniversary year. Please sign-up at to donate at LifeSource, 2436 Main Street, Evanston, at a time that is convenient for you. When you donate blood, identity our blood drive by using the special code O57G (zero, five, seven, g). If you have any questions please contact Donna Richardson at 847-677-0701.

Other Announcements

Building Work

Some of you have already noticed the "upgrades" taking place at St. Mark's - ceiling repaired in the women's restroom in the Parish House, most of the water damage to the walls in the sanctuary taken care of. But, there's more to come. Roof repairs have begun and we will soon have leak-free roofing again! Next spring will bring some masonry improvements . . . Thanks to your generous giving and to the legacy of St. Mark's Saints, the vestry has determined not to undertake a capital campaign at this time. However, if you would like to make a donation to capital repairs at any time, you are, of course, encouraged to do so - simply make a note on your check that it is for capital repairs. And, if you haven't already, please do remember St. Mark's in your will.

Gift Shop Sale - Thank You!

Thank you to all who made the Gift Shop and Bake Sale a success. At this time we believe we will clear around $900, which will be transferred to the St. Mark's Capital Projects Account when figures are complete. The Sale will continue in a reduced form and with reduced prices on Dec. 7 (not Thanksgiving weekend, except for remaining baked goods). Special thanks go to the many who helped make the event happen (with apologies to anyone whose name is omitted here): Allison Ashley, Helen and John Baker, Virginia Beatty, Louise Behrends, Pat Bent, Dalia Benz, Ellie Bergman, Mary Pat Buckley, Rachel Easton, Lynn Erikson, Katie and Tori Gallegos, Lori Goede, Joanna Greene, Mary Hair, Mary Hair Graham, Anne Heinz, Beth Johnson, Tacia Johnson, Dorothy Laudati, Lizzie Lele, Bonnie & Don Lindstrom, Rima Lockwood, John Lucadamo, Carol Martin, Natasha Oussenko, Rudy Burke, Donna Richardson, Liz Stout, Dorothy Szczepaniak, Zubaira Waraich and Pastor Debra (for her patience with the process). You made a great team. Lola Himrod

Sesquicentennial Photos

If you took photos during any of our Sesquicentennial events, Bruce Gaede would love to have copies. You can put actual photos in his mail folder in the hallway of the Parish House OR you can e-mail digital files to him at [email protected]. Also, if you enjoy scrapbooking and would like to help compile a Sesquicentennial Album, please contact [email protected].

Social Media and St. Mark's

If you have your mobile device it would be good if you put it on silent when in worship. But if anything in Sunday's service - a prayer, reading, hymn or the sermon-moves you, please feel free to tweet it or post it to Facebook #StMarkEvanston. While you're at it, "check-in" with us on Foursquare!


St. Mark's website has up-to-date information on all that's new at St. Mark's - including a current calendar of events - check it out at Also, we are on Facebook and Twitter! Find us at  and follow us @StMarkEvanston. 

St. Mark's Anniversary History Booklet

The Sesquicentennial Steering Committee is pleased to announce that St. Mark's Anniversary History booklets have been printed and are now ready for distribution to parishioners. Members of the parish can pick up their copies in the parlorthroughout the season of Advent. The committee wishes to express our appreciation to Bruce Gaede, church historian, for assembling and editing the booklet. If parishioners would like to purchase an additional copies, the cost is $5 per copy.

In The Community

God calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Loving finds all of its meaning in relationship. The following are opportunities to be in relationship with one another and with the community of Evanston.

Race and Healthcare: Dealing with the Disparity

As part of the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center's RACE Exhibit, a panel discussion moderated by Dr. Daniel Vicencio, Medical Director, Mercy Family Health Center and hosted by North Shore University Health System at Evanston Hospital will take place at the Museum, 9603 Woods Drive, Skokie on Tuesday, December 2 at 3 p.m. Registration is required due to limited seating. RSVP to [email protected].

"Blessed to Be a Blessing: 5th Annual Musical Program"

The H. E. Lane Center for Positive Change announces their 5th Annual Musical Program, "Blessed to Be a Blessing" on Saturday, December 6 from 6 - 8 p.m. at the Unitarian Church of Evanston, 1330 Ridge Avenue. Many area pastors will participate in a "Pastor's Chorus" and any other singers (or want-to-be singers) are welcome to sing as well. Rehearsals will take place on Mondays. For more information, call 847-769-2736.

Race and Law: Criminal Justice and Immigration

As part of the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center's RACE Exhibit, a panel discussion including Dr. Jacqueline Battalora, St. Xavier University; Lonnie Nasitir, Anti- Defamation League; Patrick Keenan- Devlin, Moran Center for Youth Advocacy; and Dr. Juan Perea, Loyola University Law School will take place at the Museum, 9603 Woods Drive, Skokie on Sunday, December 7 at 1:30 p.m. Registration is required due to limited seating. RSVP to [email protected].

For All Adults Who Value Reading Aloud to Children 

Reading aloud to children is a proven, simple practice for creating the enthusiastic readers of tomorrow. Join Brian Wilson, EPL Children's Librarian as he shares his picks for Best Picture Books of 2014 on Saturday, December 13, 10:30 AM, in the Evanston Public Library Community Meeting Room. Parents, teachers, child care workers, grandparents and anyone else who values reading aloud to young children at home, in school, in child care or playgroups will enjoy "Mr. Brian's" lively presentation. Participants will also get great ideas for picture books that make great gifts.(NOTE: This event is for adults only!) For more about Mr. Brian, check out his blog at

Carols by Candlelight: A Holiday Sing-Along 
The Chicago Chamber Choir continues its 19th season with Carols by Candlelight: A Holiday Sing-Along. Celebrate the glow of the season with enchanting and cherished holiday music, in which audience members are invited to sing along with their favorite carols. Surrounded by candles and holiday greenery, the rich voices of CCC will ring in the season with contemporary and traditional settings of exquisite carols, including "I Wonder as I Wander," Lauridsen's "O Magnum Mysterium," "Angels We Have Heard on High," and "The Christmas Song." What better way to kick off your Christmas holiday? Saturday, December 20 at 3 p.m., St. Mark's Church. $20 adults / $10 children and students with ID. Tickets are available online at or by calling 312-409-6890.
Parish Prayer List

If you would like your loved ones added to (or deleted from) the prayer list at any time, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. Thank you.

We bid your prayers for: Helen Baker, Louise Behrends, Ellen and Tom Bergman, Veronica Braithwaite, John Burnham, Karen Cornelius, Kendric Das, Bob Easton, Lynn Erickson, Hal Griffith, Mary Hair, Charlie and Judy Kopp, Ann Lettner, Ayden Lettner, Grace Lettner, Kathy Lettner, Mary O'Dowd, Jan and Jeri Offutt, Joan Barr Smith, Carol Albertson, Carol Beatty, Barbara Bishop, Dorothy Clark, Ward Clarke, JoAnne Gilburg, Dave and Jan Gurniak, Henry Gutierrez, Kaileen Hogan-Brink, Erma Johnson Hadley, Katie Iles, Yvonne Johns, OJ Mabwa, Margot, Deborah Russell, Colleen Schoen, Ean and Neale Smith, Tim and his family, Jill Vannattam.


We pray for the people in: the Diocese of Southeast Mexico and in the Diocese of Renk.

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St. Mark's Episcopal Church | 847-864-4806 | [email protected] |
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
1509 Ridge Avenue
Evanston, IL 60201