June 7, 2016 |

Click the book to see the details of this two-hour event with Justin McShane and Michael Giaramita Jr., the authors of Pennsylvania Gun Law: Armed and Educated. Hope to see you there!  
In the accompanying video, U.S. Law Shield of Pennsylvania Independent Program Attorney Justin McShane discusses the law when it comes to aggressive dogs and firearms. Click the dog to watch the attorney's presentation or read a transcript of McShane's remarks.
In Pennsylvania, when can a law-abiding gun owner use defensive force in protection of a third party? U.S. Law Shield of Pennsylvania Independent Program Attorney Justin McShane addresses this very important topic. Click his picture to read more.
Hundreds of gun-control supporters recently staged a rally at the Capitol Rotunda in support of tougher gun laws. Click to see one representative's forecast that the measures have no chance of passing.
In Pennsylvania, State Senator Vincent Hughes plans on reintroducing a bill that would require every firearm sold in the Commonwealth to be a "smart gun." Click to comment on whether you think that is such a smart idea.
Thanks to you and all of your support, U.S. Law Shield is now available to the law-abiding gun owners of Ohio and Kansas. 
Justice Department documents show that weapons sent from the U.S. into Mexico as part of the Obama Administration's Operation Fast and Furious gun-running program have been widely used by major Mexican drug cartels. Click to see the human toll.
Michele Byington, of the Houston-based firm of Walker & Byington and Independent Program Attorney for Texas Law Shield, recently appeared on 700 WLW Radio in Cincinnati. Click the logo to hear her discuss why "reasonable" gun owners simply want what the Constitution says. 
The terms "bail" and "bond" get tossed around frequently when criminal defendants are temporarily released from custody, but they are actually different things. Click the Benjamins to learn about the subtleties.
The New York Post reported that when NYPD officers fired nine shots at a man, four of them failed to penetrate his Carhartt canvas jacket. Fluke or feature? Click the pockmarked jacket to find out.

Ruger's 10/22 Takedown Lite combines the attributes of the 10/22 Takedown line with a new, lighter-weight barrel and the Ruger Modular Stock System. Click the rifle's photos to see how little this plinker weighs.
National Firearms Act Program