Bite-Size Blog #2

After launching this new generation of blogs earlier this week, I have received 100% positive responses from my readers. So, here is my second "BSB" -- featuring one of America's favorite topics:

BSB #2 -- The Basics of Weight Loss

A few months ago, I posted a regular blog entitled: Best weight-loss video EVER.

In a nutshell, that video by Jeff Nelson of VegSource, suggested how we can lower our caloric intake without feeling hungry. Just load up on more whole, plant-based foods that have a low caloric density per pound. For example, most veggies, fruits, beans and legumes average between  100 and 600 calories per pound. 

By contrast, foods like bread, cheese, chocolate, crackers, nuts, avocado and popcorn have a much higher caloric density, averaging around 2,000 calories per pound.

Want to lose weight? Take a look at your "routine" meals & snacks, the ones you eat several times a week. Then, tweak them by replacing some of the calorically dense foods with more whole plants that have fewer calories per pound. 

By changing your eating routine in this manner, you will begin to lose weight as you burn more calories than you consume. Here is a chart for your refrigerator that may help.

Our new book has a complete chapter entitled

Our new book--published August 2015
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Sincerely, Jim

J. Morris Hicks
4Leaf Global, LLC
5 William Street
Rumson, NJ 07760
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