Spring Branch Speaks
... to make our voices heard in Austin

Dear Spring Branch Speaks Member:

You are probably aware that the Texas Supreme Court recently ruled against 600 of the state's school districts, including SBISD, by holding that the current Texas school finance system is constitutional -- even though the court sharply criticized the school finance system as "byzantine" and deserving of transformational reforms. 
How does the current finance system with recapture payments affect Spring Branch ISD?

 * Recapture (sometimes called "Robin Hood") payments to the state are continuing to increase dramatically. Spring Branch paid $8.2 million to the state in recapture payments in 2015. Recapture increased to $33.1 million in 2016 and is expected to double to $66.1 million in 2017. The 2018 recapture payment is projected to increase to $91 MILLION.
* As property taxes rise, SBISD is expected to owe the state MORE than the amount of additional taxes collected due to value growth. Due to value increases, this year tax payers are writing $28 million in additional taxes payable to SBISD, yet the district must pay the State $33 million in recapture payments- MORE than the additional amount collected by the value increase.
* More than half (57%) of all of the students in Spring Branch ISD are economically disadvantaged, but the current recapture system does not fairly take that into account. 
What is SBISD doing?

* SBISD is actively working with 30 of the state's largest school districts to present a new financial formula that is equitable for all.
* SBISD has implemented a modified zero-based budgeting process to streamline and save funds.
* SBISD is reorganizing some positions and has been forced to eliminate salary raises (the administration has proposed a one percent one-time bonus for next year to provide some additional compensation to all of our valued employees).
What can I do?

* We will need your help and your voice this fall when we begin contacting legislators.
* Like our page on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter.
* Share this information with your friends and encourage them to join Spring Branch Speaks.
You have questions? We have answers. We will be posting answers to commonly asked questions on our web site. Check back this summer for answers to questions like this:
Q. How did we build so many new schools if our financial situation is so bad?

A. Schools were built under a bond program approved by voters in 2007.  The bond program has been so successful (and efficiently run) that we were able to build one more elementary school than originally envisioned. That means that the bond money approved by voters in 2007 built 13 new elementary schools. Bond money also funded hundreds of major renovation and critical maintenance projects and upgraded safety and security at all campuses. 

Spring Branch Speaks



Spring Branch Speaks

Parent-organized community outreach with SBISD in mind.


Spring Branch ISD educates a diverse community of 35,000 students on 46 campuses, including 57% economically disadvantaged students and 33% limited-English-proficient (ESL) students.


(Forward this email to your family and friends - ask them to join, too: www.SpringBranchSpeaks.com)


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